• S. Tao, Y. Xu, K. Liu, J. Pan, S. Gou
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 203-210

    With the deepening of climate change research, more attention has been paid to vulnerability to climate change. Compared with water resources, forests and other natural ecosystems, [...]

  • G. Tang, Y. Ding, S. Wang, G. Ren, H. Liu, L. Zhang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). Vol. 1 pp. 11-19

    Temperature change plays a crucial role in global change sciences. In the past several decades, comprehensive findings have been achieved on temperature change in China for [...]

  • W. Su-Qin, G. Yuan, Z. Bo, W. Hai-Jun, L. Min, S. Rui-Qin, W. Kai
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013).

    Based on the observations from 239 meteorological stations located in Central China (Henan, Hubei and Hunan provinces), this paper focuses on the climate change facts during [...]

  • N. Su-Ping, L. Yong, L. Wei-Ping, W. Tong-Wen, S. Xue-Li, W. Zai-Zhi
    Advances in Climate Change Research (1980).

    A series of quality control (QC) procedures were performed on a gauge-based global daily precipitation dataset from the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) for the period [...]

  • L. Song, G. Rong, L. Ying, W. Guo-Fu
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 1-6

    The characteristics of haze days and the climatic background are analyzed by using daily observations of haze, precipitation, mean and maximum wind speed of 664 meteorological [...]

  • Z. Song-Li, W. Wen-Tao
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013). Vol. 4(25) pp. 60-68

    Based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, the UNFCCC has different requirements on national GHG inventories submitted by Annex I and non-Annex [...]

  • K. Shum
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). Vol. 1 pp. 107-108

  • T. Shi, Y. Huang, H. Wang, C. Shi, Y. Yang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 7-15

    In this paper, five national meteorological stations in Anhui province are taken as typical examples to explore the effects of local urbanization on their thermal environment [...]

  • P. Shi, G. Zhang, F. Kong, Q. Ye
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 151-158

    This research quantitatively recognized the wind speed change using wind speed trend and trend of wind speed variability from 1961 to 2012 and regionalized the wind speed [...]

  • H. Shi-Yi, K. Zhi-Qiang, L. Qing-Yan, W. Ling-Ling
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 54-58

    The karst process acts as carbon sequestration for atmospheric CO2 . The amount of karst carbon sequestration (KCS) depends on the discharge of karst catchment and inorganic [...]

  • L. Sheng-Qiang, M. Xian-Qiang, G. Yu-Bing, X. You-Kai
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 147-153

    From the perspective of life cycle assessment (LCA), the development, construction, and operation of all kinds of new energy power generation technologies release greenhouse [...]

  • W. Shao-Hong, P. Tao, H. Shan-Feng
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 92-98

    This paper discusses theories and methods of climate change risk studies for the research expansion in China. Climate change risks consist of three basic components including [...]

  • Z. Shan-Shan, W. Xiao-Ling
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 121-127

    Decadal variations of extreme tropical cyclones (TCs) influencing China were investigated based on the tracks, landfall information, precipitation and wind data during 1949–2009. [...]

  • G. Ren
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 1-6

  • A. Reder, G. Rianna, R. Vezzoli, P. Mercogliano
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 169-184

    The aim of this work is to investigate the soil water budget across China by means of hydrological modeling under current and future climate conditions and to evaluate the [...]

  • D. Rayner, C. Achberger, D. Chen
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 70-81

    This paper describes a new weather generator – the 10-state empirical model – that combines a 10-state, first-order Markov chain with a non-parametric precipitation amounts [...]

  • P. Quevauviller, M. Gemmer
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 74-79

    Changes in hydrometeorological characteristics and risks have been observed and are projected to increase under climate change. These considerations are scientifically well [...]

  • D. Qin, Y. Ding
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). Vol. 1 pp. 1-10

    On the basis of analyzing the importance of cryospheric researches in China and current status of cryospheric sciences in the world, this paper addresses key issues and main [...]

  • Q. Pei-Hua, C. Feng, X. Zheng-Hui
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013). Vol. 4(25) pp. 173-181

    The regional climate model RegCM3 incorporating the crop model CERES, called the RegCM3_CERES model, was used to study the effects of crop growth and development on regional [...]

