• H. Martínez-Fresneda Osorio
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 27

    The progressive influence of the mass media in the educating of society makes it necessary to be alert and to observe very closely how the communication process is carried [...]

  • M. Fernández Martínez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 26

    The author proposes a controversial theory, although the benefits of using the media and the new technologies in education have been taken for granted, in fact they are not [...]

  • R. Tirado Morueta, J. Méndez Garrido, J. Aguaded Gómez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 25

    This paper describes the contributions developed by a Spanish-Portuguese Research Project called “Drog@” which tries to promote drugs prevention at University. The project [...]

  • J. Perceval Verde, S. Tejedor Calvo
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 24

    This article portrays an overview of the five degrees of comunication in education: oralgestural, writing, audio, audiovisual and digital. It highlights the changes introduced [...]

  • M. García de Castro
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 23

    The present paper analyzes the results of a qualitative investigation developed by the Spanish public television on the values and characteristics of the national television [...]

  • M. Moreno Rodríguez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 3

    Digital literacy (DA) is a second literacy which makes us reorganize competences already acquired. It is necessary because of the increasing presence of technology at every [...]

  • E. Parrilla
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 22

    Language is historically subject to changes. At the present time the principle of alteration postulated one hundred years ago by Ferdinand de Saussure, father of modern linguistics, [...]

  • S. Herrera Damas
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 21

    Everybody agrees. Although we lived in the so-called Information Society, traditional systems do not enable people to make a critical consumption of mass media. For that reason, [...]

  • J. Sopena Palomar
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 20

    The article analyzes the effectiveness of the audio-visual regulation and assesses the different arguments for and against the existence of the broadcasting authorities at [...]

  • J. Ruiz San Román, M. Salguero Montero
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 19

    National TV channels in Spain signed a self-regulation code to protect rights of children on December 2004. This code developed a special protected schedule for children from [...]

  • M. Callejo Gallego
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 18

    The objective of the article is to show the possibility that the monitoring of the presence of the social groups in the mass media of public ownership has, because of the [...]

  • E. Martínez-Salanova Sánchez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 17

  • O. Rincón
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 16

    We can´t only be consumers, we must be citizens. This essay argues how audiences should become producers of messages that represent a culture of resistance, from its narrative [...]

  • I. de Oliveira Soares
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 15

    Social organizations, local governments and the media in Brazil are confronting themselves over the need for an oversight board to guarantee quality television programming, [...]

  • K. Tyner
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 14

    This article explores intertextuality as a technique that can be used to bridge old and new media literacies for teachers and students who hope to move beyond the textbook [...]

  • J. Huergo
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 13

    This article presents the limits of an education for reception, from a notion of training that allows an analysis of the formative character of screens. Television interpellations [...]

  • J. Lozano Rendón
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 12

    Empirical research on patterns of consumption and appropriation of foreign television and film on Mexican audiences in particular, and Latin American audiences in general, [...]

  • N. Jacks
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 11

    This article develops some aspects about my experience on the reception research focusing on some theoretical, empirical and methodological elements and having cultural identity [...]

  • M. López de la Roche
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 10

    The article revisits the old debate about media influence, focusing on whether children learn from television or not. It argues that TV per se does not guarantee that a child [...]

  • V. Fuenzalida Fernández
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 9

    This paper presents some changes occurring in Latin America related to the relationship between children and television channels and programs. There are new ways of television [...]

  • J. González Sánchez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 8

    How does technology interact with the way in which we relate with information, communication and knowledge? The integration of these three dimensions conforms the nucleus [...]

  • M. Vassallo de Lopes
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 7

    This paper describes a current research integrated in an international and interdisciplinary project and developed in a global environment between two different tendencies: [...]

  • N. García Canclini
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 6

    How do new screens –like iPhone or mobile phone’s– interact with their technological ancestors, such as television, cinema or video? Recent research activities in many [...]

  • J. Lull
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 5

    Based on Lull’s recent book «Culture-on-Demand: Communication in a Crisis World» (2007) and on the author’s view of audiences as active participants in all forms of [...]

  • J. Martín Barbero
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 4

    Multicultural society today is much more than just ethnic diversity. It is important to recognize that heterogeneity is composed by a wide array of factors such as literacy, [...]

