Track stiffness variation is one of the major sources of track quality deviation. To investigate track stiffness, it is common to install trackside sensors to measure track [...]
The 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Maui - Hawaï, Etats-Unis, 04-/11/2018 - 07/11/2018; The continuous increase in air traffic is [...]
In this paper, the performance of two types of DC-DC converters namely ?uk and Boost-Buck converters is assessed for battery charging systems. Operation with power factor [...]
Over the last decade significant developments in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have emerged as"br" innovative tools have been developed based on the application [...]
To move around the country without the use of a personal vehicle entails a connected sequence of several modes of transport. Multiple modes of public and private transport [...]
This paper introduces an optimization problem (P) and a solution strategy to design variable-speed-limit controls for a highway that is subject to traffic congestion and uncertain [...]
The phenomena of packing and wear of the ballast, under dynamic stresses lead to high frequencies and high maintenance costs. It has been demonstrated that the settlements [...]
The transport of goods and persons with two or more transport carriers (road, rail, air, inland waterway, or sea) results in multipartite transport chains whose profitability [...]
Real-time, accurate travel time prediction algorithms are needed for individual travelers, business sectors, and government agencies. They help commuters make better travel [...]
Greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2 emissions, are a major environmental problem caused mainly by the transportation and the energy sectors. Electric vehicles have [...]
the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Center for Lightweight Production Technology (ZLP) Augsburg"br" automation solutions for manufacturing processes of extensive fiber composite [...]
International audience; We introduce an electric vehicle routing problem combining conventional, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are constrained in [...]
Phase transitions of petroleum and commercial paraffins in gas condensate and its compositions have been studied with the application of the method of differential scanning [...]
This contribution is based on results obtained in the collaboration project “TRANSFORMERS”, which has received funding from the European Commission in the FP7-programme. [...]
The aim of the study is to examine the influence of national safety culture, sector safety culture and organizational"br" safety culture on safety behaviours among Greek (N=99) [...]
The European Union is highly dependent on seaports for trade with the rest of the world and within its Internal"br" Market. Approximately, 75% of goods imported and exported [...]
The objective of this study is the comparative assessment and ranking of a large number of infrastructure measures in order to aid road safety stakeholders reach informed [...]
utonomous vehicles are a rapidly emerging technology that will radically transform the face of public and"br" personal transportation in the near future. The project autoBAHN2020 [...]
The article presents an investigation of current market trends and customers’ requirements, which have driven research aimed at developing a novel wagon concept that integrates [...]
TRA 2018, Transport Research Arena, VIENNE, AUTRICHE, 16-/04/2018 - 19/04/2018; Steel bridges present frequent fatigue problems that reduce their load-carrying capacity and [...]
Segment Routing (SR) is a powerful tool to solve traffic engineering in large networks. It enables steering the traffic along any arbitrary network path while limiting scalability [...]
International audience; Currently, over 90% of goods are transported by road terrestrial mode. To progress, companies of Road Freight Transport sector (RFT) are subject to [...]
International audience; With recent technological advances made in the field of vehicular communications, a plethora of applications has emerged that aim to improve driver [...]
ve forms of mobility are important when it comes to tackling environmental challenges, improving the quality of human health and reducing road-traffic congestion and overcrowding [...]
Cirrus clouds have a large influence on the Earth's climate and anthropogenic activities such as aviation can alter their properties. Besides the formation of contrails, indirect [...]
Due to external interference, pipelines used for onshore as well as offshore operations can present dent and gouge defects. As such defects can seriously impair facilities’ [...]
European National Road Authorities recognise that an inadequate or inaccurate information asset leads to higher capital and operational expenditure on physical assets. By [...]
Public ridepooling systems could contribute to the reduction of traffic volume and emissions in cities by decreasing the number of rides by private car while increasing the [...]
Upcoming Intelligent Traffic Control Systems (ITSCs) will base their optimization processes on crowdsensing data obtained for cars that are used as mobile sensor nodes. In [...]
nce of automation has been a bottleneck for successful introduction of automation in Air Trac Control. Strategic conformal automation has been proven to increase automation [...]
Climate change is an issue relevant for all modes of transport. The interconnected nature of transport systems – and their dependence on other key services such as energy [...]
In modern powerful logistics the courier express and parcel market (CEP) is of special interest. Same-day and one-hour-delivery are demanding for providers to efficiently [...]
ve ageing is the process of optimising opportunities for health, participation, and security in order to enhance the quality of life as people age. Provision of adequate mobility [...]
Coaches are considered the safest mode of road transport for school trips. In the last decade alone, 1191 children were injured in 371 coach crashes in the UK. Consequently, [...]
With ICT advances, more information on truck and freight position, safety, energy consumption, emissions is"br" available in the supply chain. Efficient management and integration [...]
Digital evolution has significantly changed consumer shopping habits and expectations resulting in a major growth of e-commerce. The immediate outcome of this growth was the [...]
Image Processing (IP) applications have become popular with the advent of efficient algorithms and low-cost CMOS cameras with high resolution. However, IP applications are [...]
Roadworks schemes present a nuisance for road users as they lead in some cases to temporarily reduced road capacity and increased congestion. The introduction of Travel Demand [...]