  • J. Pan
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 166-170

  • X. Ou, X. Zhang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). Vol. 1 pp. 34-39

    Three types of low-carbon vehicle technologies in China are reviewed. Potential effects are listed for those integrated energy-saving technologies for conventional vehicles. [...]

  • J. Monkelbaan
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 206-218

    We have arrived at a critical juncture when it comes to understanding the numerous ways in which trade interacts with climate change and energy (trade-climate-energy nexus). [...]

  • P. Mccarthy
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 22-37

    In the U.S. Southwest, global climate change, acting in concert with extant stressors such as urbanization and over-allocation of water resources, is changing ecosystems in [...]

  • X. Ma, Y. Ye, X. Shi, L. Zou
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 192-200

    This paper analyzes Chinese household CO2 emissions in 1994–2012 based on the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) structure decomposition model, and discusses the relationship [...]

  • L. Ma, D. Qin, L. Bian, C. Xiao, Y. Luo
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). Vol. 1 pp. 76-83

    Based on the number of snow cover days (NSCDs) and homogenized surface air temperature data for the period 1951–2004, this study performs the quantitative analysis on the [...]

  • L. Ma, D. Qin, L. Bian, C. Xiao, Y. Luo
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 93-100

    By using daily air temperature and precipitation data, and the weather phenomena data of daily snowfall from 98 meteorological stations over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), [...]

  • J. Matthew, K. Susan, S. Kang, G. Bjorn, M. A.
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 132-138

    Black carbon (BC) deposited on snow and glacier surfaces can reduce albedo and lead to accelerated melt. An ice core recovered from Guoqu glacier on Mt. Geladaindong and analyzed [...]

  • G. Marco, X. Bo
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013). Vol. 4(25) pp. 50-59

    In order to improve air quality, the European Union introduced the New Air Quality Directive in 2008 and set its Member States strict targets on air pollution concentrations [...]

  • Y. Mao, H. Liao
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016).

    We quantified the impacts of variations in meteorological parameters and emissions on decadal, interannual, and seasonal variations of atmospheric black carbon (BC) in the [...]

  • X. Lü
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 219-223

    The Lima call for climate action adopted at the Lima Climate Conference on Climate Change specifies that the principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate [...]

  • L. Lü-Liu, J. Tong, X. Jin-Ge, Z. Jian-Qing, L. Yong
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 84-91

    In this study, discharge at the outlet of Xijiang River, the biggest sub-basin of the Zhujiang River, was simulated and projected from 1961 to 2099 using the hydrological [...]

  • H. Li, Y. Qi
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011).(25) pp. 193-202

    Several representative studies on China’s carbon emission scenarios in 2050 are compared in scenario settings, methodologies, macro parameters, energy consumption and structure, [...]

  • W. Li, P. Zhai, J. Cai
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 101-107

    Based on a daily precipitation observation dataset of 743 stations in China from 1951–2004, the Γ distribution function is used to calculate the probability distribution [...]

  • C. Liu, J. Xia
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 31-37

    The progress and advances of the detection and attribution of changes in the hydrological cycle in the IPCC Assessment Reports of WGI and WGII from 1990 to 2007 are reviewed. [...]

  • Q. Liu, Y. Chen, C. Tian, X. Zheng, J. Li
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 26-34

    In recent years, there have been considerable developments in energy provision with the growing improvements in energy supply security and support systems in China. However, [...]

  • Q. Liu, K. Jiang, X. Hu
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 67-74

    It is essential that China follows a low carbon pathway, in which technology plays a key role in the future economy and social development. Based on the Integrated Policy [...]

  • S. Liu, Y. Li, Q. Gao, Y. Wan, X. Ma, X. Qin
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 2(25) pp. 178-186

    Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) activities can allow Annex I parties in the Kyoto Protocol to decrease their carbon emission reduction pressure, and comparably [...]

  • Q. Liu, M. Yu, X. Wang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 67-73

    The eradication of poverty is one of the largest global challenges facing the world. This article examines poverty reduction goals within the framework of Post-2015 Development [...]

  • Y. Liu, Y. Wang, R. An, C. Li
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 46-55

    As the transport sector is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, the effect of urbanization on transport CO2 emissions in developing cities has become a key issue under [...]

