
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between social norms and attitudes towards ENDS and hookah and use of these products. We conducted surveys with hookah and ENDS users who regularly used the Internet and social media and analyzed the primary social media account [...]


This study examines specific professional patterns among health journalists, and assesses whether these differ from those among generalists in the case of vaccines. 131 articles were analysed from national newspapers in Spain, of which 52% (n=68) were written by specialised health [...]


This research analyzes the flow of information and communication about vaccines and anti-vaccines through the monitoring of issuers, groups, news sites and messages in RRSS. We also investigate its effects on attention, emotion and engagement analyzed with Eye Tracking, GSR and Facial [...]


Opportunistic fungi of the Candida species have been associated with a broad spectrum of human infections with significant morbidity and mortality rates, ranging from superficial skin infections to deep or disseminated candidiasis. To combat this microorganism, antifungals are [...]


Imagine that, in 2050, not a single person in the United States dies in a traffic crash. This is the scenario described in this article, in which RAND researchers set forth a vision and strategy for achieving zero roadway deaths by 2050. The authors propose that a combination of three [...]


Identification of risk factors is crucial to find ways to reduce rabies deaths. We investigated the hospital records of rabies deceased through contact tracing of the relatives of the victims using enhanced verbal autopsies (VA) to identify why the people had to die from rabies [...]


Vaccination programs may help the world to reduce or eliminate Covid-19. Information about them may help countries to design theirs more effectively, with important benefits for public health. This article investigates whether it is possible to get insights into national vaccination [...]


Using a systemic approach, this study highlights the problems of public health in the Primorsky Territory and demonstrates that the spread of ecology-related diseases depends on climatic, sanitary, and social factors. The indicators of health assessment that were selected include [...]


El concepto de 'medicina personalizada' se encuentra recientemente en boca de todos en los ambientes biomédicos. Este cambio de paradigma en el modo de entender la sanidad se plantea como la capacidad realizar acciones “a medida” de cada paciente, siguiendo [...]