Microsimulation software packages in the field of traffic and transportation have considerably facilitated designing traffic arteries and traffic objects and the analysis [...]
To attract more travelers in Public Transport, the European project Collective Innovation for Public Transport in"br" European Cities (CIPTEC) makes a contribution to a more [...]
Weather events have a significant impact on airport performance and cause delayed operations if the airport capacity is constrained. We provide quantification of the individual [...]
International audience
Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) are moving into the focus of road safety solutions, be it Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) deployed in cars or enhanced guidance systems [...]
The environment of maritime logistics actors in general and seaports in particular is very dynamic. Major megatrends challenging maritime logistics actors include e.g. globalization [...]
Unconsolidated freight transport creates increasing problems in cities due to the use of public space and its negative environmental impact. The research project MULE analyzes [...]
The development of highly efficient batteries is a critical need in automotive industry in order to enable the future success of Electric Vehicles (EV). Active material with [...]
Multi-modal mobility contributes, among other things, to accessibility and sustainability. New developments in"br" technology, sustainability and public transportation provide [...]
Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway (GSM-R) is one of the most used radio technologies in railway network for transmitting control information. However, nowadays [...]
Risk Observatory for the total aviation system is being developed in the scope of project 4 of the Future Sky Safety program. The goal of the risk observatory is to collect [...]
While the Machine Learning (ML) landscape is evolving rapidly, there has been a relative lag in the development of the "learning systems" needed to enable broad adoption. [...]
In this study we calculate the private costs, marginal external costs, and degree of internalization for all modes in"br" Flanders for the period 2000-2014, with an outlook [...]
The fixed-bed chemical-looping hydrogen (CLH) process offers the possibility of decentralised small-scale hydrogen production and storage from local available renewable hydrocarbon [...]
Part 4: HEALTHIOT; International audience; Although the healthcare sector has been hugely benefited from the advantages made in the Information and Communication Technology [...]
This study compared the safety of road sections with various median barriers, namely: Step-shaped in-situ barriers, pre-cast concrete barriers and steel guardrails, as new [...]
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (13th. 2019. Gijón)
One of the probable causes of road accidents may be a high density of information which may cause the driver to miss a fact significant for dealing with an individual road [...]
This paper is a joint work of ASFINAG and ABERTIS AUTOPISTAS, two European road operators that already maintain a digital infrastructure on which many aspects of AD support [...]
To understand possibilities and barriers for ride-sharing in work commuting, 451 persons living in the same suburban area and working at the same site were invited to join [...]
Epidemiological studies have shown that the share of single vehicle run-off-road accidents caused by inattention, distraction and drowsiness ranges between 20% up to 60%. [...]
Precision medicine brings the promise of more precise diagnosis and individualized therapeutic strategies from analyzing a cancer’s genomic signature. Technologies such [...]
Time-Triggered Ethernet (TTEthernet) is increasingly being deployed in avionics, space applications and other safety-critical systems. The main reasons are its real-time determinism, [...]
International audience; This study aims at investigating the possibility to employ neurophysiological measures to assess the human - machine interaction effectiveness . Such [...]
The throwaway culture has for years been the hallmark of our economic system. We produce, use and throw"br" away what is left as waste. A circular economy assumes that materials [...]
The majority of commuting trips of employees working in Luxembourg are made by car. Cross-border workers coming from France, Belgium or Germany work in 40% of the available [...]
This paper deals with DATEX II profiling and validation aspects in the context of data modelling requirements coming from the European Commission’s Delegated Regulations."br" [...]
The presence of pipelines in flood defenses presents a challenge for assessing the probability of flooding. To prevent costly structural measures compensating for the possible [...]
This paper presents a speed profile generation approach for longitudinal control of automated vehicles, based on quintic Bézier curves. The described method aims to increase [...]
Passenger comfort is a major factor influencing a commuter's decision to avail public transport. Existing studies suggest that factors like overcrowding, jerkiness, traffic [...]
Guaranteeing simplicity and safety is a real challenge of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), being these aspects necessary for the development of decision and control [...]
Electrified roads have the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the transport sector. Where long-distance heavy traffic is concerned, there is actually no cheaper [...]
In Norway, in both mountainous and coastal areas, roads are exposed to natural hazards such as snow avalanches, landslides and floods. Each year 1500-3000 landslides and snow [...]
Dataflow pipelines are widely used in the design of high-throughput computation systems. Real-life applications often require dynamically reconfigurable pipelines to differently [...]
This paper presents a design of a system for monitoring and recording the influence of a running sea on a vessel"br" in motion. Our approach is based on machine learning techniques [...]
In order to reduce the dependence on oil and mitigating the environmental impact in the transport sector, European Union establishes minimum requirements for the construction [...]
Highways play a vivacious role in a country’s economic growth, by facilitating movement of both goods and"br" people from one place to another. Over a short period of time, [...]
