Modern communication networks have to be capable of responding to random fluctuations of requests and errors in different ways. One of them is traffic routing i.e. resource allocation. The designing of such networks (intelligent ones) and their management represent a challenge in [...]Abstract
Recently, many of the foreign traffic-safety analyses point out the low level of traffic safety in multi-lane roundabouts. This problem is resolved in several ways in different countries however, the solution, whereby the number of conflict points is diminished (e.g. turbo roundabout) [...]Abstract
The problems of low level traffic safety on multi-lane roundabouts have been resolved in various ways in different countries, usually by using alternative types of roundabouts that reduce the number of conflict points. Alternative types of roundabouts typically differ from "normal" [...]Abstract
In August 1999 an exceptional transportation of two steamers of 666 tonnes was performed from the Port of Koper to the Nuclear power plant in Krško. The transport covered a distance of about 200km and represented one of the largest exceptional transports in Slovenia ever. Finding [...]Abstract
This paper examines the reliability of the operation of cableway systems in Slovenia, which has major impact on the quality of service in the mountain tourism, mainly in wintertime. Different types of cableway installations in Slovenia were captured in a sample and fault tree analysis [...]Abstract
The introduction of contemporary procedures to fleet management processes has recently changed the work planning and supervision of driver's work activities. Tendencies to control the implementation of driver's work have been present in modem professional practice for quite a long [...]Abstract
This paper provides a system dynamic model for reducing the number of motorway accidents due to wrong-way driving. Motorway accidents are often fatal due to high speeds. It is therefore necessary to carry out all the possible countermeasures in order to achieve adequate traffic management. [...]Abstract
Modern approach to transportation system research is based on the system theory. System analysis is relevant. Constant transportation technique and technology development caused by the need of conformation to the new market conditions is the basis for such an approach. The model approach [...]Abstract
The paper is based on the question whether the existing (legislation determined) method for determining the visibility length on passive protected level railroad crossings insures the relevant level of traffic safety. It has been recognised that using of such method does not provide [...]