
Based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, the UNFCCC has different requirements on national GHG inventories submitted by Annex I and non-Annex I parties. Since 2007, the transparency of mitigation actions by developing countries, the submission frequency [...]


Des de fa molts anys estem investigant i proposant un concepte de democràcia més adequat al segle XXI, en el que la ciutadania pugui controlar les seves institucions de forma distribuïda a través de mecanismes rigorosos de governança. Considerem [...]


Des de fa molts anys estem investigant i proposant un concepte de democràcia més adequat al segle XXI, en el que la ciutadania pugui controlar les seves institucions de forma distribuïda a través de mecanismes rigorosos de governança. Considerem [...]


Freedom of expression is both a life and death matter and a bread and butter issue. Free media that allow a diversity of voices to be heard and all ideas to be discussed play a central role in the sustaining and monitoring of good government, as well as in the fostering of economic [...]


Con las herramientas que brinda la descripción morfológica, en el presente trabajo se describen formal y semánticamente las licencias poéticas y arcaísmos que se encuentran en el poema “Comentario vii ”, de Juan Gelman, esto es. aquellas palabras ocasionales que el poeta [...]


The current openness trend includes concepts such as transparency, democracy, sharing, collective, free, common, or commons, and working areas such as open access, open data, open linked data, dataset curation, open content, open research, open education, open innovation, or open [...]


An information governance program promoting strategic, coordinated, collaborative action on data and documents can contribute to the fight against corruption. Transparency and anti-corruption practices should be social imperatives for all organizations. This paper is a reflection [...]


The "open data" movement is becoming more popular in different contexts: public administration, science and companies; therefore, it is important to know its scope. The term has generated a lot of expectations related to transparency at all levels, data reuse and free access. This [...]


Infoaces (Integrated information system for higher education in Latin America) is a new project to design a university information system. The main types of university information sources and the main features of Infoaces are described, paying special attention to the system of indicators/markers [...]