
The importance of teamwork as a core capacity in the new university curricula is beyond all doubt. It is therefore crucial to know what cooperative learning is and how efficient it is for teams of students that use it. Thus, the aim of this paper is to operationalise the concept of [...]


The report “Journalism’ students in Chile: Perception of the profession, their future work field and the performance of the media” (Mellado & cols., 2015), which includes their perspective about career field, evaluation and use of the media, threats and future [...]


Los cursos MOOC se han entendido como la última evolución del aprendizaje en red, y desde su nacimiento en 2008 se han puesto en práctica en un buen número de universidades. A pesar del éxito social de estas propuestas, tanto el diseño del aprendizaje como la eficacia de sus [...]


In this paper we analyze ICT integration in higher education institutions focusing on the leadership practices of ICT policies, a research field that has not received much attention in higher education studies. An empirical study was carried out using a distributed leadership approach [...]


The creation of an Europe based on the knowledge represents for the universities a great challenge. For it, the European Union has created the european space of the university education, across which the improvement of the systems of education and formati


The discourse stating that the profound changes in ICT of the last decade have also radically altered the way our students learn, and that they can all now be considered digital natives, is increasingly prevalent. However, this paper argues that these changes are not as immediate, [...]


The digital transformation of the university is linked to the integration of technology tools and digital resources to all areas of the organization: management, academic offerings, learning processes, research, and communication. This transformation is an obligation, but also an [...]


The massive online open course (mooc) has had a great impact in the landscape of higher education. Analysts say the MOOCs will have a disruptive effect on universities and teaching practice. Universitieswill be forced to change. The psychopedagogical substrate of the moocs is the [...]


Moocs (massive open online courses) are a powerful innovation within the global knowledge system. This report describes and presents their key features, challenges that must be overcome for their implementation and good outcomes, and opportunities posed to information and communication [...]


The internet has become the main source where information can be located, which has facilitated certain university student practices, plagiarism and cyber-plagiarism in particular. Academic plagiarism and related dishonest practices result in the incorporation, although unevenly, [...]