
The competence of fresh graduates of architecture has been continuously criticized by the industry for inadequate knowledge. This is often blamed on the poor standard of education evidenced by poor performances in professional and degree/diploma examinations conducted by various schools [...]


''Objectives'' : To evaluate the exposure of Portuguese Urology residents (IP) to urological laparoscopy and to its training methods, comparing with the remaining Urology residents in Europe (IE). ''Materials and methods'' : A survey consisting of 23 questions concerning laparoscopic [...]


La educación según la Real Academia de Educación es desarrollar o perfeccionar las facultades intelectuales y morales del niño o joven que permitirán capacitarlo para una correcta toma de decisiones, especialmente cuando se integre en la vida [...]


This paper attempts to shed light on the redistributive effect of childcare policies in Catalonia. To this purpose, it examines the impact of a 2004 law aimed at increasing public childcare coverage for under three years-old in Catalonia on the participation in formal childcare [...]


En nuestros tiempos los cambios económicos globales han tenido un fuerte impacto en la construcción de los modelos del siglo XXI. Asimismo, el ejercicio responsable del consumo precisa desarrollar competencias para un uso racional de los recursos económicos. [...]


Reflection “Communication-Education” is not limited to the analysis of practices, teaching-learning methodologies, the role of subjects in the dyad or the ideological issue that crosses the educational policies, but discuss the triad “teacher-knowledge-student” [...]


From the exhibition of some forms of organization communication theories, this text looks for to identify the theoretical foundations that they allow to characterize like interdisciplinary to the field of the communication, mainly marked by the contributions of social sciences [...]


This article presents research describing gender roles offered to boys and girls from Christmas toy advertising through broadcast television in Lima. These messages provide content that lead to the adoption of stereotypical gender roles from an early age, which are perpetuated [...]