
Petronila Liz Contreras Yalico's personal collection



Enmarcada en un contexto donde los medios de comunicación experimentan una serie de cambios tecnológicos en la producción de mensajes, propios de la sociedad del conocimiento, la revista anual Análisis y análisis tiene como objetivo fundamental [...]

Documents published in Scipedia

  • C. Quesada
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 83

    After mid-eighteenth century the Viceroyalty of Peru began a series of administrative reforms in an effort to streamline the needs of the Spanish Bourbon Monarchy. These reforms [...]

  • M. Lazo
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 84

    Some cities in the world have seen the advantages of Enological-enoturism’s activities. Valladolid city try to achieve a market positioning as an ideal metropolis to [...]

  • H. Cuéllar
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 85

    The present paper is an approach to the construction, development and dissemination of gender roles (male and female) from the publicity established in Lima. This self-critical [...]

  • R. Carcela
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 86

    The article is an historical and journalistic study about El Caso, an events weekly newspaper, which was published during 40 years in Spain. We analyze the historic evolution [...]

  • S. Lavander
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 87

    This article explores the State and its units of conflict management’s capacitiesand limitations to transform social environmental conflicts. The analysis  focuses [...]

  • C. Chiang
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 88

    One of the key factors in the maturation of modern Journalism, during the 20th century, has been the evolution of Journalism Genres, especially in the Press. Their domain [...]

  • R. Fernández
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 89

    This qualitative research analyzes Decree Inter Mirifica (1963), which states the responsibility of Mass Media and its relation to Culture, Science, Multiculturalism, as well [...]

  • M. Sáez
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 90

    Legal changes about family Law in Spain are important in recent past. One reason for this is the social change with a predicable storytelling in the Press. Relationships, [...]

  • I. Morales, G. Cadena
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 61

    The intention of this work is to present the design and implementation of a communication strategy based on the use of social networks on the web 2.0, in order to promote [...]

  • F. Hiniesta
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 60

    The work of the press offices in institutions and enterprises, the substitution of sources of information and the operating mode in press releases, press conferences, etc., [...]