  • B. Lin-Gen, L. Zhong, Z. Xiang-Dong, M. Yong-Feng, L. Long-Hua
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 68-75

    Influencing factors, and variations and trends of Antarctic ozone hole in recent decades are analyzed, and sudden change processes of ozone at Zhongshan station and the effect [...]

  • C. Li-Juan, Y. Zhong-Wei
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 59-67

    The observation data from ground surface meteorological stations is an important basis on which climate change research is carried out, while the homogenization of the data [...]

  • C. Li-Ge, Z. Jun, S. Bu-Da, Z. Jian-Qing, M. Gemmer
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013). Vol. 4(25) pp. 153-159

    Based on observed daily precipitation data of 540 stations and 3, 839 gridded data from the high-resolution regional climate model COSMO-Climate Limited-area Modeling (CCLM) [...]

  • R. Pachauri
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016).

  • S. Kedia
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 213-221

    Low carbon development has gained policy prominence and is a concern of both environment and development policy globally and in China and India. This paper discusses the role [...]

  • S. Kang, Z. Cong
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 113-114

  • P. Jun, Y. Shi, X. Feng, W. Shi-Yu, S. Wen-Long
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 41-50

    Based on the MAP-CGE model, this paper simulated the impacts on the output, energy consumption and pollutant emissions of different cement production processes when implementing [...]

  • Z. Ji
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 139-144

    A regional climate model (RegCM4.3.4) coupled with an aerosol–snow/ice feedback module was used to simulate the deposition of anthropogenic light-absorbing impurities in [...]

  • Z. Jin-Qing, L. Wei-Jing, R. Hong-Li
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013). Vol. 4(25) pp. 242-249

    The temporal variability and spatial pattern of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) simulated in the historical experiment of 26 coupled climate models participating in the Coupled [...]

  • N. Jiao, D. Chen, Y. Luo, X. Huang, R. Zhang, H. Zhang, Z. Jiang, F. Zhang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 118-125

    The ecosystems of China seas and coasts are undergoing rapid changes under the strong influences of both global climate change and anthropogenic activities. To understand [...]

  • K. Jiang, X. Zhuang, C. He, J. Liu, X. Xu, S. Chen
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 229-234

    The generally adopted worldwide target is to keep the increase in the global mean temperature lower than 2 °C by 2100, which is comparable with that of the preindustrial [...]

  • Z. Jiang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 75-78

    It is a consensus of international community to promote the development of low carbon economy in order to face the challenges of climate change. According to the features [...]

  • H. Jian-Bin, W. Shao-Wu, L. Yong, Z. Zong-Ci, W. Xin-Yu
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 38-44

    The controversy between the IPCC and Non-governmental IPCC (NIPCC) on the attribution of global warming are reviewed. IPCC holds that today’s global warming is mainly due [...]

  • H. Jian-Bin, W. Shao-Wu, L. Yong, Z. Zong-Ci, W. Xin-Yu
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 174-178

  • L. Ji-Feng, Z. Ya-Xiong, W. Xin, C. Song-Feng
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 163-173

    Based on the survey of international emissions trading system (ETS) and quantitative analysis, policy suggestions on establishing a carbon ETS in China are presented in this [...]

  • H. Ji-Cheng, X. Yu-Qing
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 99-105

    Based on data collected by Chinese Civil Aviation Statistic Center, the annual CO2 emissions of aircrafts during 1960–2009 were calculated, and the emission intensity and [...]

  • M. Irannezhad, H. Marttila, D. Chen, B. Kløve
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 54-69

    Long-term variations and trends in a wide range of statistics for daily precipitation characteristics in terms of intensity, frequency and duration in Finland were analysed [...]

  • J. Hu, D. Wan, C. Li, J. Zhang, X. Yi
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). Vol. 1 pp. 20-26

    HFC-134a is the most important alternative to CFC-12 used in the mobile air-conditioner sector in China. The consumption of HFC-134a has been increasing rapidly in recent [...]

  • A. Hu
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 222-228

    China has achieved economic growth while great carbon emissions reduction in recent years. Amid Chinas effort to reduce emissions, the Five-Year Plans have guided and motivated [...]

  • L. Hui, C. Yong-Li, Y. Li-Rong
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013). Vol. 4(25) pp. 260-266

    China is one of the major producers of chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC-22) in the world. A large amount of fluoroform (HFC-23) is emitted during the production of HCFC-22. Emission [...]

