The ultrasonic-assisted machining (UAM) technology, compared to conventional machining (CM), has been proven to be an effective method for machining the difficult-to-cut Ti6Al4V [...]
The present study investigates delamination damage initiation and propagation within a homogenization theory of mixtures, using the concept of virtual layers and virtual interfaces. [...]
The recycling of composites by pyrolysis is a technology still under development, and although it is beginning to be implemented, it still poses different problems to be solved [...]
The use of hydrogen as an energy source is a promising strategy to replace fossil fuels, in addition to batteries and biofuels. The European aerospace industry is already [...]
The post-impact strength of composite materials is one of the main design parameters of aeronautical structures in terms of damage tolerance. During the low-velocity impact [...]
Aerogels are low density foam-like materials that are obtained from a sol-gel process in which the solvent used is replaced by air without collapsing the previously formed [...]
This study aims to develop innovative flame-retardant additives from renewable resources, which will ensure high fire protection, low environmental impact, low toxicity and [...]
LMPAEK/CF laminates collected from scrap waste of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) manufacturing were recycled obtaining different fiber sizes. The fraction with the smallest [...]
It is essential to understand the behavior of composite laminates against fatigue crack initiation and growth in order to accurately predict component service life and to [...]
One of the main advantages of using reinforced thermoplastic materials is the possibility of joining different parts by welding. Welding process avoids the use of mechanical [...]
Hybrid acrylic/water-based polyurethane systems have been synthesized by a polymerization process in which acrylic monomers have been used as solvents in polyurethane systems. [...]
A great deal of work on lightweight cost-effective strategies has been underway in the last decades to improve the electric vehicle efficiency and driving range. At the time, [...]
One of the most important challenges in the automotive field is to deal with the new regulations regarding the material’s recycling, following the guidelines of the [...]
En el presente trabajo se estudia un nuevo eco-composite tipo FWL (“Fiber-Wood Laminate”) obtenido mediante la hibridación de fibras naturales [...]
The development of sustainable composites has become in a major strategy for different sectors, such as the offshore renewable energy industry.
Thermoset polyurethanes [...]
The biaxial tension-compression test with a cruciform specimen on symmetrical angle-ply ±45º laminates is proposed as an alternative that improves the results [...]
TiO2 is a semiconductor oxide with many applications due to its properties. To increase the electron transport of the material, it is usually doped with transition metal ions [...]