
Strengthening critical thinking abilities of citizens in the face of news published on the web represents a key challenge for education. Young citizens appear to be vulnerable in the face of poor quality news or those containing nonexplicit ideologies. In the field of data science, [...]


This paper proposes a model for textual analysis in explorative hyperfictions that may serve as a didactic tool for teaching hypertextual literature in both middle and upper levels. The proposal includes ten sections (with descriptors, justification and examples for each of them) [...]


The overall regrettable situation of Spanish cinema education in our universities, scattered throughout the most varied degrees, mistreated in the syllabuses and different programs, contrasts with a period of deep historiographical renovation. Several recent manuals and other serious [...]


The Internet is a public source of information, where information can be found at minimum search cost. Social media are becoming increasingly popular among web users trying to find and [...]