• N. Martín-García
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (6), 53

    This paper presents the results of two correlative empiric studies in which the author analyzes the role that advertising had in creating new forms of press in the late 20th [...]

  • V. Crespo-Pereira, B. Legerén-Lago
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (6), 52

    Cognitive neuroscience has provided a better understanding of the impact of media stimuli on cognitive and emotional processing. This article offers an exploratory bibliographic [...]

  • L. Jiménez-Iglesias, M. Pérez-Montoro, L. Sánchez-Gómez
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (6), 51

    Since the emergence of the Internet there has been continuous evolution in interface design, with designers trying to offer a good experience to users. Website developers [...]

  • A. Cairo
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (6), 50

    In the last two decades, data visualization has become a fundamental tool for the exploration and communication of complex messages in disciplines such as statistics, business [...]

  • B. Subiela-Hernández
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (6), 49

    Information design is defined in two areas: journalistic information and domestic information. In this study the background and perspective of Information design are analyzed [...]

  • -. EPI
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 48

  • J. Minguillón, M. Lerga, E. Aibar, J. Lladós-Masllorens, A. Meseguer-Artola
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 47

        A pesar de la gran cantidad de contenido científico y tecnológico disponible en la World Wide Web, su mayoría se encuentra encerrado tras sistemas de pago, como [...]

  • P. Beltrán-Orenes, E. Martínez-Pastor
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 46

    In this article we analyze the organization of information in Spain’s Portal of the Transparency, which includes information that is required by law. We analyze both the [...]

  • C. Arcila-Calderón, F. Ortega-Mohedano, J. Jiménez-Amores, S. Trullenque
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 45

    This article describes and evaluates the application of the supervised sentiment analysis in political communication through a real-time classifier of political opinions in [...]

  • A. Canals, E. Ortoll, M. Nordberg
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 44

    Actualmente los grandes experimentos científicos necesitan una gran organización en la que participan cientos de investigadores de varias instituciones. Un aspecto interesante, [...]

  • J. Guallar, N. Ferran-Ferrer, E. Abadal, A. Server
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 43

    A study about research in Library and Information Science in Spain is presented. Articles published between 2012 and 2014 have been analyzed in the journals Anales de Documentación, [...]

  • S. Berrocal-Gonzalo, V. Martín-Jiménez, A. Gil-Torres
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 42

    This research addresses the study of YouTube in the electoral campaign of the General Election on June 26th, 2016 (26J) in Spain. Through a methodology of descriptive analysis [...]

  • P. Abejón-Mendoza, J. Mayoral-Sánchez
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 41

    Persuasion is a communicative process in which the agent obtains the adhesion of the receiver and influences him/her; this process is particularly relevant in political communication [...]

  • R. Quevedo-Redondo, M. Portalés-Oliva
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 40

    This proposal emerges from Sartori’s postulate about the primacy of the image. On the basis of this initial idea, the transcendence of the visual image is acknowledged in [...]

  • D. Selva-Ruiz, L. Caro-Castaño
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 39

    This work analyzes the use of the social network Instagram by Spanish deputies in the present legislature (initiated in 2016), and pays special attention to the management [...]

  • J. Sánchez-Duarte, D. Fernández-Romero
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 38

    The Network is an emerging space for political and feminist activism. Sub-activist practices, less institutionalized and more connected with subjective experiences, find in [...]

  • Ò. Coromina
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 37

    Social networks provide new mechanisms for participating in politics and it has been argued that they favor debate, citizen empowerment, and propel democratic changes. This [...]

  • Ò. Coromina
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 36

    Las redes sociales proporcionan nuevos mecanismos para participar en la política y se ha argumentado que favorecen el debate, el empoderamiento ciudadano y la profundización [...]

  • L. García-Carretero, L. Pérez-Altable
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 35

      En los últimos años se ha producido un aumento del interés en las redes digitales como medio de comunicación política. Sin embargo su uso se encuentra determinado, [...]

  • X. Martínez-Rolán, T. Piñeiro-Otero
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 34

    The strong penetration of information and communication technologies have redefined the interaction of human beings. Internet as a medium and social networks as disruptive [...]

