• B. Feijoo, S. Bugueño, C. Sádaba, A. García-González
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2021). Vol. 29, (1), 19

    This article presents the results of research that seeks to analyze the ability of minors to identify the advertising messages received through the most used social networks [...]

  • S. Mariën, H. Vandebosch, S. Pabian, K. Poels
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2021). Vol. 29, (1), 18

    Sharing, reading and responding to personal narratives on peer-to-peer support websites may provide adolescents with informational and emotional support to feel more confident [...]

  • R. Norstrom, P. Sarna
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2021). Vol. 29, (1), 17

    Poland was one of the countries that was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, and its government imposed restrictions to combat the spreading of the virus. The Internet and [...]

  • E. Romera, A. Camacho, R. Ortega-Ruiz
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2021). Vol. 29, (1), 16

    Research into risky online behaviour among children and adolescents is on the rise, with more studies being conducted into the factors which can influence this phenomenon, [...]

  • A. Núñez, D. Álvarez-García, M. Pérez-Fuentes
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2021). Vol. 29, (1), 15

    This study has two objectives: (1) Identify profiles of victimization in adolescence, depending on the levels of offline or online peer aggression suffered, along with the [...]

  • Q. Kong, K. Lai-Ku, L. Deng, A. Yan-Au
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2021). Vol. 29, (1), 14

    With the prevalence of social media in a digital age, accessing news on social media has become a daily routine of university students’ lives. However, little research has [...]

  • M. Wright, S. Wachs, M. Gámez-Guadix
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2021). Vol. 29, (1), 13

     Adolescents around the world are increasingly exposed to cyberhate. More knowledge is needed to understand howadolescents cope with cyberhate and how they can be supported [...]

  • S. Galbava, H. Machackova, L. Dedkova
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2021). Vol. 29, (1), 12

    This study focuses on the effect of cyberostracism on social networking sites. Based on the temporal need-threat model ofostracism, we examined a) reflexive reactions, specifically [...]

  • T. Golob, M. Makarovi, M. Rek
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2021). Vol. 29, (1), 8

    The rise of digital media contributes to fake news and disinformation being circulated on a larger scale and pace. The central aim of the work is to consider the potentials [...]

  • J. Torres, F. Sket, C. González, M. Simmons
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 4 - Tesis doctorales presentadas al premio AEMAC a la mejor tesis.), 65

    Nowadays, manufacturing of composite parts using out-of-Autoclave (OoA) processes is gaining importance because it allows a reduction of initial investments and recurring [...]

  • S. Zaghi, X. Martinez, R. Rossi
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 4 - Tesis doctorales presentadas al premio AEMAC a la mejor tesis.), 64

    In the last decades, the improvements in terms of computational power provides the capability to analyze with more detail the materials behavior. On one hand, going deeper [...]

  • J. Manterola, J. Zurbitu, A. Turon, J. Renart
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 4 - Tesis doctorales presentadas al premio AEMAC a la mejor tesis.), 63

    In some cases, the scope of bonded joint characterisation methods applied in laboratory may not be aligned with the bonded joints used in industry. Experimental results produce [...]

  • S. Muñoz, M. Moreno
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 4 - Tesis doctorales presentadas al premio AEMAC a la mejor tesis.), 62

    The present work includes a summary of the doctoral thesis entitled "Complexity of the structural response of fibre reinforced polymer matrix composites". This PhD [...]

  • R. Tavares, A. Turon, P. Camanho
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 4 - Tesis doctorales presentadas al premio AEMAC a la mejor tesis.), 61

    High performance composites can be designed, and their properties tailored to enhance specific mechanical (or multifunctional) properties of the material. Fibre hybridization, [...]

  • X. Sánchez-Romate, A. Güemes, A. Ureña
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 4 - Tesis doctorales presentadas al premio AEMAC a la mejor tesis.), 60

    In the present work, a model of electrical properties of composites with inherent sensing properties is proposed. More specifically, the effect of both geometry and dispersion [...]

  • L. José, C. Navarro, S. García-Castillo
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 4 - Tesis doctorales presentadas al premio AEMAC a la mejor tesis.), 59

    New energy-based theoretical models that predict the ballistic behaviour of thin and thick woven composite laminates are presented. These models are formulated for high-velocity [...]

