
This article analyses the portrayal of education in European cinema from the perspective of systems of education and the behaviour of teachers and pupils in the classroom. Since its very beginnings, cinema has played a significant role in forming the collective European memory, and [...]


Some considerations We offer some thoughts about the apparent current climate of opinion and criticism against Google, which in the author’s opinion is not based on substantiated facts or analysis, but on perceptions, not necessarily based on any rationale. According to the author, [...]


The main goal of this study is to determine the role of indirect taxation in the Spanish publishing industry. The work includes: a) a tax treatment comparison of books in Spain with respect to the rest of European countries; b) an evaluation of the options for exemption or reduction [...]


International audience; Dieser Bericht ist das Ergebnis einer Zusammenarbeit von etwa 100 Forschern im Zeitraum von 1993 bis 1998. Die COST Aktion 319 „Abschätzung der verkehrsbedingten Schadstoffemissionen“ fu?hrte dazu, daß ein Netzwerk von Wissenschaftern aufgebaut und Methoden [...]


As defined by the European Commission, the Orient/East-Med Corridor is one of the most significant European transport axes. However, it runs through states with low economic performance and poor infrastructural networks; it coincides with the Western Balkan and eastern Mediterranean [...]


Der Autor beschreibt zunächst die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen und Erwartungen zur Nachwuchsförderung an den europäischen Hochschulen: Es geht dabei "um die Bedingungen der Nachwuchsförderung in der Massenuniversität, Veränderungen auf den Arbeitsmärkten für Nachwuchswissenschaftler, [...]


The EUROSTUDENT report is based on a unique dataset covering more than 120,000 students in 23 European countries. The surveyed students provided information on the social and economic conditions of their life. In essence, the EUROSTUDENT dataset describes a biography from entrance [...]


The position of Europe in maritime flows is demonstrated by the connections of its port gateways with the rest of the world. Such connections vary from one port to another in terms of traffic concentration and geographic coverage, dependent on multiple factors including origin-destination [...]