This article reflects on the need to re-interpret the control and evaluation of information resources in the current environment of online searching and the information domination of search engines and social networks. Taking into account the recent announcement of the ending of ALA’s [...]Abstract
In this article, we examine the need to re-interpret the control and evaluation of information resources in an environment of online searches and information use that is dominated by search engines and social networks. Taking into account the recent announcement of the end of the [...]Abstract
The role of specialized bibliographic databases in the current environment of online information search dominated by search engines and large multidisciplinary databases is described. The databases usefulness for searching specialized information and the need for intermediation of [...]Abstract
Review of the status of scientific information market in 2010. Presentation of the most relevant multidisciplinary products and services. All major platforms, journal aggregators, bibliographic databases, open access repositories and academic search engines are reviewed.Abstract
Review and development of the Spanish virtual reference service Pregunte: las bibliotecas responden (Ask a librarian). Description of main characteristics, workflows and statistical analysis. Description of the recently established chat serviceAbstract
This paper critically addresses the conditioning factors and considerations underlying the projection of Digital Humanities, as an operational discipline, to the field of educational praxis. The colonisation of this new area of competence consolidates the trend of translation of Digital [...]