  • W. Huang, Q. Gao, G. Cao, Z. Ma, W. Zhang, Q. Chao
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 247-252

    This paper analyzes current urban symbiosis development and application in China, and then conducts a statistical analysis of the emissions reduction of CO2 and CH4 in relation [...]

  • L. Huang, Y. Yin, D. Du
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 141-150

    The necessity of mainstreaming climate adaptation strategies or policies into natural resource management plans has been recognized by the UNFCCC. The IPCC AR5 report suggests [...]

  • Z. Huang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 49-54

    Factor analysis was used to investigate the changes of dry-wet climate in the dry season in Yunnan during 1961–2007 based on observed data from 15 stations. Three common [...]

  • H. Huan-Ping, M. Shi-Ming, L. Er-Da, L. Ying-Chun, Z. Heng-Yang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013). Vol. 4(25) pp. 182-189

    Based on the input-output survey of farmers and experts in one of the Jiangsu GEF project areas, the Cost-Benefit analysis method and greenhouse gas estimation method recommended [...]

  • J. He, Y. Xu
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 211-217

    Based on the annual production data collected by the Statistic Center of the Ministry of Railways of the People’s Republic of China, we calculated the energy saving and [...]

  • J. He, Y. Li
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). Vol. 1 pp. 40-45

    Based on annual statistical data collected by the Chinese Railway Statistic Center, the CO2 emissions of locomotives during 1975–2005 were calculated and the emission intensity [...]

  • D. He
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 3-9

    Greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause of todays climate change. To address this problem, the world is in an era of new round energy transformation, and the existing [...]

  • J. He
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 204-212

    The Paris Agreement establishes a new mechanism for post-2020 global climate governance, and sets long-term goals for global response to climate change, which will accelerate [...]

  • J. He
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 155-161

    China has set the goal for its CO2 emissions to peak around 2030, which is not only a strategic decision coordinating domestic sustainable development and global climate change [...]

  • J. He
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 153-154

  • J. He
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 101-107

    Global climate change mitigation and CO2 emission reduction have promoted the revolutionary transformation in energy system. The core content of energy system revolutionary [...]

  • A. Gu, F. Teng, Y. Wang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011).

    Based on a number of sector mitigation policies for domestic systems, this paper demonstrates how measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) mechanisms are applied at the [...]

  • Y. Guo, J. Li
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 46-53

    The interannual variability of the boreal winter Hadley circulation extents during the period of 1979–2014 and its links to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) were investigated [...]

  • Y. Guo, J. Li, J. Feng
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 35-45

    Using 26 climate models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), climatology and the interannual variability of the annual mean Hadley circulation are [...]

  • W. Guo, S. Hong-Bo, M. Jing-Jin, Z. Ying-Juan, W. Ji, S. Wen-Jun, Z. Zi-Yin
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013).

    The spatial and temporal variations of some important near-surface climate parameters and extreme climate events in North China during 1961–2010 are analyzed by using 94 [...]

  • H. Guo, L. Zhang, L. Zhu
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 108-117

    Earth observation technology has provided highly useful information in global climate change research over the past few decades and greatly promoted its development, especially [...]

  • M. Gemmer, A. Wilkes, L. Vaucel
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 1-11

    Both the European Union (EU) and China are culturally, economically, climatologically and environmentally diverse polities. The EU is a multi-state grouping of economically [...]

  • Y. Gao
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 235-240

    The Paris Climate Change Conference was successfully concluded with the Paris Agreement, which is a milestone for the world in collectively combating climate change. By participating [...]

  • S. Fong, C. Wu, A. Wang, X. He, T. Wang, K. Leong, U. Lai, B. Leong
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010).

    Change related to climate in Macao was studied on the basis of daily temperature observations over the period 1901–2007. The result shows that annual mean surface air temperature [...]

  • T. Fischer, M. Gemmer, L. Liu, B. Su
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010).

    Monthly temperature and precipitation time-series for the Zhujiang River Basin are analyzed in order to identify changes in climate extremes. Daily temperature and precipitation [...]

