
Classical sociology was built upon three constitutive beliefs, rarely discussed. The first defined the space of sociology, the second defined the time and the third the position of the observer and the type of discourse. All three defined the subject matter of sociological investigation [...]


Abstract: The starting point of this article has a social nature: neologisms appear to refer to novelties and to cover the expressive needs of speakers. As speakers consider language to be their own and express unformed considerations on new words, this article deals with some of [...]


This paper tries to approach non-verbal communication through eyes as a code in social and educational contexts, considering that one´s eyes may become a help or an obstacle for personal relationships. One´s eyes, face, expression are pieces of a social g


The advances in the world of sciences contributes to the progress of mankind. It’s really important to take into account the role of TV as a way of expanding and interpreting the information to make society aware of it and to imply an active participation. But mass media do not [...]


This paper is a reflection on the adaptation of the spectator to the latest tendencies in plastic art and image in general. This reflection leads up to consider the need for helping the audience to become critical spectators. This proposal is based on the development of activities, [...]


This essay aims to emphasize the alternatives that are being taken globally to reduce the environmental impact of human activity. Key points and concepts will be developed regarding the international green market, socially responsible companies (SRC) [...]


The relevance of the study is determined by an examination of the processes of reforming the education system in the Russian Empire between 1726 and 1917, which was carried out with the aim of modernizing the society and overcoming universal illiteracy. It is the degree of development [...]


La obesidad es una enfermedad crónica compleja con múltiples factores causales, incluyendo genéticos, sociales y de estilo de vida. Se caracteriza por aumento en los depósitos de grasa debido a un desequilibrio entre la ingesta de energía y el [...]


The increased cultural activity in Peru within the last years requires a media complement that contributes to advance in this sector and educate the public. In addition: culture, education and economy are key factors for social development and media must assume their responsibility [...]