
Les relacions público-privades han estat motiu de debat i de nombroses aportacions acadèmiques. Així, per a la producció i provisió dels serveis públics propis que corresponen als ajuntaments i governs autonòmics, sempre es planteja [...]


En la producció i provisió dels serveis públics sempre es planteja el dilema entre 1) gestió directa mitjançant unitats internes de la mateixa administració o empreses públiques, o 2) gestió indirecta a través de fórmules [...]


The author presents the results of the research in five parts, which are interconnected. After the introduction, in part two, entitled A Framework for Logistics Outsourcing Decisions, theoretical characteristics of outsourcing are presented. Part three, Core Competences and Outsourcing, [...]


Throughout the history, the transportation of goods and related logistics have played an important role in human development and existence. This pertains to numerous interlinked processes, whose management is often linked to social system, international linkages, development of industry, [...]


The external supply of logistics services is part of a trend toward outsourcing non-core logistics activities. The scope of third-party logistics may range from a relatively limited combination of activities (e.g. transportation and warehousing) to a comprehensive set of logistics [...]


As we believe they are very interesting and enlighting, we collected the messages of several members of the email list IweTel on software licenses.


The main characteristics of cloud computing services are explained and the clauses typically included in contracts between suppliers and customers of such services are discussed. Storing data on a cloud service can be more comfortable for an organization and cheaper than local storage, [...]


The main characteristics of cloud computing services are explained and the clauses typically included in contracts between suppliers and customers of such services are discussed. Storing data on a cloud service can be more comfortable for an organization and cheaper than local storage, [...]


Today enterprises have to distribute their final products to far away consumers. It is difficult and not cost effective for these enterprises to manage their own transport vehicles. Thus, they outsource their transportation tasks to third party logistics (3PL) companies. These 3PL [...]