  • A. Sasikumar, J. Costa, D. Trias, P. Linde
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 4 - Tesis doctorales presentadas al premio AEMAC a la mejor tesis.), 58

    With thin structures used in the aircrafts, aeronautical manufacturers are worried about the response of these thin laminates towards impact and post impact loads. Thin laminates [...]

  • R. Mezzacasa, M. Segura, I. Harismendy, X. Irastorza, A. Iriarte, V. Shafi, C. Arenillas, I. Pascual, M. Martín
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 57

    Fibre-reinforced polymer composite materials are leading candidates as component materials to improve the efficiency and sustainability of many transport modes and specially [...]

  • A. Fernandez-Lopez, A. Janeiro, M. Chimeno, P. Garcia-Fogeda, A. Güemes, P. Perez-Merino
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 56

    Complex composite structures have unexpected mechanical behaviour, specially under high dynamic loads or in bucking conditions. The complexity and the number of sensors of [...]

  • F. Terroba, J. Plaza, J. Cabezas, A. Güemes, J. García-Ramírez, E. Reyes, A. Fernández, M. Frovel
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 55

    The RPAS (Remote Piloted Air System) MILANO is the largest unmanned aerial system developed by INTA that aims to become a research platform capable of carrying out in-flight [...]

  • D. Esteves, K. Rodrigues, M. Midão, N. Durães, S. Silva, C. Oliveira, L. Rodrigues, F. Rodrigues, F. Oliveira, J. Guedes, M. Martins, J. Monteiro, A. Silva, G. Silva, S. Oliveira
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 54

    Automotive industry is a sector where the technologic development aims to fulfil high standard requirements regarding safety, energy efficiency and environmental pollution. [...]

  • M. Martínez, X. Sánchez-Romate, R. Moriche, A. Jiménez-Suárez, A. Güemes, A. Ureña
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 53

    Sensing capabilities of carbon nanotube (CNT) doped adhesive films under bending conditions were investigated. Standard Mode-II coupons and skin-stringer sub-elements were [...]

  • C. Arribas, A. González, M. Prolongo, G. Bougeard, V. Moutsios, S. González Prolongo
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 52

    Cycloaliphatic epoxy resins containing cationic initiators which are activated by UV radiation give rise to thermoset networks when are exposed to UV light. On the other hand, [...]

  • I. Vázquez, M. Simó, P. Gómez, G. Uris, M. VÁZQUEZ, P. Rodríguez
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 51

    An aluminium matrix nano-composite (AlMNC) was obtained by a powder metallurgy (P/M) process, consisting of an ex situ reinforcement of pre-alloyed AA6005A powders with 3% [...]

  • G. Uris, I. Vázquez, M. Simó, M. Ortega, P. Gómez, P. Rodríguez
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 50

    Through powder metallurgy techniques, it is intended to obtain a metal matrix composite (MMC) of 7075 aluminum alloy reinforced with 1% of multiple wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), [...]

  • J. Jordá
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 49

    Foam materials have characteristics that make them especially suitable for a multitude of technological applications. Currently, one of the most widespread techniques for [...]

  • L. Maiorano, J. Molina
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 48

    The increasing advances in the electronics industry, which operates with increasingly powerful systems and with greater performances, needs the development of new materials [...]

  • R. Serrano, I. Sabirov, S. Puentes, A. Asensio, J. Ulargui, G. Doncel
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 47

    The final motivation of the research in which is framed this work is to optimize the friction-stir welding, FSW, process and its implementation in conventional machining centers. [...]

  • K. Sánchez, T. Plagianakos, F. Moreno, M. Fernández, M. Jiménez, E. Karachalios
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 46

    Carbon fibre reinforced polymers are widely used in primary and secondary aircraft structures, mainly due to their excellent fatigue endurance and specific strength. Nowadays, [...]

  • P. Martínez, B. Díaz, A. Lorenzo, X. Nóvoa
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 45

    The addition of carbon fibers is the main alternative used for the manufacturing of conductive cements since, at a relative low price, provides a good combination of structural [...]

