
Clinical trials and real-world data confirm the efficacy of entecavir treatment for chronic hepatitis B (CHB), however, the factors associated with a favorable response remain unknown. In a retrospective multicenter study, 132 treatment-naïve hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-positive [...]


Advanced age is associated with left ventricular (LV) remodeling and impaired diastole. The association among aging, mitral leaflet closure (EF slope), cardiac structures, and diastolic indices in an asymptomatic Taiwanese population is largely unknown. We studied 8103 asymptomatic [...]


In recent years, very few studies have classified and analysed the evolution of the business activities carried out by Spanish companies that provide information and document management services. Aware of the importance that these issues have for university centers and for graduate [...]


This paper presents the results of studies of the young growth of main forest-forming coniferous species in four types of native cedar forest of the Sikhote-Alin nature reserve. The following types of young growth were measured: Manchurian fir (Abies nephrolepis ), Ajan spruce (Picea [...]


This study examines levéis of resilience considering differences of age and sex, so it provides data from a sample composed of 607 participants divided into four age groups: children, teenagers, young adults and middle adulthood, men and women all of the city of Toluca México, applying [...]


This study examines levels of resilience considering differences of age and sex, so it provides data from a sample composed of 607 participants divided into four age groups: children, teenagers, young adults and middle adulthood, men and women all of the city of Toluca Mexico, applying [...]


This paper looks at how individual preferences for the allocation of government spending change along the life cycle. Using the Life in Transition Survey II for 34 countries in Europe and Central Asia, the study finds that older individuals [...]


xtabstractProlonged prednisolone treatment for the initial episode of childhood nephrotic syndrome may reduce relapse rate, butwhether this results fromthe increased duration of treatment or a higher cumulative dose remains unclear.We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled [...]


Relevance. The relevance of “non-Western” associations of states, such as BRICS, is rapidly increasing as the global world order is in transit to multipolarity, going through geopolitical aggravation. The subject of the study is the demographic future of the BRICS countries [...]