• M. González Navarro
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 46

    Understanding communication technologies through the networks by which people connect, communicate and cooperate has been a constant feature in the work of researchers who [...]

  • A. Neitzel, L. Neitzel
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 45

    Brazilian research on the determining factors for the success of programs to teach reading indicates a need to view literature as an aesthetic object that will encourage children [...]

  • C. Prieto Cruz
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 44

    Drug consumption in the population represents an area of continuous study which requires substantial knowledge of the associated variables in order to improve programs dedicated [...]

  • F. Tejedor Tejedor, A. García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso, S. Prada San Segundo
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 43

    Our intention was to study the attitudes of educators in the context of the research project entitled «Integration of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) as [...]

  • J. Perona Páez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 42

    The possibilities offered by Internet, but especially its interactive potential, have helped to the emergence of real on-line audiovisual platforms whose fundamental aim is [...]

  • E. Martínez-Salanova Sánchez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 41

  • L. Marcos López, R. Támez Almaguer, A. Lozano Rodríguez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 40

    Technology has revolutionized all aspects of human life and the educational field is no exception. This research proposes the use of mobile learning (m-learning) as a tool [...]

  • M. García Galera, J. Monferrer Tomás
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 39

    The current study analyzes the different ways in which teenagers use their mobile phones, and, based on several theoretical conceptualizations, it provides an approach to [...]

  • J. Flores Vivar
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 38

    Social networks have become the banner of Web 2.0, which also hosts blogs, wikis and chats. There is a slight dividing line between a social network, a blog and a wiki. Talking [...]

  • R. Díaz Arias
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 37

    Video is growing faster than any other content in cyberspace. Video clips jumping between screens represent a narrative return to the origins of cinema. In cyberspace, videos [...]

  • J. Fernández
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 36

    This article analyses the possibility offered by the Internet to select radio content to build customized radios. Each internet user could select radio content, replacing [...]

  • M. González Conde, C. Salgado Santamaría
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 35

    The development of podcasting as an additional system of cyberradio stimulates the appearance of networks of participation and communicative interchanges of social interest, [...]

  • L. Zamora
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 34

    On-line journalism completes 15 years of existence in 2009. The characteristics of journalism have evolved with information technology. Interaction and hypertextuality are [...]

  • O. Islas
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 33

    Before the Internet, the different media had specifically defined functions and markets. However, since the emergence of the Internet and digital communication, the same content [...]

  • M. Cebrián Herreros
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 32

    Internet embeds both conventional mass media and its own cybermedia with a social network that introduces a new communication process based on interactivity, new ways of relating [...]

  • M. Cebrián Herreros
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 31

  • J. Aguaded Gómez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (2), 30

  • Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 29

  • Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 28

  • F. Moral Toranzo
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 27

    This article addresses social interaction on the Internet using an online questionnaire. The sociodemographic characteristics are analysed as well as the web users habits [...]

  • E. Martínez-Salanova Sánchez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 26

    The article begins with a reflection on the knowledge society as foundational for improving strategies to live together on the planet, through the enrichment and driving force [...]

  • Á. Hernando Gómez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 25

    The present paper exposes a teaching resource, designed to serve as a complement to the Vocational and Professional Counseling Program of High Schools. The WebQuest intended [...]

  • N. García Muñoz, L. Martínez García
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 24

    This article aims to outline the positive assessments made by the public, through the service of the Catalan Women’s Institute (ICD) on speeches containing media representations [...]

  • M. de Fontcuberta Balaguer
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 2

    The article explains the results of a research about Media Education in Chilean Secondary School curriculum, its problems, and training and attitudes of teachers of Spanish [...]

  • E. Martínez-Salanova Sánchez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 1

  • S. Kotilainen
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 23

    Public space, especially online, is now offered more than ever before. Still, the role of public media production in youth cultures has not been very much noticed in civic [...]

  • F. Banda
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 22

    This article argues that African media education must define a pedagogical agenda for citizenship. That task lies in a postcolonial revisionism of liberal modes of thought [...]

  • E. Orhon
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 21

    Starting with the 1990s, private radios and televisions were the primary steps in Turkish media’s new structure. At that time, there was no interest in media literacy or [...]

  • E. Salomon
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 20

    The author presents a global perspective on the reasons why television is regulated, the mechanisms used for regulation, and what regulation covers, particularly its cultural [...]

