
This article proposes to analyze the representation of race, class and moral in television phenomena “Magaly TeVe” and “Al fondo hay sitio” from an anthropological glance of the television, and understanding their communicative, discursive and social dimensions. [...]


Social communication media are understood as relevant producers of images, prejudices and stereotypes that make up a vision and identity about speeches [...]


This article provides an analysis of the Devil as a character in three genres of discourse. The Devil appears in different guises, according to the specific persuasive purpose of each genre. Thus it is possible to infer the existence of at least three different devils brought to [...]


Advertising does not only sell goods or services. Its messages fit in with the social discourses that shape the vision of today´s world. Thus, it is challenging to investigate the tensions and contacts between pedagogical and publicity discourses on schoo


Understanding that cultural products for children transmit social representations and reproduce specific outlines of attitudes and behaviours, this paper focuses on the gender construction based on specific messages in children´s films. We analyze here, the 1991 Disney´s Company [...]


Emissions from aviation will continue to increase in the future, in contradiction of global climate policy objectives. Yet, airlines and airline organisations suggest that aviation will become climatically sustainable. This paper investigates this paradox by reviewing fuel-efficiency [...]


Risk theorists have frequently discussed the discursive construction of risk perception. In particular, the effect of media consumption on increasing the subjective perception of risk has been highlighted. Not much is known about how government communication affects citizens’ impressions [...]


In the discourse of fashion the presentation and the evaluation of acts and objets are often mixed. Depaning from this assumption the present work investigates the lexical and pragmatical reasons that intensify the moral connotation of expressions about fashion and allow their use [...]


The elderly population has increased considerably in recent years and it is estimated that by 2050 32% of the Spanish population will be old people. This group is underrepresented in the media and does not attract much research interest. To put this right, we present an analysis of [...]


The growth and integration of ICTs in the global economy has created conditions that profoundly affect our society, dividing communities between those who effectively appropriate these resources and those who do not, the «digital divide». This exploratory study seeks to propose [...]