This research analyses the current state of gender representation in Spanish prime time television series broadcast by the main generalist channels. For this purpose, an analysis [...]
Relations between journalists and Public Relations professionals have been the subject of various investigations. In a context in which great precariousness in the media coincides [...]
This review article offers an exhaustive epistemological work on the evolution of the concept of public relations during the last half century (1970-2020). For this purpose, [...]
This research departs from the strategies debated in an international framework for the achievement of gender equality through digitization and education, focusing in particular [...]
Television electoral debates are considered one of the most relevant events during the election period due to their high audience and also because of the power they generate [...]
Television debates during electoral campaigns constitute a central element within the political communication sphere. This research examines the digital conversation on Twitter [...]
Through a mixed method, the linear (live), social (social media) and audience participation (live-tweeting) offer during the special information program of March, 26th 2019 [...]
The social audience emerges with the simultaneous exposure to television and social networks. Through them the audience voices its opinions or interests about the contents [...]
The visibility and the search engine positioning of the main Spanish communication groups’ websites are analyzed. We compare their web visibility to their presence on Google’s [...]
In recent years, areas within Spanish television mix information with entertainment have proliferated with much variety by using real television. This has caused many areas [...]
The new mobile ecosystem that now defines the so-called mobile society and the mobile culture is already a key territory for contemporary political communication. Within this [...]
Plan S promotes that all articles from research funded by public financing agencies that subscribe it, have to be publicly available immediately, either in open access journals [...]
A new analysis system for website quality evaluation is presented. It is characterized by its potential to interrelate and evaluate both technical and strategic aspects of [...]
The study of reputation, applied to different objects (companies, territories, institutions…) has gained relevance in the last years, as it can be seen from the increasing [...]
Technological convergence has affected the media context of generalist television, modifying access and the consumption of content. The design of the scheduling of the general-interest [...]
Tourist destination managers must design effective communication strategies as part of their promotional tasks. In order to do so, destinations need to know what sources of [...]
Newspapers have been affected by a progressive loss of readership over the last decade, especially among those under 24 years old. This group continues to stay informed about [...]
Book review: Xavier Villalba, El orden de las palabras en contraste, Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2019, 89 p., ISBN: 978-84-7635-994-5.
Book review: Alfons Esteve & Francesc Esteve, Igualtat lingüística. Capgirar el desús i la subordinació, Benicarló, Onada, 2019, 172 p., ISBN: 978-84-17638-31-3.
In this paper we present a specific subset of spoken corpora of the C-ORAL family, namely the C-ORAL-BRASIL corpora of spontaneous Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Stemmed as the [...]
Presentation of the monograph «Spoken Corpus Linguistics in Romance: thoughts, design and results», coordination by Miquel Esplà-Gomis i Andreu Sentí.
Book review: Brauli Montoya, Aproximació a la història social de la llengua catalana, València, Bromera, 2018, 162 p., ISBN 978-84-9026-833-9.
Book review: Maria Conca & Josep Guia, A frec del seu nom: vida, obra i lluita de Xavier Romeu, Lleida, Edicions El Jonc, 2018, 507 p., ISBN: 978-84-93-8705-9-1.