  • C. BESOMBES, E. AMAMI, K. ALLAF, Y. Massi, K. Aït-Mokhtar, R. Belarbi
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 44

    The main focus of the actual research work was to define and study an emerging effective manufacturing process of producing natural fibers. It is also to insert them within [...]

  • E. franco, P. gonzalez, V. renteria, I. Duran
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 43

    Laminates are composite materials of thermoset matrix reinforced with long fibers. Natural fibers are a low-cost renewable resource, have a low density (which gives them a [...]

  • J. Olay, C. Bertorello, S. Sánchez, V. Mollón, J. Bonhomme, I. Viña, A. Argüelles
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 42

    The present work shows the results obtained after rehearsing fatigue in mode III a material composed of epoxy resin with unidirectional carbon fiber reinforcement. For the [...]

  • F. GARITANO, A. Arratibel, N. IRASTORZA, I. Usabiaga
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 41

    Mode decomposition in interlaminar fracture tests initially designed for pure modes I and II as Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) and End Notcehd Flexure (ENF) is analyzed. In [...]

  • M. López, E. Correa, F. Paris
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 40

    The scale effect in Composite Materials, consisting in the delay in the first damage appearance as ply thickness decreases, is, at present, a phenomenon under study due to [...]

    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 39

    The “edge effect” problem in laminates is a redundant topic in the literature since the seventies because of its influence on the reduction of the laminate strength. [...]

  • F. Carballo, M. Velasco, E. Correa
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 2 - Caracterización analítica, numérica y experimental de los materiales compuestos. Materiales multifuncionales. Comportamiento de componentes estructurales.), 38

    The scale effect in Composite Materials is known as the delay in the appearance of damage in the weakest laminas of a laminate (typically 90 degrees laminas). The availability [...]

  • J. Martínez, M. González-Gallego, F. Terroba, M. Frovel, J. Valle, J. Rosa, M. Serna
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 37

    The Center for Hydrodynamic Research of El Pardo (ICTS-CEHIPAR) is a Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) part of the Deputy Directorate of Naval Systems [...]

  • M. Valentín, P. Esfandiari, K. Núñez, J. Guerrero, M. Herrero, J. Merino, J. Pastor
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 36

    Packaging sector generates 40% of the plastics consumption in Europe. Among Among the most consumed plastics Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is still the material that undoubtedly [...]

  • A. Lopez, T. Álvarez-Arenas, I. Sáenz-Domínguez, I. Merino, J. Narvarte, A. Iregui
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 35

    The ultraviolet (UV) curing process is gaining interest due to the curing speed, since it increases the production of the manufacturing processes. The high mechanical requirements [...]

  • N. Alberdi, R. Pacheco, X. Irazusta, I. Harismendy
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 34

    The preforming consists of processing the reinforcement to obtain a geometry of the dry fiber, close to that of the final product before being impregnated by the resin during [...]

  • I. Delgado, E. Sapountzi, F. Sket, C. González
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 33

    The aeronautical structures manufactured by composite laminates experience damage as a result of the severe thermal and chemical conditions to which they are subjected during [...]

  • R. Alba, L. José, C. Ugena, S. Castillo
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 32

    The study of the damage area extension in laminates made of composite materials that have been subjected to impacts, is a fundamental aspect in the evaluation of the residual [...]

  • I. Pozo, S. García-Castillo, S. Sánchez-Sáez, E. Barbero-Pozuelo
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 31

    In order to alleviate the adverse impact of the air transport on the environment, the UE has shown great interest in increasing the efficiency and safety of aircrafts, which [...]

  • J. Aurrekoetxea, U. Morales, A. Esnaola, M. Iragi, L. Aretxabaleta
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 30

    Additive manufacturing, and more specifically FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication), makes it possible to manufacture complex designs that are difficult to manufacture using conventional [...]

  • A. Arruti, U. Morales, M. Iragi, L. Aretxabaleta, J. Aurrekoetxea
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 29

    Additive manufacturing with FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) technology using continuous fibre, allows more complex structure designs with more technical materials than conventional [...]