  • G. Orozco Gómez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 2

  • J. Aguaded Gómez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2008). Vol. 16, (1), 1

  • Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2008). Vol. 76 (12), pp. 1930-1954

    Traditional smeared orthotropic models display an unacceptable dependence of the solution on the alignment of the mesh, which usually manifests as stress locking. A solution [...]

  • A. diversos
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 1

    Reviews Caplletra 44 (Spring, 2008) David Paloma, ressenya de Margarida Bassols, El llenguatge dels polítics. Anàlisi del cas català, Vic, Eumo Editorial, 2007, 224 pp.Pelegrí [...]

  • A. diversos
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 12

    Reviews Caplletra 45 (Autumn, 2008) Lluís Gimeno Betí, ressenya de Joan Coba Femenia, Els adjectius possessius; teoria i alguns problemes d'ús, Barcelona, Publicacions [...]

  • N. Nogué Serrano
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 7

    In this article the results of a quantitative and qualitative research into person deixis are shown and, generally, the ones related to the participative inscription, within [...]

  • M. Torres i Vilatarsana
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 4

    The aim of this article is to determine, from the analysis of a real corpus, whether the traits associated with colloquial orality are present in chats. Chats, from the channel’s [...]

  • A. Matamala
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 2

    This article analyzes some typical elements of spontaneous colloquial oral discourse in a corpus formed by two episodes of own production –one of «Plats Bruts» and one [...]

  • J. Castellà Lidon
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 9

    This article deals with some grammar aspects of oral language, which includes an extense sense of the concept of grammar itself. The linguistic characteristics of orality [...]

  • M. Cuenca Ordinyana
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 5

  • J. Mahiques Climent
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 3

    In the chapters CCXXXI-CCXXXIIII of Tirant lo Blanc, there are two comical scenes where Carmesina and Tirant attempt to keep their love a secret. Carmesina justifies a night [...]

  • M. Sunyer
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 11

    This article emphasizes the decisive role played by Antoni de Bofarull and Víctor Balaguer in constructing the ideas and imagery which would feed Catalanist thought as well [...]

  • A. Cros, M. Bassols, I. Álvarez, C. Monereo, G. Sala
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 8

    This article presents some of the results from a broader research study of management styles within the Catalan university world. Two management styles are defined (the collegial [...]

  • I. Marí
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 17

    Although evidence has shown that psychosocial factors have a decisive influence in second language learning, it has not been highlighted the importance they have regarding [...]

  • I. Vila, J. Oller, M. Fresquet
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 13

    In Catalonia, in a short period of time, statistics have raised from the 1% recorded ten years ago to the current 13% of students of foreign’s origin. This change has increased [...]

  • J. Serra, S. Perera, C. Siqués, P. Mayans, I. Canal
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 21

    In the last years a very important amount of immigrant students unaware of Catalan, a language typical of the educational system of Catalonia, have arrived to Catalonia. To [...]

  • V. Pascual
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 19

    In an educational system like ours, with four curricular languages in compulsory education, language integrated treatment and its contents (TILC) has to become, undoubtedly, [...]

  • J. Baldaquí Escandell, J. Borja i Sanz
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 15

  • J. Martos
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 22

    The lost literature of an author provides data that, in spite of being partial, are important to better understand his preserved work and the complexity of his literary work. [...]

  • M. Lloret, J. Jiménez
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 20

    It has long been noticed that more perceptible elements tend to associate to positions that are structurally stronger to the end that several prominent features converge in [...]

  • S. Montserrat
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 18

    In this brief study we will carefully analyze the uses of arribar and aplegar in mediaeval language from Curial e Güelfa. Our goal is to discover when and up to which extent [...]

  • N. Real
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 14

    This article relates the activity in the press of the writer Aurora Bertrana with her literature, and it makes evident the interdependence of journalism and literary creation [...]

  • Ò. Bladas
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 10

    This article is an approach to the study of the syntactic positions that parentetic connectors take in oral discourse in Catalan –in sentential segments particularly– [...]

  • J. Mascaró
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (1), 6

    Mid vowels in stressed position are either closed ore open in Central Catalan, depending on a number of factors. In this paper we examine and discuss several of the proposals [...]

  • T. Naves
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2008). Vol. 23, (2), 16

    In order to guarantee better results in the acquisition of foreign languages, there is a generalized trend all over the world which states that the learning of a foreign language [...]

