
Leadership its a topic of interest in organizational research because the impact of the leaders and managers behavior in their teams and the results. Thus, the 3D theory of Reddin (1983) suggests that the behavior of managers is related to behavioral styles related to task orientation [...]


The Grand Canal is of incomparable importance to ancient China, which still serves its original functions in the current society. Given its outstanding value, the conservation of the Grand Canal in China is drawing an increasing attention, and there is a proposal to inscribe it in [...]


La innovació a l’empresa és un dels objectius que, de manera recurrent, apareix com més destacat pels alts executius i reconegut com dels més importants per la bona marxa de la majoria de les empreses.  Tot [...]



Les empreses catalanes es troben en un moment de canvi. Fins ara fa poc, per tenir èxit en el negoci un factor molt important eren les habilitats personals del gerent. Ara amb la facilitat d’accés a la informació, el gran volum de [...]


The socioeconomic impact has global effects and Media is not exempt from them as they follow global trends, leaving growing need evidence of the development of aptitudes and skills (personal and social) from Communication professionals, so that they are prepared to undertake their [...]


For the first time there is a full-year report (of 2015) of ebook lending from Spanish public libraries, and the outcome does not seem entirely satisfactory. Although it is a short period of time in which to attempt to ascertain the success or failure of ebook lending, data reveals [...]


The main aspects of how to create a CRIS (current research information system) are discussed. From several points of view, CRIS addresses the following: knowing an institution’s scientific impact; simplifying and improving institutional management; having a suitable tool for researchers [...]


Libraries now have the challenge of managing a wide variety of materials, from books and journals on paper to the existing range of electronic resources. Information is packaged in various forms, and libraries must sign on to big deals as well as acquire single titles, single articles, [...]


In conceptualizing information systems always there have been a dilemma between two options: either use them as mere automation tool over the existing situation, or convert it in an enhancer element, i.e. a radical transformation facilitator. A historical example is examined and future [...]


With the advent of digital books it is recommended that librarians take an active role, defending the rights of citizens to be able to continue enjoying free reading, and also maintaining their own image of being up-to-date professionals. Librarians should know technical, economic [...]