
Cada film abre un mundo (o un cinemundo, como dice Jean-Luc Nancy). Por esto, el camino, y el road-movie como género, son más que meros tropos, más que simples metáforas para la película: son los sensorimotor schemata del cine pavimentando su propio camino. El problema de la [...]


This article offers a historical summary of the relationship between the Catalan narrative and dramatic literature, and their film versions from the beginnings of the cinema in Catalonia, going through the Franco period, the proposals of the poetic avant-garde and the cultural recovery [...]


The author looks into the common elements in the format-related writing and attends to the pragmatic signs of the professionalisation of the script-writing, mainly in such a culture as the Catalan one. The given examples refer to the dialogue’s functions as for the narrative plot [...]


Application of the experience of the Translatology and the Discourse Analysis to the film translation, and particularly, to proxemics, kinetics and gestures elements, essential for the control of the isochrony between iconicity and verbality in the dubbing process.


The author analyses the parallel components of the brevity parameter between the written and the film narrative, and, at the same time, the languages autonomy that each one involves, starting from the specific performance option in two versions of the tale Redacció (‘Composition’) [...]


Audiovisual media are part of children´s daily life. They build and/or replace a part of the reality that is sometimes preceded. This paper is interested in one of the elements of the audiovisual binomial, the soundtrack, in order to analyse its meaning and sense from the children’s [...]


A non growing up language is a dead language. Media make oral language rich and adapt themselves to people changing circumstances in order to improve their own language. Media language, enriched by very rapid progress, is essential for social discussion b


The discussion about literary works adapted as films establishes the question of their artistic statute and the fact that literature is usually considered an art of a higher level. The author thinks that both have a narrative condition and an own language


Any audio-visual message is the result of the characteristic conventions of the audiovisual narrative. Its logic has a very well-known history, characteristic of the comic or the theatre photograph. For the author of this paper, the best way of facing an


This paper revises the history of research on the influence of television and cinema violence on the world image created by children. The author makes a reflection an this polemic topic, coming to the conclusion that the whole society is responsible for b