
The use of the Internet bursts in a key moment for the enological tourism development in several regions of Spain and, it is essential to get to know [...]


The effective deployment of the semantic web depends not just on technological developments, but also on applying guidelines for the process of publishing structured data on the Web. Part of the work of the W3C working group about data on the Web is focused on the identification of [...]


Web criticism in general and search engines criticism in particular have increased in parallel to the importance they gained over time. This paper proposes a categorization of these weaknesses of search engines and the web in order to provide a conceptual clarification. These shadow [...]


The critical attitude of many scientists and information professionals to the information published in the academic web, which is usually less valued than that available in scientific journals, is surprising. The article proposes that the Web should be taken seriously and techniques [...]


The year we left behind was marked by a growing interest in mobile devices as a way to access content, from searching the internet to reading e-books. While we are in a time of incipient adoption of these devices, expectations placed on them include breaking the digital divide and [...]


Although the web has become, as a general rule, the main source of information and its use as a reference source is growing, disproportionate attacks on the reliability of web-based information have been launched from numerous sources, which affects the general public perception of [...]


LA WEB PÚBLICA es un objeto de estudio abierto a todos (por definición).En una red dominada inicialmente por el inglés, los hablantes de otras lenguas con pujanza cultural pronto intentaron descubrir cuál era su posición.


The rapid progress that ICTs have introduced to our field is not always accompanied by updates of the theoretical bases that sometimes are in danger of becoming obsolete and useless. An example of this problem is the concept of “grey literature”, which remains practically [...]


This paper analyzes the Web applications to manage literature in Biomedical Sciences. We identified, examined and described 28 academic utilities that perform automated analysis. They are user-friendly, and altogether provide better search, retrieval, management and metaanalysis (bibliometrics, [...]


The Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya presents its technological experience and outcomes of the last 5 years. The article also describes the human resources used for the implementation of the projects and the working method usually followed. [...]