
Particles are used to simulate phenomena spanning twenty orders of magnitude, from the folding of proteins to the formation of our universe. I distinguish particle methods for the discretisation of continuum conservation laws and particle models of complex systems. In this talk, [...]


The possibility to use a Lagrangian frame to solve problems with large time-steps was successfully explored previously by the authors for the solution of homogeneous incompressible fluids and also for solving multi-fluid problems [28-30]. The strategy used by the authors was named [...]


Particle Methods are those in which the problem is represented by a discrete number of particles. Each particle moves accordingly with its own mass and the external/internal forces applied [...]


An advancing front technique for filling space with arbitrary, separated objects has been developed. The input required consists of the specification of the desired object type, the mean [...]


In this paper, we present a computational algorithm for solving an important practical problem, namely, the thermoplastic polymer melting under fire conditions. We propose here a technique [...]


In this work a stabilized mixed formulation for the solution of non-linear solid mechanics problems in nearly-incompressible conditions is presented. In order to deal with high material deformation, an implicit Material Point [...]


A methodology to integrate geographical information system (GIS) data with large-scale pedestrian simulations has been developed. Advances in automatic [...]


Multifluids are those fluids in which their physical properties (viscosity or density) vary internally and abruptly forming internal interfaces that introduce a large nonlinearity in the [...]


In this work, we propose a lattice-particle approach to study ionic diffusion across graphite electrodes. In our approach, we generate virtual representative volume elements (RVE) of the electrode material based on its composition, i.e., active particles, carbon additives, and binder. [...]


In this work we present the latest advances in the Particles Finite Element Method (PFEM) for the numerical modeling of forming processes. In the recent past, very good results of the method have been shown in the simulation of 3D cutting problems. The method has very good capabilities [...]