
Under Fujimori’s regime, Peruvian Press knew the explosion of Popular Press. This one had a very special relationship with Fujimori’s regime and his communication strategies. It could be seen through positive president representations and contenders defamation. Following [...]


This article shows a new vision of Media Consumption for Communication Research through the relation between a host society and Diaspora. Immigrant’s Media Consumption is already [...]


The performance of The Constant Prince by Grotowski’s Teatr Laboratorium was a turning point for the history of Western theatre, but tradicionally its infl uence on the 20th century Spanish stage has been considered not really relevant, at least as far as it concerns the [...]


This article develops some aspects about my experience on the reception research focusing on some theoretical, empirical and methodological elements and having cultural identity as context. It considers identity as a constituent and at the same time as an element composed of the relationship [...]


This article presents the limits of an education for reception, from a notion of training that allows an analysis of the formative character of screens. Television interpellations are analyzed as textual contexts, as well as the recognition and subjective identifications they create. [...]


On April, 17th 2018, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, in the Plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, appealed to the “renaissance of European sovereignty”. The article analyzes the functions attributed to the preferred social network for debate and political discussion, [...]


News media organizations have been experimenting with immersive journalism formats in recent years. The search for new ways to tell stories is driven by technology and has given rise to new –and not so new– forms of expression. The initial enthusiasm has dissipated over the years, [...]


Podcasts are an increasingly popular form of sound media that generate active listeners and fandom around them. These programmes present an opportunity for scholars to analyse not only new forms of consumption around convergent and on-demand media, but also the particular phenomenon [...]


The meaning of Calderón’s Fineza contra fineza, —the reception of which begins in 1671—, varies among those who read it and those who attended its theatrical representation. This work contrasts the different receptions on the basis of two representations at palace, in 1671 [...]


The Disputa de l’ase, by Anselm —Antelm? Telm?— Turmeda is ranged among the most singular works of fourth-century prose. This paper deals with the sources of the exempla quoted at the sixteenth argument, since the excellent study of Garcia Sempere and Martín Pascual did not [...]