Enmarcada en un contexto donde los medios de comunicación experimentan una serie de cambios tecnológicos en la producción de mensajes, propios de la sociedad del conocimiento, la revista anual Análisis y análisis tiene como objetivo fundamental la publicación anual de artículos académicos en cuatro campos bien delimitados:
Periodismo (prensa escrita y medios digitales)
Relaciones Públicas
Comunicación audiovisual
Los artículos también pueden enfocarse en aspectos sociológicos, antropológicos, lingüísticos y tecnológicos relacionados con los medios de comunicación, su impacto en la sociedad, así como en la palabra del mensaje mediático.
Correspondencias y Análisis tiene como objetivo contribuir con la difusión de la producción científica de los comunicadores sociales, tanto nacionales como extranjeros, brindándoles mayor visibilidad. Mediante la indización, se busca configurar la revista como una fuente importante de consulta global, dirigida a los estudiantes y profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanísticas.
Enmarcada en un contexto donde los medios de comunicación experimentan una serie de cambios tecnológicos en la producción de mensajes, propios de la sociedad del conocimiento, la revista anual Análisis y análisis tiene como objetivo fundamental [...]
After mid-eighteenth century the Viceroyalty of Peru began a series of administrative reforms in an effort to streamline the needs of the Spanish Bourbon Monarchy. These reforms affected different social sectors, mainly “criollos”, “mestizos” and indians. This will bring with it a series of protests and rebellions, many of which were expressed, among others, in anonymous Fliers against the Spanish Authorities, unlike the official newspapers that do not meet characterized by malaise and social rebellions that spread in Upper and Lower Peru until the early nineteenth century.
Abstract After mid-eighteenth century the Viceroyalty of Peru began a series of administrative reforms in an effort to streamline the needs of the Spanish Bourbon Monarchy. These reforms [...]
Some cities in the world have seen the advantages of Enological-enoturism’s activities. Valladolid city try to achieve a market positioning as an ideal metropolis to be an enological, culture destiny and city of wine event festival.
The research pretends to show the wine sector and enological-tourism to many people with a spectacular and interactive way. It pretends to value Valladolid as a city able to develop enological-tourism’s activities in the world.
For that we contacted with professionals of the area to obtain arguments and answers about Valladolid as a city of wine festival. The results explain that Valladolid is good for doing these activities and to be considered a city of wine.
Abstract Some cities in the world have seen the advantages of Enological-enoturism’s activities. Valladolid city try to achieve a market positioning as an ideal metropolis to [...]
The present paper is an approach to the construction, development and dissemination of gender roles (male and female) from the publicity established in Lima. This self-critical look at the advertising profession rather than blame wishes to describe a reality often ignored or filtered by various factors. It also proposes ways to deal with this problem facing its principal actors: Advertising, customers and especially teachers and students from different universities and institutes that apparently do not regard this as an important part of the training provided to new generations favoring perpetuation of stereotypical gender roles. For this article we have resorted to bibliographic research, analysis of advertisements and interviews with professionals who can provide different and complementary perspectives in order to understand this reality, seek consensus and pathways to a new approach in advertising and gender.
Abstract The present paper is an approach to the construction, development and dissemination of gender roles (male and female) from the publicity established in Lima. This self-critical [...]
The article is an historical and journalistic study about El Caso, an events weekly newspaper, which was published during 40 years in Spain. We analyze the historic evolution of this publication, from Franco’s dictatorship to the coming of the democracy, as well as its style and its striking covers. This newspaper was one of the most successful in Spain over the 20th century, was a remarkable example of profitable popular press, and its director, Eugenio Suárez, created one of the first Spanish Media groups.
Abstract The article is an historical and journalistic study about El Caso, an events weekly newspaper, which was published during 40 years in Spain. We analyze the historic evolution [...]
This article explores the State and its units of conflict management’s capacitiesand limitations to transform social environmental conflicts. The analysis focuses on the type of intervention that Peruvian governments had been using in the media arena in response to the escalation of public conflicts. Furthermore, the article also focuses on how the government can use the information to play a role in the transformation and prevention of conflicts. Lastly, the discussion considers how the government handles its communication engagement and strategy with the citizens through conflict management -from a governance and public value perspective.