The challenge facing Europe to reduce GHG emissions is considerable. Increasing the proportion of electric vehicles (EVs) is considered a viable solution. However, EVs primarily [...]
Car sharing is one the pillars of an innovative transportation infrastructure, as it is expected to reduce traffic"br" congestion, parking demands and pollution in our cities. [...]
The article examines the work and key elements of the automated system for supplying abrasive material using a managed pneumatic dispensing. Proposed to manage the flow of [...]
The number of systems in commercially available vehicles that assist or automate driving tasks is rapidly increasing. At least for the next decade, using such systems remains [...]
The main purpose of this paper is to develop a method for sequential gas and electricity networks expansion planning problem. A leader-follower approach performs the expansion [...]
Electric vehicles are important technologies to reduce adverse environmental impacts stemming from transportation. In this paper, we investigated the environmental, social, [...]
This article presents a methodology to automate the prediction of maintenance intervention alerts in transport linear infrastructures. It combines current and predicted asset [...]
The on-board positioning system provides not only the location estimation but also additional information about the certainty or quality of the provided estimation. Additionally, [...]
Two of the major international projects concerning hydrogenization of motor transport are in Europe: HyFIVE"br" “Hydrogen For Innovative Vehicles” and “Hydrogen Mobility [...]
The National accident database is often used as basis when designing and prioritizing safety initiatives for cyclists."br" Due to the very low reporting rate this is not optimal. [...]
Predicting the future location of vehicles is essential for safety-critical applications such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. This paper [...]
The overall aim of the ESRA project is to provide scientific support to road safety policy by generating comparable national data on the current road safety situation. The [...]
In the last three years, Bombardier Transportation and its partners have developed and brought to market ODAS"br" (Obstacle Detection Assistance System), the world-wide first [...]
Friction of pavement surfaces and skid resistance are major functional requirements which have to be fulfilled"br" over the service time of pavements. The skid resistance [...]
part of developing a safe, efficient, and sustainable transportation infrastructure, health monitoring of pavements and bridges, as well as the monitoring of real-time roadway [...]
Extreme natural and man-made events can harm the road infrastructure facilities with substantial economic"br" damages. The research presented in this paper focuses on the [...]
Intersection management is a key component of road transport systems. Envisaging a new age of road transport systems accommodating intelligent, connected, and autonomous vehicles, [...]
In the framework of the REFINET Coordination and Support Action (GA 653789 - http://www.refinet.eu/), in"br" order to maximize the exploitation of the various project outcomes, [...]
With the growth of the passenger flow in railway transportation system in France, some railway substations are"br" approaching their power limits, thus have difficulty to [...]
Fast charging stations are a key element for the wide spreading of Electric Vehicles (EVs) by reducing the charging time to a range between 20 to 40 min. However, the integration [...]
Many railway embankments across Europe were constructed over 150 years ago. These embankments were not subject to rigorous design practice but instead were crudely constructed [...]
There is an international consensus that the environmental effect of electric vehicles can only be assessed with life cycle assessment (LCA) including production, operation [...]
We propose a novel extension to traffic accident simulation by means of semantic 3D environment information allowing for a broader view by incorporating the entire close-by [...]
Logistics is becoming a fast-growing industry with an endless amount of logistics projects. We find such a definition just with Polish authors. Domestic and other authors [...]
Cruising for parking increases fuel consumption thus additionally polluting the environment: on one hand due to increased travel time, and on the other due to undesirable [...]
Constantly increasing of the people mobility requires ensuring of the sustainable transport operation. One of the priorities in this area is a reduction of the energy consumption [...]
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is the use of a “digital interface to source and manage the provision of transport"br" related services” which meet peoples mobility requirements. [...]
This paper continues the research effort that the authors begun in 2008 on the quality factors that affect adoption"br" of public transportation and retention of its users. [...]
In the past years, connectivity has been introduced in automotive production series, enabling vehicles as highly mobile Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and participants. [...]
Since the first uptake of electric vehicles, policy makers are questioning how to rollout public charging infrastructure in an efficient manner, such that user convenience [...]
In Germany and Europe infrastructure managers are already undertaking massive efforts to reduce the risks and effects of mass movements on railway infrastructure. Supporting [...]
In the course of the project ‘TraSaCu’, which received funding from EU’s Horizon 2020 MSC-RISE programme, various aspects of applying the construct of safety culture [...]
This paper proposes a novel pipeline for automatic grammar augmentation that provides a significant improvement in the voice command recognition accuracy for systems with [...]
Weather conditions often disrupt the proper functioning of transportation systems. Present systems either deploy an array of sensors or use an in-vehicle camera to predict [...]
Highways England operates, maintains and improves England’s strategic road network (SRN). The SRN is supported by 50,000 geotechnical assets comprising embankments, cuttings [...]
This paper describes the application of an integrated pavement management optimization model that includes both Life-cycle assessment and Life Cycle Cost Analysis, on a road [...]
The ever rising role of products and technologies in humans’ lives is increasing the call for ways to understand and investigate their influences, in the form of prospective [...]
Greater cooperation across transport modes in research and development activities has the potential to develop systems thinking, optimise use of resources and improve services [...]
In the United Kingdom city buses are the most common form of public transport within urban areas. Most buses are powered using diesel fuel, the combustion of which contributes [...]