  • V. Camps Cervera
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 19

    Education in and for the media is doubtlessly necessary and is very slowly slipping into regular education, but not very satisfactorily. This work must be fleshed out by the [...]

  • R. Morduchowicz
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 18

    One of the specific challenges faced by media education in Latin America is to narrow the divide and promote more equitable, fairer access to cultural and technological commodities [...]

  • I. Saleh
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 17

    At a time when the region of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is full of potential for capacitybuilding, social unrest, political agitation and poor civil liberties are [...]

  • K. Akyeampong
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 16

    This contribution reviews the introduction of old and new information communication technologies in Ghanaian education. It points out how the recent proliferation of multi-media [...]

  • C. Wilson, B. Duncan
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 15

    This analysis presents a report on media literacy education in Ontario. It provides an overview of the curriculum for media literacy that is mandated by the provincial government. [...]

  • H. Jeong
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 14

    The authors begin by providing the historical and social background of Korean media education, which has its roots in civil participation activities in the 1980s. Then, they [...]

  • C. Cheung
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 13

    Although media education is a comparatively new area of studies in Hong Kong, it is already flourishing. Why? This contribution identifies the education reform as an important [...]

  • S. Moeller
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 12

    Freedom of expression is both a life and death matter and a bread and butter issue. Free media that allow a diversity of voices to be heard and all ideas to be discussed play [...]

  • B. Das
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 11

    The recent explosion of communication tools and services within last two decades has posed new questions that are beyond the comprehension of existing pedagogy in Indian Comm [...]

  • J. Naji
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 10

    Information and communication technologies (ICT) are imposing a radical reform in journalism and media education. Without a strategic, participatory pedagogical vision, journalism [...]

  • R. Opertti
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 9

    The autor addresses the analysis of media and information literacy from an education and curricular perspective emphasizing the development of competencies that students require [...]

  • J. Lau, J. Cortés
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 8

    Nowadays, information is one of the main resources for an individual’s development and wellbeing, therefore distributing and using information must be a top priority for [...]

  • A. Silver
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 7

  • A. Waheed Khan
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 6

  • M. Scheuer
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 5

  • D. Frau-Meigs, J. Torrent
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 4

  • J. Aguaded Gómez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2009). Vol. 17, (1), 3

  • A. diversos
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 1

    Reviews Caplletra 46 (Spring, 2009) Rafael Roca, ressenya de Magí Sunyer Moliné, Els mites nacionals catalans, Vic, Eumo Editorial / Societat Verdaguer, 2006, 325 pp.Maria [...]

  • A. diversos
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 12

    Reviews Caplletra 47 (Autumn, 2009) Núria Alturo, ressenya d'Ángeles Carrasco Guitiérrez (ed.), Tiempos compuestos y formas verbales complejas, Madrid / Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, [...]

  • M. Olaziregui
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 8

    Tras unas breves consideraciones introductorias en torno al concepto de ideología, el artículo analiza la aportación que la crítica postcolonial contemporánea ha realizado [...]

  • R. Rosselló
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 5

    Aquest article aborda l’anàlisi del teatre per a infants i adolescents aplicat a textos dramàtics editats. El plantejament d’anàlisi presentat té com punt de partida [...]

  • M. Prats Ripoll
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 2

    L’objectiu d’aquest article és presentar una aproximació a la poesia per a infants a partir d’un conjunt de reflexions sobre el gènere (que abraçaran àmbits, funcions, [...]

  • G. Lluch
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 10

    El camp de la literatura per a infants i joves reclama habitualment dades objectives que permeten avaluar el tipus de relat amb el qual ha de treballar l’editor, el traductor, [...]

  • G. Lluch
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 7

    Introducció al monogràfic.

  • L. Martín
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 3

    De totes les característiques burlesques i paròdiques de gèneres literaris tradicionals medievals que apareixen en «Lo Somni de Joan Joan» una de les que més destaca [...]

  • J. Martines
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 11

    El contacte amb els aragonesos ha estat un condicionant del lèxic del català del País Valencià. Pretenem mostrar ací amb exemples concrets l’antiguitat d’aquesta [...]

  • M. Ginestí Rossell, M. Forcada Zubizarreta
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 9

    En aquest article es descriuen els sistemes de traducció automàtica, les seves aplicacions actuals i les principals dificultats que ha d’afrontar aquesta tecnologia lingüística. [...]