The article concludes that the communication dimension is part of any government conflict management approach; therefore, it should be embedded within a national system for conflict management that puts the priority in the prevention and transformation of conflicts, rather than on the administration of crisis.
Abstract This article explores the State and its units of conflict management’s capacitiesand limitations to transform social environmental conflicts. The analysis focuses [...]
One of the key factors in the maturation of modern Journalism, during the 20th century, has been the evolution of Journalism Genres, especially in the Press. Their domain allowed the appropriately diffusion of data, opinions and analysis into informative, opinion and interpretative texts that respected different styles, but also complementary, if one takesVinto account the overall content of a publication. Within Latin American Journalism, this intention has resulted in tripartite classifications.
Currently, the Press interrelates with the new communication platforms (contained in the changing spectrum of Digital Journalism) that constantly used multimedia Internet resources, the immediacy of virtual social networks and the Microblogging. Within this scenario, Journalism Genders take a new importance in Print Media (newspapers, supplements, journalistic magazines, among others), setting up a methodology that safeguards professional ethics, helping journalists in the composition of substantial texts with appealing narrative, product of rigorous research, as well as specialized and multidisciplinary approach in line with the demands of the 21st century.
Abstract One of the key factors in the maturation of modern Journalism, during the 20th century, has been the evolution of Journalism Genres, especially in the Press. Their domain [...]
This qualitative research analyzes Decree Inter Mirifica (1963), which states the responsibility of Mass Media and its relation to Culture, Science, Multiculturalism, as well as the technologies of the information, Internet, Digital Journalism and historicalecological Communication Perspective, concluding that Inter Mirifica expresses the essence of Media: its use requires righteousness, prudence and wisdom.
Abstract This qualitative research analyzes Decree Inter Mirifica (1963), which states the responsibility of Mass Media and its relation to Culture, Science, Multiculturalism, as well [...]
Legal changes about family Law in Spain are important in recent past. One reason for this is the social change with a predicable storytelling in the Press. Relationships, engagements, marriages and families are an important content in gossip press, so this paper wants to measure their presence in this kind of press. That’s why this study analyzes the selection of news and their values in the covers of the most important Spanish gossip magazine, ¡Hola! from 2000 to 2004, the period of legal changes.
Abstract Legal changes about family Law in Spain are important in recent past. One reason for this is the social change with a predicable storytelling in the Press. Relationships, [...]
The intention of this work is to present the design and implementation of a communication strategy based on the use of social networks on the web 2.0, in order to promote alternative tourism with indigenous identity. This project has been developed by students of the majors in Communication, Marketing, and Animation and Digital Art, under the coordination of two professors of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Cuernavaca, who have applied the pedagogic model known as Learning - Service.
The social networks and this pedagogic model have allowed the establishment of effective channels of communication between the members of the indigenous communities of Amatlán de Quetzalcóatl and San Sebastian Cuentepec in the State of Morelos, Mexico, and the academy. This strategy contributes to the strengthening of the collective memory, stimulates social entrepreneurship, and promotes the exercise of a responsible tourism, committed to the sustainability of these indigenous communities.
Abstract The intention of this work is to present the design and implementation of a communication strategy based on the use of social networks on the web 2.0, in order to promote [...]
The work of the press offices in institutions and enterprises, the substitution of sources of information and the operating mode in press releases, press conferences, etc., and generally all previous and subsequent work to ensure informative success, are detailed by linking them to a higher organizational communication. All this from the theoretical perspective and professional praxis, told with vivid, and historical, examples, and in which no less important is the work of anonymity in which are located, as authors of the released issues, the people in charge of these devices. Other aspects specific to the press offices are also discussed, beyond the tasks associated with writing reports, but of equal interest to public and private entities. And singularly the role they play in political campaigns.
Abstract The work of the press offices in institutions and enterprises, the substitution of sources of information and the operating mode in press releases, press conferences, etc., [...]