
Structural optimization problems aim at increasing the performance of the structure while decreasing its costs guaranteeing, however, the applicable safety requirements. As these aspects are conflicting, the formulation of the structural optimization problem as multiobjective is [...]


In this paper we study the performance of two stochastic search methods: Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing, applied to the optimization of pin‐jointed steel bar structures. We [...]


Is presented hereby the creation of an optimization software for the design of reinforcing steel for any type of structural elements which may be considered as columns, pillars, pilots or foundation dies, subjected [...]				


The present work aims to define formally the method termed as \textit{``Idealized Smeared Reinforcement'' (ISR)} for optimization in the design of reinforcing steel in concrete structures, [...]				


Nowadays, the need to deal with limited resources together with the newly discovered awareness of the human over-exploitation of the environment, has made the optimization a cutting edge topic both in scientific [...]


The manufacturing process of a multi‐axial load cell requires robust tools to analyze the structural behavior when it is subjected to static and dynamic loads. In this work, it is given focus to the problem of optimizing a multi‐axial load cell model (6 load components) of [...]


Conventional methods addressing the robust design optimization problem of structures usually require high computational requirements due to the nesting of uncertainty quantification within the optimization process. In order to address such a problem, this work proposes a methodology, [...]