  • E. Alonso, L. Sánchez, E. Cañíbano, J. Merino
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 28

    Additive manufacturing technologies allow us the creation of 3D objects through layer overlay. This process is faster than other traditional manufacturing processes and it [...]

  • J. Zurbitu, M. Aguirre, M. Olave, I. Urresti
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 27

    In this work the suitability of using Acoustic Emissions (AE) technology for evaluating the damage and location in composite materials during coupon tests has been analysed. [...]

  • R. Pinto, F. Oliveira, J. Borges, N. Correia
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 26

    One of the main challenges for UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) used in defence and military operations is to effectively conclude a flight mission in a harsh environment. [...]

  • A. Arratibel, N. Insausti, J. Gracia, A. Boyano
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 25

    This work presents an experimental method to determine the cohesive law of thin adhesive joints in mixed mode. The proposed method is based on the MMB (Mixed Mode Bending [...]

  • J. Igelmo, A. Boyano, A. Arrese, F. Mujika
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 24

    The purpose of the present study is the evaluation of the bending-twisting coupling effect in the analysis of the DCB test by means of the analytical determination of the [...]

  • C. Martínez, M. Riezzo, M. Simmons, B. Russell, F. Sket, V. Martínez, C. González
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 23

    In this work, the influence of the loading rate on the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of carbon fiber laminates manufactured with prepregs of the second (IM7/8552) [...]

  • I. Usabiaga, F. Mujika, F. Caso, L. Etxeberria
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 22

    Corrosion of the steel bars is the first cause of degradation of the reinforced concrete structures. This is the reason why in recent years non-corrosive materials are using [...]

  • B. Ramos, J. Abenojar, G. Aparicio, M. Martínez
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 21

    Through this study two different natural fibres composites were characterized from the point of view of decomposition kinetics comparing two kinetics models, Kissinger and [...]

  • A. Amado, J. Viña, S. Rubiera, I. Viña, C. Rocandio, V. Mollón, S. Sánchez, J. Bonhomme
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 20

    Composite materials manufactured by means of the superposition of layers and some specific morphologies, are susceptible to losing part of their resistant capacity due to [...]

  • L. José, F. Hergueta, F. Dias, S. Castillo, C. Ugena
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 19

    Sandwich structures made of composite materials, namely glass fibre/polyester, are widely used in  the naval, ground transportation, aerospace and telecommunication industries. [...]

  • I. Moreno, G. Donoso, M. Torija, J. Chacón, E. Plaza, P. López
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 18

    3D printing is a promising additive manufacturing technology capable of producing functional parts of continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites (CFRTPCs). Thus [...]

  • M. Torija, I. Moreno, G. Donoso, J. Cela
    Materiales Compuestos (2021). Vol. 05 - Comunicaciones Matcomp19 (2021), (Núm. 1 - Comportamiento en servicio – Inspección y reparación.), 17

    Thermostable matrix are extensively used in structural components because of their good mechanical properties [1]. The region of stability of these polymers is defined by [...]

  • Alessandro Calvi's personal collection (2021). 3

    This paper is aimed to analyze how a bibliographic work should be considered not as rigid collection of publications but as an opportunity to discover knowledge which often [...]

  • (2013). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013

    The International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) is a research organization, created in 1987, that does research in many areas, one of them is Information and [...]

  • R. Athota¹, A. Montlaur, J. Rojas¹

    Thermal winds appear in mountainous areas and valleys due to temperature gradients caused by the buoyancy effects associated with the diurnal heating-cooling cycle of the [...]

  • M. Omidi, H. Khalaji, K. Mahmoudi
    Journal (2021). ok

    In this study, the perceptions of selected experienced EFL teachers about the construction of their unique LAD in the SLA process is investigated. The grounded theory and [...]

  • RIDNAIC (2021). Vol. 21, 26

    Synthetic strong motion records for the 1991, Mw 7.6, Limón, Cosa Rica earthquake were computed for several hundred different source models. The rotd50 (response spectra) [...]

  • E. Irizarry-Brugman, D. Bayouth-García, K. Hughes
    RIDNAIC (2021). Vol. 21, 25

    Hurricane María was an extreme atmospheric event that impacted Puerto Rico in 2017. As a result of the passage of hurricane María over the island more than 70,000 [...]