  • J. Fitó Pardo
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 6

    La dixi és normalment concebuda, des del punt de vista lingüístic, com un fenomen que mostra la relació entre els trets estructurals del llenguatge i el context específic [...]

  • F. Robles i Sabater
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 13

    Aquest article es proposa indagar les principals aportacions dels romanistes alemanys, austríacs i suïssos al desenvolupament dels estudis catalans en àmbits de recerca [...]

  • K. Wieland, M. Medina
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 20

    Aquest estudi proporciona una visió panoràmica de les obres i els articles publicats als països de parla alemanya sobre qüestions de sociolingüística catalana. Recull, [...]

  • A. Quintana i Font
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 17

    L’autor presenta i comenta les obres sobre gramàtica contrastiva del català i altres llengües realitzades per lingüistes alemanys des de 1502 fins a l’actualitat. [...]

  • A. Torrent-Lenzen
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 15

    Aquest article presenta i comenta els principals treballs de romanistes suïssos, alemanys i austríacs sobre la història interna i externa del català, i tracta aspectes [...]

  • V. Álvarez Vives
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 22

    Aquest article es proposa oferir una panoràmica global de les principals aportacions de la Romanística alemanya als estudis lingüístics catalans, amb especial atenció [...]

  • F. Robles i Sabater
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 19

  • J. Ribera
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 16

    El discurs oral informal, ontogenèticament més bàsic i d’altra banda habitual en les interaccions comunicatives dels aprenents, es projecta de manera freqüent en les [...]

  • L. Bracho, F. Calatayud
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 14

    La toponímia no és només la manera de denominar un lloc, sinó que és la representació d’aquest a través dels valors, creences, actituds, etc. Per tant, la morfologia [...]

  • T. Martínez Romero
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 21

    Anàlisi del pròleg de la traducció de l’"Econòmica" d’Aristòtil realitzada per Martí de Viciana el Vell a partir de la versió llatina de Leonardo Bruni. Viciana, [...]

  • J. Malé
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (2), 18

    La major part de les obres poètiques que va escriure Josep M. de Sagarra s’emmotllen, dins les formes de la poesia popular i tradicional, sovint revestides d’una certa estilització [...]

  • T. Duran
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2009). Vol. 24, (1), 4

    La il·lustració ha esdevingut un element imprescindible en la edició per a infants. Per a procedir a una anàlisi valorativa d’allò que la il·lustració exposa i de [...]

  • J. Worley
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 15

    El príncipe constante by Pedro Calderón de la Barca is a comedia based on the history of Portugal. It is set in the historical framework of the early expansion of the Portuguese [...]

  • E. Rull
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 10

    In this essay it is studied the topic of «maná» in three autos by Calderón, although we focus mainly in La piel de Gedeón, as this is the text in which the topic we mention [...]

  • F. López-Martín
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 5

    In this essay, I study different forms in which violence manifests in La Aurora en Copacabana by Calderón and its relation with two visions of the world that are in conflict [...]

  • A. Leija
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 1

    El castillo de Lindabridis (ca. 1661-1663) is one of the spectacle plays of chivalric inspiration by Calderón de la Barca. It is based on the novel by Diego Ortúñez de [...]

  • M. Greer
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 13

    Uno de los eternos debates entre los calderonistas es el del castigo del soldado rebelde que incendió la rebelión para derrocar a Basilio y coronar a Segismundo en La vida [...]

  • V. García Ruiz
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 8

    This paper points out how biblical texts normally work in autos sacramentales by Calderón de la Barca, and through the idea of an «interpreting community», understands [...]

  • J. Farré
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 4

    In the first place, this article tries to determine the first stages of the evolution of the loa during the 16th and the 17th centuries. Secondly, it deals with the main characteristics [...]

  • J. Escudero
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 16

    The critical study of El escondido y la tapada implies a series of textual problems related to the complexity of various materials that exist in the play, mostly printed.The [...]

  • B. Devos
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 11

    La mayoría de la atención crítica que ha recibido El Tuzaní de la Alpujarra de Pedro Calderón de la Barca durante las últimas tres décadas ha sido enfocada en la cuestión [...]

  • M. Delgado Morales
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 6

    While the presence of violence in the theater of Calderón has been observed by numerous scholars, this violence has not always been satisfactorily explained. Taking into [...]

  • F. de Armas
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 2

    This essay focuses on the complex utilization of mythological and astrolological elements in La vida es sueño in an attempt to bring together and harmonize my previous interpretations [...]

