Daily maximum temperatures from 753 stations across China and the heat wave indicators are used to study the temporal and spatial characteristics of heat wave intensity, frequency and heat wave days in China over the period of 1961–2010. The results show that high frequency, long [...]Abstract
As part of the integration process of the auxiliary power systems of electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, this study proposes a method to control two different voltage types using two control factors of the rectangular alternating waveforms contained [...]Abstract
Long-term variations and trends in a wide range of statistics for daily precipitation characteristics in terms of intensity, frequency and duration in Finland were analysed using precipitation records during 1908–2008 from 3 meteorological stations in the south (Kaisaniemi), centre [...]Abstract
Mexico is consistently portrayed as a happy country. Research endeavors, both national and international, show that Mexicos levels of happiness are favorable, although little has been done regarding specific measurement underpinnings. There is a constant debate on whether happiness [...]