
The content of this project is focused on the development of a process to reuse uncured A350 prepreg scrap obtained in production plants. The main aim is to reduce the current buy to fly ratio, which is the used raw material versus the material that will finally fly and, thus, [...]


The tasks and conclusions presented in this article have been developed in the C2CC - "Cradle to Cradle Composites" project implemented in the framework of the EIT-Raw Materials program. This project proposes the replacement of metallic components in automobiles by using [...]


Industrial automated tape layup methods significantly increase the productivity, precision, and efficiency of manufacturing methods for large aerospace parts; however, although they allow reducing scrap fraction [...]


It is estimated that the aeronautic industry in the European Union produces annually around 10 tn of uncured prepreg scraps, generated mainly from manual and automated lamination processes of composites, and that [...]


The use of CIDETEC's patented 3R technology allows the development of thermoset composites that are intrinsically Reprocessable, Recyclable and Repairable (3R). These materials are very interesting for sectors as diverse as energy, transport, and [...]


The new Airbus A350XWB has the largest % of an aircraft primary structure elements made of composites ever. Thus, it has been a huge challenge to manage thousands of CFRP Tons per year in the part manufacturing plants, and consequently, several initiatives to reduce, reuse and [...]


Within the European platform Europe's Rail, whose objective is to promote research and development activities in the railway sector, can be found the PIVOT-2 project (Grant Agreement no. 881807), which addresses [...]