  • M. Greer, A. Ulla Lorenzo
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 5

  • L. Iglesias Feijoo, S. Fernández Mosquera
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 23

  • B. Baczynska
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 16

  • J. Escudero
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 9

  • L. von der Walde Moheno
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 2

    The composition of the dramatic texts of the Golden Age aims at their on stage peformance, and so, some of their textual elements direct them towards a particular staging. [...]

  • J. Suárez, G. Manjarrez
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 20

    The article focuses on the analysis of Calderón’s editorial intention when publishing the Cuarta parte of his comedies. The printed edition of these theatrical texts meant [...]

  • F. Rodríguez Gallego
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 13

    Focusing on the manuscript El mayor encanto of 1668, it shows some of its curious aspects and problems.This testimony is divided between the Hispanic Society of America (two [...]

  • B. Mariscal Hay
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 6

    The meaning of Calderón’s Fineza contra fineza, —the reception of which begins in 1671—, varies among those who read it and those who attended its theatrical representation. [...]

  • L. Iglesias Feijoo
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 24

    Due to the banning of printing permissions for comedies and novels, the calderonian works lived various years on stage rather before being able to be printed.With the banning [...]

  • A. Higashi
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 17

    Alejandro Higashi studies the mechanisms by which an author like Calderón was able to perform a metaphor on scene and favour a scenic interpretation of the poetic text in [...]

  • M. Greer
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 10

    The aim of this article is the consideration of the work of Diego Martínez de Mora, a copyst who is one of the links in the large chain of calderonian texts’copies. Through [...]

  • S. González García
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 3

    This article studies the relation between the main and the secondary plot in Calderón’s comedy Casa con dos puertas, mala es de guardar. The critic analyzes the connection [...]

  • A. González
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 21

    A work should have a relation system between the different elements and parts of it in order for the literary text to have a theatrical functioning and that it can be performed [...]

  • L. Godinas
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 14

    Due to the circulation process of the Golden Age comedies in general and those of Calderón in particular, the reader encounters different versions of the same text by which [...]

  • S. Fernández Mosquera
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 7

    The article discusses the validity of the texts that make the Second part of the comedies of Calderón de la Barca on the basis of previous works by the Grupo Calderón de [...]

  • L. Fernández Guillermo
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 25

    Calderón combines inherited elements together with original ones, and in his versification he tends to simplification.The author’s analysis focuses on ten works of Calderón [...]

  • F. de Armas
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 18

    Analysis of El mágico prodigioso as a comedy of saints of Calderón which portrays the clash between paganism and Christianity, focused especially on the ecfrasis that results [...]

  • Y. Campbell
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 11

    This article suggests a comparative study of Zaragoza’s and Madrid’s versions of La vida es sueño, aiming at analyzing the continuity or break in the political and philosophical [...]

  • I. Arellano
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 4

    This article analyses the sacramental play El árbol de mejor fruto trying to discover the sources used by Calderón and the structure of the play. The study is organised [...]

  • I. Arellano
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 22

  • L. Iglesias Feijoo
    ACal (2008). Vol. 1, (1), 8

  • Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids (2008). Vol. 60 (9), pp. 937-971

    The finite point method (FPM) is a meshless technique, which is based on both, a weighted least‐squares numerical approximation on local clouds of points and a collocation [...]

  • Y. Fragakis, E. Oñate
    Commun. Numer. Meth. Engng (2008). Vol. 24 (11), pp. 1009-1017

    Delaunay triangulation is a geometric problem that is relatively difficult to parallelize. Parallel algorithms are usually characterized by considerable interprocessor communication [...]

  • F. Rastellini, S. Oller, O. Salomon, E. Oñate
    Computers and Structures (2008). Vol. 86 (9), pp. 879-896

    An innovative computational methodology is proposed for modelling the material non-linearmechanical behaviour of FRP structures. To model a single unidirectional composite [...]

  • Computers and Structures (2008). Vol. 86 (13-14), pp. 1563-1578

    Evolutionary methods are a powerful and robust tool for the solution of structural shape optimization problems. Nevertheless, the use of these methods requires the structural [...]

  • Engineering Computations (2008). Vol. 25 (3-4), pp. 385-425

    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possibilities of the particle finite element method for simulation of free surface flows. Design/methodology/approach [...]

