
Financing is key to entrepreneurship, especially in crisis period, when financial markets restriction hinders access to funding to small and medium enterprises. The Mutual Guarantee Institution facilitates funding to new businesses through guaranteed long term loans. This paper analyzes [...]


Institutions committed to public safety are among its obligations to keep the public informed about various events related to the safety hazards in the environment. When the link between institutions and society is fragmented, citizens seek alternative sources of information as [...]


The recent crisis in the corporative world have shown that the corporate image is one of the most important aspects in the companies´values. In order to reduce the negative impacts of such events, communication consultants have to make managers executives


A radiography of the state of digital media in 2013-2014 is presented, paying special attention to the situation in Spain, but with international references. Eleven main points are discussed: the crisis in print media, the rise of new media, digital strategies, canon Aede (aka the [...]


Radiography of the state of digital media in 2011-2012 paying special attention to the situation in Spain, but with references to the international situation. The main points are: the crisis of the media, pay-for-content, data journalism, fact checking, apps and products for reading [...]


This radiography of the state of digital media in 2010 pays special attention to the situation in Spain, with references to the international one. The main points are: the crisis of the media, the return to pay-for-content, reading devices for news as the iPad, developments in social [...]


This radiography of the state of digital media in 2009 pays special attention to the situation in Spain and references to the international situation. The main points are: the crisis of the media, major ups (La información.com and Factual) and downs (Adn.es and Soitu.es), the return [...]


Overcoming the newspaper industry crisis and addressing the urgent need to rethink business models to achieve a greater openness to users and the environment will require turning future generations of journalists into entrepreneurs. To meet this goal, training is important but, according [...]


Since 2014 the media is no longer merely struggling for survival. They are now founding innovative departments and organizing hackathons to develop new products. These changes indicate that journalism is evolving and enjoying an era of opportunity. It is undergoing a process of permanent [...]


Recent changes in the economic, social, and technological environment have impacted the careers of information professionals. On one hand, new jobs and opportunities have appeared, and on the other hand, layoffs in mainstream media companies indicate that the net impact has been negative. [...]