
Structural fire resistance, as integral part of structural design, is determined by testing or by calculations. This paper is focused on statically indeterminate structures where thermal expansion is restrained and significant internal forces occur in the structure leading to possible [...]


FIBRESHIP (H2020, Grant 723360) is an ambitious innovation project funded by the European Commission, which is participated by 18 European partners led by the Spanish company TSI. The main objective of FIBRESHIP is to overcome [...]


Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) materials are widely used in the construction of small-length vessels due to their light weight and high strength to weight ratio. However, the use of FRP materials in vessels above 50 m length is only allowed to secondary structural elements of the [...]


Low flammable foam-like materials based on renewable bio-based polymers and sodium montmorillonite clay (MMT) were created using water as a solvent and following a simple freeze-drying process. Composites were formed by adding layers of the previously created gel precursors to [...]


FIBRESHIP (H2020, Grant 723360) es un ambicioso proyecto de innovacion naval financiado por la Comisión Europea, en el que participan 18 socios europeos que estan coordinados por la empresa española Tecnicas y Servicios de Ingenieria (TSI). El objetivo principal de [...]


Recent advances in developing new concepts for railway structures demand new lightweight structure concepts not only to reduce their energy consumption but also to reduce the load [...]