The author reflects on the iSchools movement and the need to increase the study of computing in LIS courses. He argues that libraries and archives are only a tiny portion of the places information professionals might work, although library topics occupy almost the entire content of [...]Abstract
In an analysis of the development of social media throughout 2014 and their impact among information professionals and institutions, some of the trends that experts consider most likely to appear in 2015 are described.Abstract
The notion of “information subsidy” was introduced by US media researchers to refer to informational materials that an organization’s press officers place at the disposal of journalists covering an informational event. Based on this idea, this research examines the online pressrooms [...]Abstract
Advertising, one of the leading communications media today, requires special techniques for research and documentation without which its effectiveness could be questioned. A brief study is made of advertising documentation in Spain from the theoretical and practical points of view. [...]Abstract
We analyze the online corporate communications of 17 institutions of the library and information science area, selected from those contained in the Anuario de bibliotecas españolas 2009 (Spanish libraries yearbook) of the Fundación Alonso Quijano. We analyze the management and communication [...]Abstract
The Institute for Public Relations is the only organization in the world which has created a database to consult and share public relations research on studies and results. With over fifty years of history and a records function since its foundation, in 2008 it created the Essential [...]Abstract
A study of the current situation of editorial documentation and the job of researchers in publishing companies, as the managers of the information and documentation. Perspectives for the future. The concept of editorial documentation is defined and explained, a typology of the documents [...]Abstract
Media researchers frequently need to record and store a huge amount of media content. Until recently, the Department of Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona handled this problem in an old-fashioned analog and manual way. After migration to iptv, the department [...]