  • M. Galán-García
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 33

    The 2016 Republican primaries, marked by Trump’s controversial remarks and the dialectical confrontations between contenders, were mirrored on Twitter. This social network [...]

  • M. Galán-García
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 32

    Las primarias republicanas de 2016, marcadas por las intervenciones de Trump y las confrontaciones dialécticas entre los contendientes, quedaron reflejadas en Twitter. La [...]

  • V. Hernández-Santaolalla, M. Rubio-Hernández
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 31

    The communication strategy developed on Twitter by the communication team La Cueva, of the political party Izquierda Unida, during the general elections of 2015 and 2016, [...]

  • D. Jivkova-Semova, P. Requeijo-Rey, G. Padilla-Castillo
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 30

    This research analyzes the use of Twitter by the four main Spanish political parties in the electoral campaign of December 2015. It delves into the tendencies of the tweets, [...]

  • B. Gómez-Calderón, S. Roses, F. Paniagua-Rojano
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 29

    The main aspects of Twitter use by the Spanish main political parties (PP, PSOE, Ciudadanos and Podemos) during the electoral campaign, prior to the June 2016 elections, are [...]

  • F. Gerrero-Solé, L. Mas-Manchón
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 28

    Twitter has become one of the main media for spreading political messages. The structure of these messages, or tweets, is compounded by four elements –text, hashtags, mentions, [...]

  • A. López-Meri, S. Marcos-García, A. Casero-Ripollés
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 27

    Twitter has been incorporated as an essential tool in the communication strategies of political actors. However, we need to know more about its use. Our objective is to analyze [...]

  • A. López-Meri, S. Marcos-García, A. Casero-Ripollés
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 26

    Twitter se ha incorporado como un canal imprescindible en las estrategias comunicativas de los actores políticos. Sin embargo, necesitamos saber más sobre su uso. Nuestro [...]

  • E. Campos-Domínguez
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (5), 25

    This article presents an overview of research about of Twitter in the field of political communication and also analyzes the main theoretical trends. It explores the development [...]

  • A. Castillo-Esparcia, S. Guerra-heredia, A. Almansa-Martínez
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 24

    Think tanks have become increasingly important as political players in Spain having grown in both quantity and quality, and with greater social, political and communicative [...]

  • S. Percastre-Mendizábal, C. Pont-Sorribes, L. Codina
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 23

    Based on an analysis of several sampled political discussions on Twitter, a new methodology is proposed that allows researchers to obtain a significant, replicable, and manageable [...]

  • -. EPI
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 22


  • V. Giménez-Chornet
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 21

    This article proposes ethical and social responsibilities for archival institutions to supplement the ethical codes for records management that focus on individual ethical [...]

  • M. Redondo, D. Calvo, M. Díez-Garrido
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 20

    This paper addresses an aspect not yet investigated in Spanish political communication: the use of data mining systems and machine learning in the construction of political [...]

  • C. Costa-Sánchez
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 19

    Banking entities are confronting an important challenge: recovering citizens’ confidence within a context in which their image has been severely damaged and linked to deception [...]

  • E. Simancas-González, M. García-López
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 18

    This paper analyzes communication management in Spanish public universities by interviewing communication directors of these institutions. Results show that, in addition to [...]

  • S. Ruiz-Pérez, E. Delgado-López-Cózar
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 17

    The open access (OA) movement has exploded in the last few years. In 2016 we invited 1,896 researchers based in Spanish institutions to fill in a survey on their opinion, [...]

  • C. López-Olano
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 16

    Public service media (PSM) are in crisis throughout Europe. As a scenario for research, the two extremes of the background have been chosen: the first, BBC, is at the heart [...]

  • A. Castillo-Esparcia, S. Guerra-heredia, A. Almansa-Martínez
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 15

    Think tanks have become increasingly important as political players in Spain having grown in both quantity and quality, and with greater social, political and communicative [...]

