The work of the press offices in institutions and enterprises, the substitution of sources of information and the operating mode in press releases, press conferences, etc., and generally all previous and subsequent work to ensure informative success, are detailed by linking them [...]
We begin with a discussion about indicators related to a productivity model that can be used to analyze the four years a government is in power. Next, we use visual analysis to review economic information using a prototype portal, indicaME (acronym of “economic model indicators”). [...]Abstract
The role of specialized bibliographic databases in the current environment of online information search dominated by search engines and large multidisciplinary databases is described. The databases usefulness for searching specialized information and the need for intermediation of [...]Abstract
Review of the status of scientific information market in 2010. Presentation of the most relevant multidisciplinary products and services. All major platforms, journal aggregators, bibliographic databases, open access repositories and academic search engines are reviewed.Abstract
The basic characteristics of use and consumption of scientific, technical and medical (STM) information are described, and three newly created information resources are presented: DeepDyve; Science Research from Deep Web Technologies; and WorldCat, from OCLC. Also mentioned are the [...]Abstract
Although the comic has been with us much longer than other arts considered as such without prejudice, there are currently no appropriate search tools that allow us to study this publication genre, so there is a considerable information vacuum in this respect. We briefly discuss the [...]Abstract
This research aims to explore the media relations in museums, through the interaction between the press office and the specialized journalists. It attempts to quantify the use of documentation provided by Internet and Web 2.0 tools and observe to what extent traditional professional [...]Abstract
In a Web dominated by social media for information, relationships and communication, the established dynamics between content, people and technology change radically. Given the relevance of the user-generated content in such a scenario and its essentially relational nature, successfully [...]Abstract
Digitization and the rapid development of Internet capabilities are encouraging audiovisual archives to add parts of their collections to the web, both for commercial and for nonprofit or education purposes. This article describes the different services offered by online archives, [...]