The natural convection and entropy generation during double-diffusive MHD natural convection in a tilted sinusoidal corrugated porous enclosure is investigated numerically in this work by using heatline visualization technique. The top and bottom horizontal walls are assumed as adiabatic [...]Abstract
In this study, a simple and high accurate series-based method called Differential Transformation Method (DTM) is used for solving the coupled nonlinear differential equations in fluids mechanic problems. The concept of the DTM is briefly introduced, and its application on two different [...]Abstract
This study is devoted to investigate the steady fully developed natural convection flow in a vertical annular micro-channel having temperature dependent viscosity in the presence of velocity slip and temperature jump at the annular micro-channel surfaces. The governing equations of [...]Abstract
A computational study has been performed to make a computational analysis of natural convection and entropy generation in a sharp edged finned cavity. Three dimensional analysis has been done by solving governing equations with a written computational code in Fortran. The study is [...]Abstract
This paper presents a numerical study of natural convection in a triangular cavity filled with water. The horizontal wall is hot, the vertical wall is cold and the inclined wall is insulated. Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is applied to solve the coupled equations of flow and temperature [...]Abstract
A study of double-diffusive natural convection in a trapezoidal enclosure with a partial heated active right sidewall has been conducted numerically using the finite difference method. The length of the heated active part is equal to half of the inclined wall. Uniform different temperatures [...]Abstract
A numerical work has been carried out to study the effects of magnetic field on double diffusive natural convection in a trapezoidal enclosure. Both inclined walls and bottom wall were kept at constant temperature and concentration where the bottom wall temperature and concentration [...]Abstract
Spallart and Allmaras [1] is a one-equation turbulence model developed for predicting complex aerodynamic flows. It will be of great interest to extend its application to predict other kind of flows in presence of heat and mass transfer. Specifically we will demonstrate, by considering [...]
The objectives of this study were to evaluate mixing of liquid waste from Tank 241-S-112 with waste in Tank 241-SY-101 and to determine the properties of the resulting waste for the cross-site transfer to avoid potential double-shell tank corrosion and pipeline plugging. We applied [...]Abstract
Natural convection,Hybrid RANS-LES,Turbulence modeling Transient,buoyancy-affected flows play a major role in some industries,for instance in the design of nuclear power plants or the under-hood space of automobiles. In order to avoid expensive experiments,promote rapid design,development,it [...]