In this paper, we consider the exploitation of a DVB-T based Passive Radar for simultaneous short and long range surveillance of drones and aircrafts, respectively. In detail, [...]
Nowadays, carpooling is one of the most widely promoted options for urban and inter-urban mobility due to a number of advantages, such as reduction of travel cost and CO2 [...]
With air transportation growing and current civil aeronautical communication systems reaching their capacity limit in high density areas, the need for new aeronautical communication [...]
Social media offers a wealth of mobility-related information and an ultimate instrument for day-to-day traffic management road operators activities. The social community approach [...]
Point-to-point speed enforcement is applied in Austria since 2003; and commonly called “Section Control”. Speed is determined by taking two pictures at different locations [...]
Level Crossings represent vulnerable points in the European land transport system, since collisions at level crossings account for a high number of fatalities and serious [...]
Complex image processing and computer vision systems often consist of a processing pipeline of functional modules. We intend to replace parts or all of a target pipeline with [...]
a new solution to estimate OD-M of transport and to design tailored bus routes, the project B_us (commercial"br" name of the project FitYourBus, funded by the European Commision [...]
Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) enable vehicles to be aware of objects that are not in line of sight, by interacting directly with each other and the [...]
The objective of this work is an experimental and numerical investigation for a bol Richard Cullen ted composite flange connection for composite pipes, which are used in the [...]
Recent research related to transport gerontology argues that the autonomy, flexibility and independence provided by the car are fundamental in fulfilling travel needs in later [...]
The aim of the LNG Blue Corridors project is to establish LNG as a real alternative fuel for medium- and longdistance"br" heavy-duty vehicles; first, as a complementary fuel, [...]
Semi-automated vehicles allow drivers to conduct other activities in the vehicle, such as reading a book. In case"br" of an emergency, the vehicle might induce a handover. [...]
With the need for resource-saving within urban areas it is necessary to create traffic solutions which exhibit an efficient and environmentally-friendly infrastructure system. [...]
Future railway systems will consist of many elements that are already in service plus a variety of major and minor changes. How resilient this new system-of-systems is to [...]
International audience; Shared autonomous vehicles are considered to have a transformative impact on future urban transportation and especially Shared Mobility. In order to [...]
Pressurized pipelines represent the most reliable and cost effective way of transporting captured CO2 from fossil fuel-fired electricity generation plants for subsequent sequestration. [...]
road transportation supports both economic and social activities in developed cities, it is important to maintain smooth traffic on all highways and local roads. Whenever [...]
Increasing automation in the automotive systems has re-focused the industry's attention on verification and validation methods and especially on the development of test scenarios. [...]
One of the major concerns of contemporary Fully Electric Vehicles (FEV) is the high dependency of the maximum range on ambient temperature conditions. In some cases the range [...]
This paper reports on the work being carried out in the Shift2Rail ‘DYNAFREIGHT’ project to develop a novel freight locomotive bogie which will reduce wheel and track [...]
This work considers a multi-resource routing problem (MRRP) where drayage orders need to be completed with trucks and trailers from multiple cooperating carriers. The problem [...]
Social aspects in form of social effects, benefit and risk become more and more important in the context of assessing different maintenance strategies and policies on the [...]
The ever rising role of products and technologies in humans’ lives is increasing the call for ways to understand and investigate their influences, in the form of prospective [...]
Part 5: Planning and Scheduling; International audience; To date, the multiproduct pipeline transportation mode has nationally and internationally considerably evolved thanks [...]
To meet constraints faced by road freight in terms of significantly lowering or reducing CO2 emissions and"br" improved air quality an Electric Road System (ERS), based on [...]
This work presents advancements achieved in the field of autonomous service robotics in open accessible spaces, with preliminary project results. A novel navigation algorithm [...]
High-performance object detection relies on expensive convolutional networks to compute features, often leading to significant challenges in applications, e.g. those that [...]
Fault injection is a powerful technique for attacking digital systems. Software developers have to take into account fault effects when system security is a concern. To this [...]