  • L. Daza, A. Grillasca, G. Ortiz
    RIDNAIC (2021). Vol. 21, 24

    The Synthetic Lightweight Aggregates (SLA) is a patented aggregate composed of fly ash and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). It is considered as an eco-friendly material because [...]

  • L. Suarez, J. López, J. Cruzado
    RIDNAIC (2021). Vol. 21, 23

    The most recent update of the Seismic Hazard Map of Puerto Rico was carried out in 2003 when the first active seismic fault within the island, in the Cabo Rojo area, was considered. [...]

  • RIDNAIC (2021). Vol. 21, 22

    A quantitative risk analysis is presented for a gas pipeline system in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. This is a part of a project on the vulnerability of infrastructure [...]

  • G. Harrigan, V. Goyal, P. Babuska, N. Trepal
    RIDNAIC (2021). Vol. 21, 21

    Structural and forensic analysis concluded that the Arecibo Observatory M4N socket joint failure in August 2020 was due to a socket joint design with insufficient design criteria [...]

  • A. Marotta, D. Liberatore, L. Sorrentino

    The extensive damage occurred to the Italian historical and architectural heritage during the 2016-2017 earthquake sequence, and particularly to unreinforced masonry churches, [...]

  • P. Bernardi, R. Cerioni, E. Coïsson, E. Michelini

    The work is focused on the structural vulnerability assessment of two historical constructions, chosen as case-studies representative of a recurrent typology of Italian rationalist [...]

  • G. Brando, G. Cocco, C. Mazzanti, M. Peruch, E. Spacone, C. Alfaro, K. Sovero, N. Tarque

    The seismic vulnerability assessment of the historic center of Cusco (Peru), an important UNESCO world heritage site, is dealt with in this paper. First, historical development [...]

  • M. Zielińska, M. Rucka

    The need to evaluate the integrity of wooden structural elements is constantly increasing. Non-destructive methods are becoming more popular in this field of research. One [...]

  • A. Torres-Acosta, J. Bustamanta-Altamirano, A. Esparza-Carrillo

    After the establishment of the Viceroyalty of New Spain in the 16th century, the interest in precious metals and the mining activities would influence the emerging economic [...]

  • R. Liberotti, F. Cluni, V. Gusella

    The aim of the contribution is to illustrate strengthening design in regard to the conservation of Palazzo Murena in Perugia, designed in the eighteenth century by the prominent [...]

  • E. Crété, S. Yadav, N. Farahza, L. Arleo, M. Hajmirbaba, Y. Sieffert, P. Garnier

    Understanding traditional seismic strategies is necessary to conduct appropriate restoration of historic buildings and city centers located in earthquake-prone areas. But, [...]

  • G. Cianchino, C. De Matteis, G. Brando

    The seismic protection of cultural heritage is an important topic that has been faced by several researchers in the last decades. Seismic events of the past have highlighted [...]

  • A. De Falco, F. Giuliani, D. Ladiana, L. Rjolli, D. Bordo, F. Gaglio, M. Di Sivo

    The problem raised by the steadily increasing number of failures in ancient town walls has recently attracted much interest. This typology of cultural heritage has always [...]

  • P. Calderón, E. Bertolesi, M. Buitrago, J. Moragues, J. Adam

    Two full-scale timbrel cross vaults subjected to vertical settlements in one of their supports were tested at the ICITECH laboratories of the Universitat Politècnica de València. [...]

  • J. Dobón, M. Soria

    The water absorption, in the Historic Heritage Restoration, through porous materials of the different constructive elements, is certainly one of the factors that constitute [...]

  • R. Martini, J. Rodríguez-Mariscal, J. Carvalho, M. Solís, H. Varum

    In many regions around the world, earth has been used through history as a traditional building material. Nowadays, there is a significant revival of its use due to its ecological [...]

  • R. Sabri, S. Abdalla, M. Rashid

    This paper explores the methodology for the production and integration of Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM) into the museum management system of the Emirate of [...]

