
We present in this paper the results of a study analyzing the scope and use that teachers make of ICT in classrooms and schools with abundant availability of information and communication technologies: one computer per student, interactive whiteboards, multimedia projectors and internet [...]


This study investigates the benefits of Mobile Mediated Communication (MMC) to develop oral skills in second-language learners. A total of 80 Spanish students taking a B1 English course at the University of Almería were studied in this research. According to treatment type, subjects [...]


This article focuses on a review of both literature and practical experiences concerning MOOCs. The literature analyzed was published in peer-reviewed journals between 2007 and 2013. 268 items were selected for this study, of which 100 were analyzed in detail. The issues raised by [...]


This paper reflects on interdisciplinary descriptive research -although by no means lacking in valuable judgement- which tries to analyse education in values and attitudes regarding health education, carried out through educational software geared towards


This paper shows the results obtained from a blended training experience based on internet usage, more specifically, under the Blended Learning (b-learning) modality carried out on first year students of Philosophy and Physics at the Pontifical University of Dominican Republic. The [...]


Technologies have acquired strategic importance and have been defined as unprecedented educational tools. In this study, we analysed the use that 1,488 Spanish adolescents made of five tools (i.e. search engines, wikis, blogs, podcasts and instant messaging), and the impact that use [...]


The development of Teacher’s Digital Competence (TDC) should start in initial teacher training, and continue throughout the following years of practice. All this with the purpose of using Digital Technologies (DT) to improve teaching and professional development. This paper presents [...]


Augmented reality (AR) immersion enables virtual objects and real environments to coexist and encourage experimentation with phenomena that are not possible in the real world. Augmented reality is generating new opportunities for the development of ubiquity within educational environments. [...]


The mediated use of technology fosters learning from early childhood and is a potential resource for inclusive education. Nevertheless, the huge range of options and exposure to interactive digital content, which is often online, also implies a series of risks. The definition of protection [...]


This article focuses on gender equality as one of the most relevant objectives of the educational system to alleviate gender violence and combat stereotypes. At the same time, ICTs have become a very important educational tool in a digital society like the one where we live. Around [...]