In the next decades, road transport will undergo a deep transformation with the advent of Connected and"br" Automated Vehicles (CAVs), which are about to drastically change [...]
In this technical contribution we present the potential of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for monitoring railway tracks and rolling stock. DAS is a measuring technique [...]
This paper presents a collision avoidance algorithm to prevent bird strikes for aircraft departing from an airport. By using trajectory-information of aircraft and birds, [...]
The increasing air traffic foreseen for the next decades has triggered an extensive modernization of the air traffic management. Specifically, new air traffic services and [...]
In European cities, a bicycle is now or is systematically becoming an equal means of transport. Unfortunately, the growth of bicycle traffic is associated with an increase [...]
Part 2: Real World; International audience; In this paper, we present a practical approach to generate the constraint engine for an effective constraint-based intrusion detection [...]
The current manuscript presents the iterative user-centred approach that has been followed for the prioritisation and full definition of the Use Cases of a revolutionary C-ITS [...]
Mobility needs are constantly changing in terms of technological developments, organisational, legal aspects and in terms of user needs. The Living Lab approach can provide [...]
In this paper, we analyze the applicability of blockchain in the transport and mobility sector. To begin with, the paper surveys identified and potential application ideas [...]
Electric locomotives in the traction power systems represent huge nonlinear single phase loads and they affect adversely the public electrical grid stability and the power [...]
The electrification of transport is considered to be a promising way for reducing negative environmental impacts. It has a high priority for many European nations but its [...]
Bike-sharing has developed into an established part of many urban transportation systems. However, new bikesharing"br" systems (BSS) are still built and existing ones are [...]
Evaluating the computational reproducibility of data analysis pipelines has become a critical issue. It is, however, a cumbersome process for analyses that involve data from [...]
There is a general enthusiastic approach toward autonomous vehicles, e.g. they are claimed to be the breakthrough solution for a drastic reduction of road accidents, largely [...]
Worldwide, it is estimated that every year 1.2 million road users lose their lives on road crashes. This situation has a huge impact in terms of health and economical development [...]
STTRIDE is funded by the Conference of European Directors of Roads. It is addressing how best to use"br" technological advances to deliver positive modal shift towards sustainable [...]
The assessment methods for noise exposure from different modes of traffic are usually based on simplified models. Regarding meteorological influences, it is well known that [...]
In this paper, a system is presented, which addresses the first question of source assignment in an open"br" environment of unordered person flows using sophisticated data [...]
The European vessel industry is traditionally leader in the sector. In the last decades, to stay competitive worldwide, it has repositioned on the high-end market, characterized [...]
This paper presents the objectives and the main expected results from IN2SMART Project, funded by the SHIFT2RAIL Joint Undertaking and the European Commission, within the [...]
Abstract. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the most popular crowdsourced geographic information project. The main factor that still limits the practical use of OSM is the lack of quality [...]
Traffic jams in urban scenarios are often caused by bottlenecks related to the street topology and road infrastructure, e.g traffic lights and merging of lanes. Instead of [...]
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) covers a wide range of products and solutions that deploy Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) aiming at improving traffic [...]
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are used to derive information from the morphology of a land. The topographic attributes obtained from the DEM data allow the construction [...]
In recent years, the funding of bicycle traffic especially in European countries has increased substantially."br" Nevertheless, bicycles are often not depicted in detail within [...]
Mode shift from car to public transport (PT) can be obtained by imposing restrictive policies on car use, or by improving PT. However, the state of knowledge of modal substitution [...]
TriControl is a controller working position (CWP) prototype developed by German Aerospace Center (DLR) to enable more natural, efficient, and faster command inputs. The prototype [...]
Predicting traffic conditions from online route queries is a challenging task as there are many complicated interactions over the roads and crowds involved. In this paper, [...]
The paper outlines issues related to ensuring the exploitation safety of underwater pipelines that are at risk of accidents. The performed research is based on physical and [...]