  • A. Prieto-Andrés
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 14

    Immigration and its regulation are key issues in society and, as such, are subject to political discourses that show the arguments of the different social actors, especially [...]

  • A. Tous-Rovirosa, S. Aran-Ramspott
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 13

    There are currently a large number of television series which focus on politics in the Western world. Most of these shows present a fictionalized account of politics in the [...]

  • K. Meso-Ayerdi, T. Mendiguren-Galdospín, J. Pérez-Dasilva
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 12

    The popularity of memes in politics is analyzed; memes are a way in which users express their feelings, usually with humor and satire. The aim of this study is to examine [...]

  • L. Leydesdorff, A. Thor, L. Bornmann
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 11

    The program HistCite™ enables an analyst to identify significant works on a given topic using the citation links between them diachronically. However, using Scopus data [...]

  • M. Thelwall, B. Cugelman
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 10

    Many organizations use social media to attract supporters, disseminate information and advocate change. Services like Twitter can theoretically deliver messages to a huge [...]

  • D. Varona-Aramburu, M. Sánchez-Martín, R. Arrocha
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 9

    Mobile devices (phones and tablets) have become the main means of access to the internet in Spain. This has caused a change in the way the public is informed and interacts [...]

  • V. Fenoll, P. Rodríguez-Ballesteros
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 8

    The digitization and storage of news in databases facilitates the research of large amounts of text when using computer assisted content analysis techniques. Several authors [...]

  • M. Montagut, N. Carrillo
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 7

    Political talk shows -called “tertulias” (media gatherings) in Spain- are a dialogical opinion genre without a clear codification. Their wide-ranging presence and large [...]

  • C. López-Rico, À. Peris-Blanes
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 6

    There was a turn in the use of political marketing strategies in Spain with the election campaign of December 20th, 2015. Infotainment television programs were unprecedented [...]

  • D. Palau-Sampio, A. Carratalá, L. Valera-Ordaz
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 5

    This study compares the frames presented by four printed and online newspapers (El país, El mundo, Elconfidencial.com, and Eldiario.es) in their headlines with those adopted [...]

  • B. García-Orosa, P. Vázquez-Sande, X. López-García
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 4

    The digital narratives employed by political parties in Spain, France, Portugal, and the United States are analyzed with particular attention paid to transmedia. We perform [...]

  • S. Percastre-Mendizábal, C. Pont-Sorribes, L. Codina
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 3

    Based on an analysis of several sampled political discussions on Twitter, a new methodology is proposed that allows researchers to obtain a significant, replicable, and manageable [...]

  • G. López-García
    El profesional de la información (2017). Vol. 26, (4), 2

    The main theoretical approaches related to the study of political communication, defined as the interaction between political parties, the media, and citizens, are analyzed. [...]

  • -. ThinkEPI
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 63

  • X. Agenjo-Bullón, F. Hernández-Carrascal
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 62

    Los cuatro capítulos que componen este informe tienen como finalidad actualizar el anterior análisis de Mitchell sobre linked data, publicado también en Library technology [...]

  • J. Tramullas
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 61

    Generalmente, los proyectos de desarrollo GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives & museums) se asocian a la liberación de materiales textuales, gráficos o sonoros, que se [...]

  • X. Agenjo-Bullón, F. Hernández-Carrascal
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 60

    The progress of the Bibframe Initiative in 2016 and the first quarter of 2017 is discussed. The difficulty of transforming the MARC 21 format into a new format lies within [...]

  • F. García-Marco
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 59

    The second part of ISO 25964 on interoperability of thesauri with other knowledge organization systems is presented in the context of the Internet and semantic web. A review [...]

  • J. Pastor-Sánchez, D. Llanes-Padrón
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 58

    In recent years there have been changes to the theoretical and methodological approaches to archival descriptions. Technologies and new users have forced change to the methods [...]

  • M. Pérez-Montoro
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 57

    Information visualization covers the basic functions of data storage and communication, and reasoning support; most of the recently developed visualizations include these [...]

