Alex's Barbat Journal Papers is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the scientific papers published [...]
When solving dynamic problems, it is necessary to define in some way the damping of the structure. Generally, a damping term that depends on the velocities is incorporated [...]
The earthquake resistant design codes in force in the different countries are applied to the field of building structures. However, some of the standards give a certain appearance [...]
In this work, the nonlinear dynamic response of RC buildings with energy dissipating devices is studied using advanced computational techniques. A fully geometric and constitutive [...]
This monograph explains how probabilistic seismic risk assessments can be performed at different resolution levels using the same methodology, providing results in terms of [...]
The monograph begins with a review of the usual seismic analysis procedures and presents the problem of seismic-resistant projects. The required structurual analyses can be [...]
This monograph presents a summary of the importance for the State of having a public policy of protection or financial management of risk from the perspective of disasters. [...]
X Martinez, S Oller, LG Barbu, AH Barbat, AMP De Jesus
International Journal of Fatigue 73, 132-142, 2015
CA Velásquez, OD Cardona, MG Mora, LE Yamin, ML Carreño, ...
Natural hazards 72 (2), 455-479, 2014
YF Vargas, LG Pujades, AH Barbat, JE Hurtado
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 11 (6), 2007-2032, 2013
JC Vielma, Barbat A., Oller S.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 5 (7), 2011
OD Cardona, MG Ordaz, L Yamín, S Arámbula, MC Marulanda, A Barbat
The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008
AH Barbat, S Oller, E Onate, A Hanganu
International Journal of Solids and Structures 34 (30), 3953-3976, 1997