The European initiative Shift2Rail (S2R) joins efforts for smart and sustainable growth in the railway sector by fostering research and innovation. Specifically, the project [...]
Recognition of grocery products in store shelves poses peculiar challenges. Firstly, the task mandates the recognition of an extremely high number of different items, in the [...]
Long-term positive acoustic behavior as well as sufficient strength and durability is required for low noise road surfaces. However, combination of these properties in many [...]
In this paper we present the results of a facilitation process for consensus building among local mobility stakeholders (public transport providers, taxi associations, carpooling [...]
Predicting traffic conditions has been recently explored as a way to relieve traffic congestion. Several pioneering approaches have been proposed based on traffic observations [...]
In the ENSPIRIT FP7 European project framework a locomotive diesel engine aftertreatment pre-prototype, due to real-world testing difficulties, was realized directly downscaled [...]
To support foresight on the uptake of autonomous vehicles and their impact upon the demand for road transport"br" a study of the Danish population expectations towards self-driving [...]
The lack of pedestrian safety on crossings is a complex problem and one that is influenced by a number of factors such as the law, road traffic culture, the road and traffic. [...]
International audience; This paper deals with an energy management improvement based on frequency sharing approach for an electric vehicle. In order to satisfy the traction/propulsion [...]
Most European transport infrastructure was built in the 1960-1970s and was designed for a working life of 50 years. This infrastructure is now reaching the end of its lifetime [...]
Infrastructure maintenance is a complex task due to operational needs of service quality, availability demands, traffic intensity, and budget constraints. Traditionally, maintenance [...]
Future high-resolution radars enable new functionalities in advanced driver assistance systems, relying on fast and reliable extraction of properties of vehicles on the road. [...]
urate prediction of taxi-out time is essential for enhancing airport performance and flight efficiency. In this paper, we apply machine learning techniques to predict the [...]
This work aims at classifying the road condition with data mining methods using simple acceleration sensors and gyroscopes installed in vehicles. Two classifiers are developed [...]
Hydrogen gas accelerates fatigue crack growth and reduces fracture toughness in ferritic structural materials such as pipelines and pressure vessels. The extent to which the [...]
n important role in ensuring a comfortable driving experience is represented by a properly designed car seat, especially for elderly drivers. A seat prototype with easily [...]
Inland Water Transport (IWT) is one of the modalities for freight transport between the ports of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp and the hinterland in Germany. Transport over [...]
When it comes to road safety, professional drivers find themselves under pressure in various circumstances and are also exposed to diverse risk factors. To minimize personal [...]
The implementation of structural health monitoring (SHM) for management and maintenance of critical transport infrastructures, such as bridges, dams or tunnels, is a widely [...]
Mobility-on-demand (MoD) systems are revolutionizing urban transit with the introduction of ride-sharing. Such systems have the potential to reduce vehicle congestion and [...]
The insufficient autonomy of Electric Vehicles (EVs), which is mainly due to the limited energy density of automotive batteries, can be addressed by increasing the specific [...]
The application of LTE technology has evolved from infrastructure-based deployments in licensed bands to new use cases covering ad hoc, device-to-device communications and [...]
The work describes the contribution of SAFESTRIP EU project technology to the implementation of the Dynamic Local Map used by C-ITS safety applications. The road strips developed [...]
In this paper, we present an efficient in-DBMS framework for progressive time-aware sub-trajectory cluster analysis. In particular, we address two variants of the problem: [...]
Part 1: SEDSEAL; International audience; The technological advances in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) have led to the generation of large amounts of data and the production [...]
The objective of this paper is to present a new interdisciplinary approach to integrated transport which considers all modes of transport including road, rail, water and air. [...]
Inland navigation networks are equipped with limnimeters to measure and record water level data for the control of water levels and the management of water resources. When [...]
Highly automated and autonomous transport is a technology field that enables safer and cleaner transport and unburdens the driver from boring and/or error prone driving task. [...]