  • J. Pastor-Sánchez
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 56

    The technologies of the semantic web have reached a high degree of development. There are hundreds of metadata schemes and ontologies and thousands of datasets available for [...]

  • S. Sanz-Martos
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 55

    Hackathons are going beyond the technological interests to reach the social ones. This undoubtedly upward trend allows the exchanging of information and experiences, learning [...]

  • E. García-Morales
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 54

    2016 has been a year in which many companies have undertaken the adaptation of the new ISO 9001:2015 “Quality management systems”. Based on the practical experience of [...]

  • R. Melero
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 53

    El objetivo de este informe conjunto entre Eunis y euroCRIS fue el de recopilar, a través de una encuesta online, la información sobre las soluciones tecnológicas a los [...]

  • M. Alcalá
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 52

    En los últimos años, la publicación en abierto de los datos de investigación ha ido en aumento, a la vez que los organismos de financiación iban requiriendo los datos [...]

  • I. Labastida
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 51

    Para cualquier defensor del acceso abierto, Peter Suber es uno de los referentes, por no decir el referente, en este ámbito. Suber participó, a finales de 2001, en la reunión [...]

  • Á. Borrego
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 50

    Desde la publicación en 2012 del Informe Finch, son ya varias las ocasiones en las que el blok de BiD se ha hecho eco de trabajos que analizan el grado de implementación [...]

  • E. Abadal
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 49

    Hasta ahora, en el contexto del acceso abierto a la ciencia, la mayor parte de los esfuerzos han sido dirigidos hacia las revistas científicas y esto ha permitido conseguir [...]

  • E. Giménez-Toledo
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 48

    Con el expresivo título Knowledge Unlatched el proyecto que se analiza en este informe propone una respuesta a una de las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el open access (OA): [...]

  • A. Calderón-Rehecho
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 47

    The main aspects of how to create a CRIS (current research information system) are discussed. From several points of view, CRIS addresses the following: knowing an institution’s [...]

  • A. López-Borrull
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 46

    A series of events related to thematic repositories took place in 2016. In this article, the new repositories similar to ArXiv are presented, and their relation to Open Science [...]

  • L. Rodríguez-Yunta
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 45

    This paper argues the need to adapt the publication evaluation systems to the characteristics of the humanities, in order to overcome the current discrimination of these disciplines. [...]

  • J. Ortega-Priego
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 44

    The main results of the book Social networks for scientists: A quantitative survey is discussed. The success or failure of social networks is closely linked to the management [...]

  • P. De-Castro
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 43

    The Alternative Funding Mechanism for APC-free Open Access journals and platforms implemented by the European Commission FP7 Post-Grant Open Access (OA) Pilot are described. [...]

  • C. Ollé
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 42

    Los datos y estadísticas que tienen los editores y bibliotecarios sólo son una parte del complejo mapa de navegación que dibujan los usuarios a la hora de buscar información [...]

  • D. Martínez
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 41

    En esta nota se comenta brevemente el informe elaborado por el Mobile World Capital Barcelona sobre la brecha digital en esta ciudad. Como todos los informes de este tipo [...]

  • J. Guallar
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 40

    A proposal of indicators for the analysis of articles based on content curation is presented. Two fundamental parameters are considered: curation and content, and for each, [...]

  • N. Arroyo-Vázquez
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 39

    Inbound marketing and content marketing are used by social media as a way to achieve the goals of a brand and to attract customers. In this text, practical applications of [...]

  • J. Díaz-Noci
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 38

    The European Commission published, in September 2016, a proposal for a new directive regarding copyright and digital society, which included a new right that addressed the [...]

  • T. Saorín
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 37

    How current news impacts the creation of articles in the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia is studied. Unlike the traditional editorial model, Wikipedia articles on news [...]

  • M. Baró
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 36

    Kids & Family Reading es un estudio de carácter bianual que se realiza en Estados Unidos desde 2008, con el objetivo de explorar las actitudes y comportamientos relacionados [...]

  • J. Badia-Pujol
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 35

    El informe The power of reading: how the next government can unlock every child’s potential through reading (Lawton, 2015) es uno de esos papers ingleses que tanto admiramos [...]