The work reported here is a result of the EPSRC Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Hub research programme (Grant ref. EP/J016454/1). A core theme of the UK Government's new Industrial [...]
Costs related to serious injuries constitute an important input variable to assess the cost-efficiency of road safety measures, which is one of the objectives of the H2020 [...]
The „Finkenwerder Ring“ is an important traffic junction in the Port of Hamburg – however, a lot of accidents per year impair traffic safety and reliability. The current [...]
Low-cost, low-power X-band phased array radar (LPAR) is an enabling technology for future deployment of distributed short-range radar networks. Such networks offer the potential [...]
Some of the economic advanced European cities appear to have decoupled the correlation between economic growth a car ownership and car use. The research project CREATE funded [...]
International audience; Nowadays, in automotive applications, theelectric vehicle motors generally utilize permanent magnetmotors due to their various advantages like high [...]
The European Commission has outlined future transport research and innovation (R&I) priorities to decarbonise the European transport sector in its Strategic Transport Research [...]
Within the framework of SENSKIN EU project (grant No. 635844), we have developed a soft capacitive sensor using silicone dielectric elastomer for Structural health monitoring [...]
This paper aims to determine the potential demand for a cable car as an integrated part of public transport (PuT) as shown by the example of the City of Graz. Graz is a moderate-sized [...]
Rail vehicles are directed along different routes through track switch systems. These switches are subjected to"br" high loads and vibrations which may introduce misalignment [...]
RISE has initiated and developed a certification scheme for the vehicle industry that will enable manufacturers, operators and service centres (workshops) to certify their [...]
In pavement engineering design, the pressure under a tyre is assumed to be a circular vertical contact pressure for analytical design methods. The true contact pressure and [...]
This paper is based on a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) project, Mobility as a Service for Linking Europe"br" (MAASiFiE), conducted for the Conference of European Directors [...]
The current technological advances and the rapid development of new collaborative tools have endorsed an on- going transformation of transport research enabling research information [...]
utomatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has recently proved to be a useful tool to reduce the workload of air traffic controllers leading to significant gains in operational efficiency. [...]
hough connectivity services have been introduced already today in many of the most recent car models, the potential of vehicles serving as highly mobile sensor platform in [...]
Monitoring the filtration efficiency of Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF), is a legislative requirement for minimizing PM emissions from diesel engines of passenger cars and [...]
The intention of our Multimodal Information Screen is to promote public transport and to visualize healthy alternatives to motorized individual transport. This paper describes [...]
International audience; Based on the finite element method, the wave finite element method (WFE) permits to analyze the dynamics of a periodic structure by using a wave decomposition [...]
International audience; As mobile applications deliver increasingly complex functionalities, the demands for even more intensive computation would quickly transcend energy [...]
This study evaluates the deployment of a speed advisory system (Energy Efficient Intersection Service) along a 12km signalized rural arterial corridor, which connects the [...]
This article focuses on testing and investigating further development needs for LiDARs in self-driving cars in adverse weather. The article compares two different LiDARs (Ibeo [...]
This paper is a review of different methods and systems for monitoring and inventory of road signs and markings across Europe. The motorization rate has grown rapidly in recent [...]
DASC 2018: 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, London, England, UK, 23-27 September 2018
The precise localization of vehicles is an important requirement for autonomous driving or advanced driver assistance systems. Using common GNSS the ego position can be measured [...]
EMT Madrid (Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid S.A.) is at the forefront of Intelligent Transport Systems and Customer Information Systems use. On this regard, EMT [...]
In any railway power supply system, the contact line is considered one of the most important component influencing the life cycle of the system. The analyses, which estimates [...]
With the help of Under Sleeper Pads (USP) a further step towards a sustainable, and durable superstructure in railway engineering can be achieved. The development of USP within [...]
This paper describes an innovative implementation of digital solutions for rail infrastructure aiming at enhancing the traditional electromechanical rail interlocking equipment. [...]
method of functioning of intelligent software and hardware complex for monitoring system of an underground gas pipeline and cathodic protection devices using data and knowledge [...]
While cars were only considered as means of personal transportation for a long time, they are currently transcending to mobile sensor nodes that gather highly up-to-date information [...]
The Silk Route is an emerging transportation initiative that aims to connect Europe and Asia by rail link–"br" landbridge. This study investigates freight forwarders’ [...]
Revenues from global sales of light electric vehicles are expected to grow from $ 9.3 billion in 2017 to $ 23.9 billion in 2025. In order to boost this growth electric drives [...]
The knowledge of traffic health status is essential to the general public and urban traffic management. To identify congestion cascades, an important phenomenon of traffic [...]
The SUCCESS project, financed by the European Union under the H2020 program, aims to contribute to the reduction of negative impacts of the freight distribution caused by [...]