This paper explores the contributions of transmedia storytelling in the construction of fictional worlds, in an attempt to detect the narrative elements that strengthen the bond of the audience with the fictional world. The study shows that based on the solid construction of the [...]
This paper explores the contributions of transmedia storytelling in the construction of fictional worlds, in an attempt to detect the narrative elements that strengthen the bond of the audience with the fictional world. The study shows that based on the solid construction of the [...]
This paper approach the study of transmedia phenomenon as a set of relationships that involves not only intertextual narrative conditions, but also anthropological. With two goals: first, to structure a system that serves intertextual analysis tool to own transmedia products of [...]
The introduction and consequent consolidation of information technology and telecommunications in audiovisual stories gives the receiver the ability to change from the traditional role of passive spectator to active user. In this scenario it is necessary that brands and creators work [...]Abstract
Transmedia storytelling has become a useful strategy for fiction, documentaries, and for marketing and corporate communication. However, the study of this new tool applied to journalism and reporting has received less attention and has been more recent and theoretical. The aim of [...]