  • J. Cordón-García
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 34

    Uno de los fenómenos más interesantes que se han producido en el mundo editorial, al hilo del desarrollo de las redes sociales y las tecnologías de la información, ha [...]

  • L. Cencerrado-Malmierca
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 33

    The paper focuses on the role of public libraries as a place to promote reading. It reflects upon how the changes in the world of books and reading, through the influence [...]

  • A. García-Rodríguez, R. Gómez-Díaz
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 32

    The connectivity phenomenon and the expansion of smartphones and tablets are playing a major role among children and adolescents. One option for promoting reading is to positively [...]

  • J. Cordón-García
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 31

    The recent changes in digital publishing have given rise to new developments in content creation, production, and consumption. In some cases these changes have affected preexisting [...]

  • S. Balagué-Linares
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 30

    Hace unos años en el Blok de bid, reseñando otro trabajo de OCLC (Cloud-sourcing research collections: Managing print in the mass-digitized library environment) (Balagué-Linares, [...]

  • F. Juárez-Urquijo
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 29

    Sucedió una vez más, cuando, entre canapé y canapé, comenté que era bibliotecario: “¿Y ahora con internet, a qué os vais a dedicar?”. Constatar que en el imaginario [...]

  • N. Balagué
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 28

    En la gestión del cambio, es importante adoptar la perspectiva de que estamos construyendo el futuro con todas las decisiones tomadas en el presente y, en esta situación, [...]

  • C. Pasadas-Ureña
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 27

    La American Library Association publicó en 2014 (disponible ahora en abierto) la obra de Lorcan Dempsey The network reshapes the library: Lorcan Dempsey on libraries, services, [...]

  • M. Taladriz-Mas
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 26

    Este informe de la American Libray Association (ALA), publicado en abril de 2015 y que recoge datos y actividades del entorno bibliotecario norteamericano relativos a 2014, [...]

  • E. Espinàs
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 25

    Que las comunidades cambian constantemente es un hecho. Otra cosa es la magnitud, velocidad u orientación de este cambio. Y que las bibliotecas tienen el deber de acompañar [...]

  • C. Fenoll
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 24

    Nos encontramos ante la estrategia más reciente para las bibliotecas públicas escocesas, publicada el pasado mes de junio de 2015. Se trata de una red con 150 años de historia, [...]

  • F. Juárez-Urquijo
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 23

    Las bibliotecas públicas desempeñan un importante papel en la sociedad de la información. Instituciones como la Comisión Europea recurren a ellas para canalizar muchos [...]

  • P. Torn
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 22

    Por segundo año consecutivo, el New Media Consortium (NMC) ha lanzado el informe de tendencias y retos para las bibliotecas académicas y de investigación. Johnson, Larry; [...]

  • Á. Borrego
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 21

    ¿Cómo sería una biblioteca de investigación que pudiéramos diseñar partiendo de cero? Esta es la ambiciosa pregunta que se plantearon un grupo de bibliotecarios de la [...]

  • A. Bailac
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 20

    Desde hace ya unos años se han incrementado las iniciativas, especialmente en diferentes sectores de la cultura y también en las bibliotecas, con el objeto de identificar [...]

  • F. Burguillos
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 19

    En febrero de 2015, coincidiendo con la declaración del Año de las Bibliotecas en Cataluña, la Gerència de Serveis de Biblioteques de la Diputació de Barcelona i el Consorci [...]

  • L. Anglada
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 18

    Para los que siguen el mercado de la informatización de bibliotecas, la primera semana de abril es una fecha de culto. Desde hace muchos años, el primer número de ese mes [...]

  • F. Juárez-Urquijo
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 17

    The economic crisis has been harmful for libraries. Although the studies that have been done by professional associations have given evidence of their economic and social [...]

  • N. González-Fernández-Villavicencio
    Anuario ThinkEPI (2017). Vol. 11, 16

    Academic library spaces are transforming to adapt to new forms of learning, while at the same time the library print-collections, with reduced or zero use, are being moved [...]