
This paper is a reflection on the nature of scientific knowledge production. Being a human process, its characteristics are particularly complex and difficult to establish with standard procedures. Despite the differences between disciplines, the research processes always includes [...]


The peg of this report is the 14th edition of the International Society for Informetrics and Scientometrics (ISSI) Conference, which was held in Vienna in 2013 and was by far the biggest event in this field. Based on this conference the author discusses the hottest and most controversial [...]


The issue of sharing research data has always been present in the scientific community; however, the current state of technology has revived the debate. For this reason, and following a special issue of the journal Nature on the topic, we review the main features of this practice. [...]


Libraries and various agencies are beginning to value research data as an academic product. This situation is bringing out new skills among information professionals, especially in university libraries that are beginning to launch the first proposals, testing methodologies and exploring [...]


Presentation of the main projects and initiatives related to open access conducted during 2014, based on a bibliographical review of published studies and analysis of some activities that occurred that year. It has been divided into four sections: repositories, journals, research [...]


Academic libraries are facing a range of new challenges in the 21st century. Models of scholarly communication are experiencing a revolution with the advent of open access, with libraries adopting a lead role in self-archiving their institutional outputs in digital repositories. In [...]


The emergence in the scientific community of an initiative known as data sharing, consisting of sharing research data among researchers and aiming to maximize efforts and resources, is analysed. First, the concept of research data and the related technical difficulties depending on [...]


The sharing of research data is a hot topic at the international level, especially due to the development of e-science, based on collaborative working methods that use technology in an intensive manner. The amount of digital data and of its sharing is growing fast, and a lack of proper [...]


The concept of open data, which demands that many more conditions be met than simple internet accessability in any format, is analyzed. Some examples are given about the importance of open data repositories in efforts to promote transparency in science and avoid scientific fraud. [...]


This paper studies research data repositories in the social sciences and humanities (SSH), from the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data), paying particular attention to metadata models used to describe the datasets included in them. 397 repositories are reviewed at the [...]