To determine dynamic response of mechanical system is always a complex issue. One of the core inputs for such a task is a coefficient of logarithmic damping decrement. There is no way how to determine this coefficient analytically; it needs to be measured on the final product. [...]
Starting from the theoretical foundations of the role of press offices in the transmission of the content of scientific journals, the article analyses an experiment carried out between November 2011 and November 2012 with El profesional de la información. The methodological approach, [...]Abstract
Structural problems in modern societies, such as climate change and congestion problems, require 'transitions' towards a more susTWNnable fulfilment of social needs. Recent research shows that experimenting in niches is crucial for learning about social challenges and stimulating [...]Abstract
News media organizations have been experimenting with immersive journalism formats in recent years. The search for new ways to tell stories is driven by technology and has given rise to new –and not so new– forms of expression. The initial enthusiasm has dissipated over the years, [...]Abstract
The climate system models from Beijing Climate Center, BCC_CSM1.1 and BCC_CSM1.1-M, are used to carry out most of the CMIP5 experiments. This study gives a general introduction of these two models, and provides main information on the experiments including the experiment purpose, [...]Abstract
The use of product placement as a marketing communication tool is based on the inclusion of products or brands in the scene where the action is. The use of this tool has benefits for both the producer of the movie, as well as for brands and / or products. There is currently no consensus [...]Abstract
In this paper, we wish to examine the perceived credibility of news items shared through Social Networking Sites (SNS) –specifically, as a function of tie strength and perceived credibility of the media source from which the content originated. We utilized a between-subjects design. [...]Abstract
This paper is focused on the fault tolerance of Human Machine Interfaces in the field of air traffic control (ATC) by accepting the overall user's body language as input. We describe ongoing work in progress in the project called Sixth Sense. Interaction patterns are reasoned from [...]Abstract
This paper describes a question of evaluation necessity of bridge cranes using the method of limit deformation state and oscillation damping. The solution was performed by means of theoretical analysis and an experimental verification at the selected bridge crane. The final result [...]