
The study of cyber stalking is starting in Mexico. The impact of technology use today is undeniable, but also should not forget that there are people who use it to harass others. So the purpose of this investigation was to validate in Mexico the subscale of the Survey Obsessive [...]


The shapes of trees are complex and fractal-like, and they have a set of physical, mechanical and biological functions. The relation between them always draws attention of human beings throughout history and, focusing on the relation between shape and structural strength, architects [...]


What is modernity in architecture? In English speaking world, the question is likely impossible to answer without considering the works of Peter Reyner Banham (1922–1988). Regardless of his polemist and disparaging style in his critical writings, this study argues that Banham offers [...]


El canvi tecnològic és el factor més important del creixement econòmic. Els canvis tecnològics en sectors clau de l’economia són com una sèrie d'explosions que donen impuls a la prosperitat futura. Aquests sectors clau, [...]


Aquest article manifesta un canvi en la modelització de la concentració geogràfica d’innovació i tecnologia i les seves causes. El canvi suposa passar de la idea d’ecosistema d’innovació al d’ecosistema d’emprenedoria. [...]


Individuals of all ages are inevitably affected by today’s technology. The main purpose of this study is to explore the objectives of 8th grade students related to the utilization of multimedia instruments ranging from personal computers to the Internet use while they are doing [...]


This research aims to analyze the level of use of technology by university teachers. We are interested by the frequency of their use in designing the teaching-learning process. The research questions were: what types of learning activities which include are designed by university [...]


The emergence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) poses new educational challenges for teachers, to which it can respond from a consistent training model. This study has as its aim to analyze the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge needed for Primary [...]


The author makes a brief study about the history of technology and its applications to education and then a reflection on the complex relationship between them. He infers that this relationship has not been studied deeply enough and so technology has been