The reception of Jesús Moncada’s work at the beginning of his literary career was determined by the debate between «rural novel» and «urban novel», up to the point of directing its reading towards an elegiac dimension, at the expense of other distinctive traits of greater importance. [...]Abstract
Since its origins the man has always sought ways to enhance their cognitive abilities: memory, learning, understanding, preservation and dissemination of information. And it has used many different media and tools to represent the information in them. Cognitive artifacts are all those [...]Abstract
The consolidation of cyberjournalism as a new form of journalistic production in recent years brought about the need to evaluate the quality of newspapers and magazines produced for the Web. Using the same concepts and analytic tools developed for the traditional press in the evaluation [...]Abstract
We investigate the hypothesis that long-term memory in populations of agents can lead to counterproductive emergent properties at the system level. Our investigation is framed in the context of a discrete, one-dimensional road-traffic congestion model: we investigate the influence [...]Abstract
We analyzed the archiving strategies of five citizen mobilizations that have taken place in Spain since 2004. All of them have in common an explicit will of the protagonists to keep the records generated during the events, in order to build an account of what happened “from below” [...]Abstract
El descubrimiento reciente del archivo fotográfico de Vivian Maier, de más de 150, 000 imágenes de Nueva York y Chicago de los años cincuenta, sesenta y setenta del siglo xx, nos descubre la vida callejera de la modernidad norteamericana. Este Atlas inmenso que nos legó una mujer [...]Abstract
El siguiente ensayo inicia reconstruyendo el relato de los últimos días de la vida de Walter Benjamin, en el contexto histórico de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y la existencia de un misterioso manuscrito perdido en su frustrada huida por la frontera franco-española en 1940, en la [...]Abstract
Through practical experience, virtues can be turned into second nature. While intellectual knowledge can be acquired through instruction, moral virtues can not be gained without practical experience. Philosophically, this is proven by Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Ignatius [...]