
During the sixties and seventies the limited presence of women in the public sphere was reflected in the restricted repertoire of roles played by female characters in television fiction (mainly those of mothers and wives). The strengthening of the feminist movement in the following [...]


Autora: Montserrat Cerqueda Serrando, degana del l’Il·lustríssim Col·legi de Graduats Socials de Barcelona, Girona i Lleida.

Nom de l’eix: 4. El capital humà i el futur del treball. Salari mínim.

Justificació [...]


In August 2021, landslides occurred on the slope of the Cortinas sector over an area of more than three kilometers, which affected electrical towers, a national vehicle highway, an oil pipeline and a gas pipeline. Currently, these infrastructures have limitations in their operation, [...]


Autora: Montserrat Cerqueda Serrando, degana del l’Il·lustríssim Col·legi de Graduats Socials de Barcelona, Girona i Lleida.

Nom de l’eix: 4. El capital humà i el futur del treball. Salari mínim.

Justificació [...]


Effective and sustainable prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WR-MSDs) remains a challenge for preventers and policy makers. Coordination of stakeholders involved in the prevention of WR-MSDs is a key factor that requires greater reflection on common knowledge and [...]


In recent years, information managers have seen increased opportunities as a result of the evolution of technology. However, as time goes by we can see that many professionals continue to think that our options are limited to work in the public sector or, at most, in the private sector [...]