This introduction tries to contextualize Mona Baker’s article in this same issue by revising her personal evolution in the field of Translation Studies, as well as by introducing some of the key notions tackled in her paper. The introduction mainly deals with the turn of Translation [...]Abstract
Las primarias republicanas de 2016, marcadas por las intervenciones de Trump y las confrontaciones dialécticas entre los contendientes, quedaron reflejadas en Twitter. La red social se convirtió en el espacio donde los candidatos pudieron expresar sus puntos de vista y compartir [...]Abstract
The 2016 Republican primaries, marked by Trump’s controversial remarks and the dialectical confrontations between contenders, were mirrored on Twitter. This social network became the arena in which the candidates were able to express their views on different aspects and share with [...]Abstract
Abstract: The paper analyses the relationship between the ideology of university students from the region of Valencia and their linguistic behaviour. Apart from the traditional right-left wing political scale, the required self-defining ideology includes national-regional identity [...]Abstract
History text books officially used in Mexican schools have been and still are supporters of political values since their creation in the sixties. History text books in 1960 promoted nationalims as the main value, product of the need of national union of those postrevolutionary times; [...]Abstract
The objective of this article is to follow Anna Murià’s publicist trajectory in the period between 1936, the year in which she joins Diari de Barcelona and in 1939, when she started the path of exile towards France. We want to confirm the existence of an important ideological and [...]