Strengthening critical thinking abilities of citizens in the face of news published on the web represents a key challenge for education. Young citizens appear to be vulnerable in the face of poor quality news or those containing nonexplicit ideologies. In the field of data science, [...]
Various research works and practitioners conclude that media pedagogy should be integrated in teacher education in order to enable future teachers to use media for their lessons effectively and successfully. However, this realization is not necessarily reflected in actual university [...]Abstract
This research article proposes a systematic way to disseminate media literacy education in Thailand, based on the UNESCO’s media and information literacy competencies. A media literacy learning schema was constructed using a mixed-method research before it was verified for efficacy [...]Abstract
This article analyses the status of media literacy in Brazil from the perspective of non-formal education. It quantifies the situation through a sample of projects (N=240) and organizations (N=107) that develop media literacy activities according to the internationally recognized [...]Abstract
New democratic participation forms and collaborative productions of diverse audiences have emerged as a result of digital innovations in the online access to and consumption of news. The aim of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework based on the possibilities of Web 2.0. [...]Abstract
The article analyzes the results of the international survey «Synthesis of Media Literacy Education and Media Criticism in the Modern World», conducted by the authors in May-July 2014. 64 media educators, media critics, and researchers in the field of media education and media culture [...]Abstract
This paper tries to persuade us that, since football is so stimulating among children and youngsters, it should be a perfect didactic tool. He considers football as a splendid resource in school illustrating his idea with a lot of examples.Abstract
A survey carried out by CEPAL shows that the percentage of high qualified people in the developed countries, those who finished university and technical studies, almost doubles the percentage in Latin America. Further programmes make sense because they contribute to the creation of [...]Abstract
Since 2002 the Media Studies Institute at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is working with extremely poor children and adolescents in a public boarding school set in a rural area, with the purpose of teaching them how to be reporters. The method was designed to make students [...]Abstract
The aims of this paper are: to awake the public to their responsibility for contributing to a better media services, to give protection from the consequences of an excessive concentration of media organisations in a few economic groups and to monitor the work of the media regulator, [...]