  • T. Fei, X. Shuang-Qing
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 212-219

    Business as Usual (BaU) scenario in developing countries has been a debated issue in climate change negotiations. This paper analyzes different definitions of BaU and points [...]

  • Y. Fan, X. Zhang, L. Zhu
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). Vol. 1 pp. 27-33

    This paper estimates the macroeconomic costs of CO2 emission reduction in China employing the input-output analysis with the multi-objective programming approach. The results [...]

  • Y. Fan, L. Zhu, X. Zhang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 57-66

    This paper introduces the development of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology, the progress in CCS demonstration projects, and regulations and policies related to CCS. [...]

  • X. Fang, C. Cheng, Y. Liu, W. Du, -. Xiao, B. Dang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 23-35

    In contrast to the input perspective for evaluating planning metrics, this research takes the climatic environmental output effects as the starting point for assessing ecological [...]

  • Presentations to the VII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (Marine 2017).

    A finite element method for the solution of the up-to-second-order wave diffraction-radiation problem in the time-domain is proposed. The solver has been validated against [...]

  • X. Du
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 105-108

    This study discusses high-carbon characteristics, the unsustainability of Chinas development, and the fact that China needs to transform its development mode. Chinas low-carbon [...]

  • X. Du
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 1-2

  • X. Du
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 149-152

    In essence, international climate negotiation is a serious and responsible global effort, despite various conflicts, to establish a rational international climate regime. [...]

  • H. Duan, L. Yan-Li, L. Yan
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 100-110

    Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was used to investigate the Chinese public’s willingness to pay (WTP) for a policy to reduce CO2 emissions. Face to face interviews were [...]

  • T. Dou, C. Xiao
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 115-122

    This paper gives an overview of the current understanding of the observations of black carbon (BC) in snow and ice, and the estimates of BC deposition and its radiative forcing [...]

  • Y. Dian-Xiu, Y. Ji-Fu, C. Zheng-Hong, Z. You-Fei, W. Rong-Jun
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). pp. 66-73

    Daily maximum temperatures from 753 stations across China and the heat wave indicators are used to study the temporal and spatial characteristics of heat wave intensity, frequency [...]

  • M. Deng, H. Zhang, W. Mao, Y. Wang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 149-158

    This study focuses on the characters of public perceptions on climate and cryosphere change, which are based on a questionnaire survey in the Ürümqi River Basin. In comparison [...]

  • M. Cui-Mei, G. Quan-Sheng
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 92-99

    Based on the detailed origins of each province’s electricity consumption, a new method for calculating CO2 emissions from the power sector at the provincial level in China [...]

  • A. Choiński, L. Kolendowicz, J. Pociask-Karteczka, L. Sobkowiak
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2010). Vol. 1 pp. 71-75

    On the basis of data from the period 1971–2007, and by applying trend analysis, a study on formation, disappearance and duration of lake ice cover on the Morskie Oko Lake [...]

  • D. Chirambo
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2016). Vol. 7 pp. 253-263

    Climate change is a threat to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in sub-Saharan Africa as its impacts can lead to increased incidences of poverty and [...]

  • Y. Chen, X. Chen, G. Ren
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2011). Vol. 2(25) pp. 108-114

    A new available dataset of daily observational precipitation is used to study the temporal and spatial variability of extreme precipitation events for 1956–2008 in the ten [...]

  • S. Chen, W. Li, Y. Du, C. Mao, L. Zhang
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2015). Vol. 6 pp. 16-22

    Based on the satellite data from the Climate Prediction Center morphing (CMORPH) at very high spatial and temporal resolution, the effects of urbanization on precipitation [...]

  • W. Chang-Ke, L. Xin-Zheng, Z. Hua
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2013). Vol. 4(25) pp. 127-132

    The global warming potential (GWP) and global temperature potential (GTP) are two common metrics to calculate the CO2 equivalent of greenhouse gases (GHGs). If the country’s [...]

  • Q. Chai, H. Xu
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2014). Vol. 5 pp. 169-180

    China has achieved a political consensus around the need to transform the path of economic growth toward one that lowers carbon intensity and ultimately leads to reductions [...]

  • T. Booth
    Advances in Climate Change Research (2012). Vol. 3(25) pp. 12-21

    Many countries are developing national strategies and action plans aimed at minimising the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity. The purpose of this paper is [...]