  • A. Carreño Rodríguez
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 14

    The complementary parts of Calderón’s La hija del aire represent the disastrous consequences provoked by bad government, corruption, and lust for power and is a prime example [...]

  • I. Arellano
    ACal (2009). Vol. 2, (1), 9

    The article traces in four sections an overview of the forms of violence present in Calderón’s theater. The first section is responsible for its most intense expression: [...]

  • Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (2009). Vol. 45 (6-7), pp. 395-405

    A new methodology for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of orthotropic membrane structures using triangular finite elements is presented. The approach is based on writing [...]

  • C. Labra, E. Oñate
    Commun. Numer. Meth. Engng (2009). Vol. 25 (7), pp. 837-849

    The first step in a discrete element simulation is the discretization of the domain into a set of particles. The cost of generating a good cylindrical or spherical packing [...]

  • B. Boroomand, M. Najjar, E. Oñate
    Computational Mechanics (2009). Vol. 44, pp. 173-190

    In this paper we propose a new mesh-less method based on a sub-domain collocation approach. By reducing the size of the sub-domains the method becomes similar to the well-known [...]

  • Computational Mechanics (2009). Vol. 44 (3), pp. 363-375

    A methodology for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of orthotropic shells using a rotation-free shell triangular element is developed. The method is based on the computation [...]

  • Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2009). Vol. 80, (10), pp. 1261-1294

    In this paper, the so‐called added‐mass effect is investigated from a different point of view of previous publications. The monolithic fluid–structure problem is [...]

  • R. Löhner, E. Oñate
    Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2009). Vol. 78 (13), pp. 1618-1630

    An advancing front technique for filling space with arbitrary, separated objects has been developed. The input required consists of the specification of the desired object [...]

  • S. Idelsohn, M. Mier-Torrecilla, E. Oñate
    Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., (2009). vol. 198, pp. 2750–2767

    Particle methods are those in which the problem is represented by a discrete number of particles. Each particle moves accordingly with its own mass and the external/internal [...]

  • D. Capua, A. Marí, E. Oñate
    Monograph CIMNE (2009). M113

    Cuando una estructura de hormigón armado queda expuesta a la acción del fuego se producen, tanto en el hormigón como en el acero, un conjunto de fenómenos [...]

  • J. Batista, L. Godoy
    RIDNAIC (2009). Vol. 9, (1)

    Se estudia el accidente ocurrido en un gran depósito de combustible en el Reino Unido, al norte de Londres, a finales del 2005, con el fin de identificar el proceso de formulación [...]

  • J. Agudelo, R. Lopéz
    RIDNAIC (2009). Vol. 9, (1)

    En este trabajo se construyeron curvas de fragilidad y matrices de probabilidad de daño para diferentes tipos de edificaciones típicas en Puerto Rico, usando [...]

  • J. Massa, A. Giudici
    RIDNAIC (2009). Vol. 9, (1)

    La seguridad en los sistemas de transporte y distribución de gas es uno de los principales aspectos que debe considerarse en el diseño de dichas instalaciones. [...]

  • M. Moura, E. Filho
    RIDNAIC (2009). Vol. 9, (1)

    Apresenta-se estudo de caso em que se avaliou o comportamento dos recalques apresentados em edifício comercial existente no Centro da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, observados [...]

  • M. Fuentes, C. López, D. Limón, Y. Cifuentes, R. Porras, F. Barreras
    RIDNAIC (2009). Vol. 9, (1)

    Se estudió la vibración teórica y experimental de un edificio de nueve niveles localizado en la ciudad de Tijuana. Para la estimación teórica se utilizo el programa SAP [...]

  • M. Shzu, G. Doz
    RIDNAIC (2009). Vol. 9, (1)

    O entendimento do processo de falha, bem como dos fatores capazes de desencadear o desenvolvimento de uma fissura, é a base fundamental da teoria da Mecânica [...]

  • O. Molina, A. Terrades, J. Ruiz
    RIDNAIC (2009). Vol. 9, (1)

    Limitar la capacidad de transporte a través del hormigón es fundamental para mejorar la durabilidad del material resultante. El uso de cenizas volantes como adición del [...]

  • R. Terzariol
    RIDNAIC (2009). Vol. 9, (1)

    Este artículo consta de dos partes y en su conjunto describe en forma sucinta las actuaciones ingenieriles relacionadas con la Geotecnia en Argentina, durante el período [...]