  • N. Maklada, S. Hadid, D. Abuhatsira, P. Gendelman, Y. Oz, D. Siboni

    Ancient Caesarea has founded in the years 25-10 BC and named after Emperor Augustus. Throughout history, from the early Roman until the Byzantine period, Caesarea was a major [...]

  • S. Della Torre, L. Cantini

    The role of timber connections as reinforcement for vertical masonry walls is well known but still requiring a systematic study. Considering the main sources coming from the [...]

  • E. Prieto-Vicioso, L. Ruiz-Valero, V. Flores-Sasso

    The Dominican vernacular architecture, based on the indigenous bohio with Spanish influence, is built with natural materials, such as the royal palm (Roystonea Hispaniolana) [...]

  • M. Ponte, R. Bento, R. Machete, M. Godinho, A. Gonçalves, A. Falcão

    This work presents an application of a Building Information Model (BIM) to the National Palace of Sintra, Portugal, a large and complex building composed of different unreinforced [...]

  • C. Intrigila, N. Nodargi, P. Bisegna

    This paper investigates the unbuilt Musmeci parabolic vault, reinventing the original reinforced concrete structure as a dry-masonry vault. In the framework of rigid no-tension [...]

  • J. Sun, S. Tezcan, R. Perucchio

    Elmina Castle is the first of a series of European trading bases along Africa’s west coast, and it is the oldest and best preserved early European building in Sub-Saharan [...]

  • A. Hoła, J. Hoła, Ł. Sadowski, J. Szymanowski

    The paper presents fragments of original archival documentation, which are used to identify the historical outline of the colonnade building and the peristyle pavilion located [...]

  • S. Galassi, G. Tempesta

    In this paper the topic of the safety assessment of masonry arches based upon their geometry is investigated. The theoretical background is the Heymanian master safe theorem [...]

  • S. Pasterkamp

    Prefabricated concrete piles have been used for the foundation of bigger buildings for about a century. Often a change in function, an addition (also vertically) or another [...]

  • M. Mària, X. Monteys

    There are 1,463 buildings in Barcelona, from different times from the first century to the present day, that have changed their functions once or more times throughout their [...]

  • M. Saracco, F. Mariano, A. Giuliano, L. Petetta, F. Piccinini

    The seismic events that occurred in central Italy in 2016 severely damaged the rich cultural heritage system present in the area hit by the earthquake. Particularly significant [...]

  • F. Casarin, R. Cianchetti, T. Dalla Via, M. Meggiato, M. Mocellini

    In the framework of the Strategic Masterplan Cultural Heritage 2014-2018 of the Italian Ministry of Culture, a specific attention for the strengthening and constitution of [...]

  • S. Brookes, K. Clark, R. Frostick, R. Ireland, L. Randall

    Alan Conisbee & Associates and Richard Ireland were engaged by the Royal Household Property Section to inspect and assess the historic plaster ceilings and their supporting [...]

  • S. Tonna, M. Cucchi, C. Tedeschi

    Arudj Cathedral, Armenia, is an example of early-Christian domed-hall that dates 671-672. A deep structural analysis of the building was developed by Politecnico di Milano, [...]

  • M. Luna

    Restoration proposal for the Temple of Saint John the Baptist in Tochimilco, Puebla, México, damaged by the earthquake on September 19th, 2017. This proposal is based on [...]

  • P. Roca

    The paper introduces the main concepts and criteria presented in the Guidelines on the Analysis, Conservation and Structural Restoration elaborated by the ICOMOS/ISCARSAH [...]

  • O. Regan, E. Bourgeois, J. Douroux, A. Desbordes

    The paper introduces the main concepts and criteria presented in the Guidelines on the Analysis, Conservation and Structural Restoration elaborated by the ICOMOS/ISCARSAH [...]

  • L. Balik, L. Kudrnacova, K. Nedvedova

    This paper deals with monitoring microclimate in the area of church and describes influence of exterior microclimate to interior microclimate, changes during one year. The [...]

  • M. Barsallo, F. Cardoso, E. Sinchi, T. Rodas, M. Achig-Balarezo

    In urban and rural areas of the Andean cities of Ecuador, construction based on earthen technologies has been an important alternative, which are carried out through ancestral [...]