  • Computational Mechanics (2008). Vol. 43 (1), pp. 125-132

    The paper aims to introduce new fluid–structure interaction (FSI) tests to compare experimental results with numerical ones. The examples have been chosen for a particular [...]

  • Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2008). Vol 76 (9), pp. 1297-1327

    This paper introduces a new stabilized finite element method based on the finite calculus (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 1998; 151:233–267) and arbitrary [...]

  • R. Lopez, E. Balsa-Canto, E. Oñate
    Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2008). Vol. 75 (11), pp. 1341-1360

    In this work a conceptual theory of neural networks (NNs) from the perspective of functional analysis and variational calculus is presented. Within this formulation, the learning [...]

  • Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., (2008). Vol. 197 (19-20), pp. 1777–1800

    We present some advances in the formulation of the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) for solving complex fluid-structure interaction problems with free surface waves. [...]

  • S. Idelsohn, J. Marti, A. Limache, E. Oñate
    Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., (2008). Vol. 197, pp. 1762–1776

    We present a general Lagrangian formulation for treating elastic solids and quasi/fully incompressible fluids in a unified form. The formulation allows to treat solid and [...]

  • R. Morán, M. Toledo
    Monograph CIMNE (2008). M111

    Este trabajo constituye el inicio de una investigación cuyo objetivo final es definir criterios de diseño de las protecciones de escollera en forma de repié [...]

  • R. Rocca
    RIDNAIC (2009). Vol. 9, (1)

    La Ingeniería Geotécnica es analizada en sus tendencias fundamentales mediante el triángulo geotécnico de Burland (1987) que es expandido a tetraedro [...]

  • L. Suárez
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (1)

    Revision: Modern protective structures

  • K. Allende, V. Souza, F. Darwish
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (1)

    Neste estudo foram analisados os comportamentos dúcteis de pilares de seção quadrada pré-carregados, sob compressão excêntrica acidental, reforçados por encamisamento. [...]

  • R. Rocca
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (1)

    El Valle Longitudinal de las Sierras de Córdoba es un importante rasgo geomorfológico que se localiza en el centro de Argentina. En el mismo se encuentran importantes obras [...]

  • L. Miguel, J. Riera
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (1)

    Uma alternativa eficiente para reduzir as amplitudes de vibração de estruturas submetidas a ações dinâmicas é o uso de amortecedores externos. Este trabalho apresenta [...]

  • G. Balbastro, V. Sonzogni
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (1)

    En varias ocasiones, tormentas que se desarrollaron sobre la región central de la República Argentina han producido daños de variada magnitud en estructuras livianas, particularmente [...]

  • C. Coura, M. Barbosa, F. Darwish
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (1)

    Este trabalho apresenta uma análise crítica da influência da dimensão do corpode- prova e do agregado no estudo do efeito escala e do efeito tamanho, pois diversos autores [...]

  • O. Cardona, M. Ordaz, Á. Moreno, S. Santa-Cruz, M. Marulanda
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (1)

    A nivel macroeconómico, los desastres futuros son pasivos contingentes que se deben incluir en el balance de cada nación. Al igual que un pasivo pensional o las garantías [...]

  • A. Silva
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (1)

    Estudos sobre o meio físico são importantes para auxiliar a compreensão da risco do ambiente ao processo erosivo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar o mapa de Potencial [...]

  • C. Soderberg
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (1)

    Editorial: Agua potable y saneamiento para comunidades aisladas: Un imperativo social y ambiental para Puerto Rico

  • J. Jaramillo, M. Morales, G. Hincapié
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (2)

    En este artículo se propone un modelo para estimar la resistencia sísmica demuros en mampostería no reforzada ante aceleraciones perpendiculares a su plano. Para estaestimación [...]

  • A. Palencia, A. Saffar, L. Godoy
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (2)

    En este trabajo se propone una metodología de estimación de dañosimplificada, basada en curvas de fragilidad, que tiene en cuenta las condiciones deexposición y las prácticas [...]

  • J. Galarraga, M. Herz
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (2)

    Conservar más de 2000 puentes en las mejores condiciones de funcionamiento en un contexto de limitaciones presupuestarias requiere un sistema de gestión que [...]

  • D. Restrepo, J. Jaramillo
    RIDNAIC (2008). Vol. 8, (2)

    A través de una técnica de identificación de sistemas se estiman laspropiedades dinámicas del edificio principal de la sede de Empresas Públicas [...]