Radio in Spain went through a rather peculiar news-making process between the 11th and 14th of March. Shortly after the terrorist attacks on commuter trains in Madrid during which ETA was blamed, doubts about who was actually behind the bombings produced a crisis in the construction [...]Abstract
The issue of deliberate forest fires that set illegally in Indonesia by plantation companies in their slash and-burn forests to clear lands for lucrative palm oil plantations and its caused transboundary haze became a hot issue for discussion. These fires have a negative influence [...]
The Covid-19 crisis has put to the test many social structures processes. Corporate communication and public relations are examples of these processes that face an unprecedented situation, difficult to foresee and from which lessons will have to be drawn for the future. In this article, [...]Abstract
Coronavirus crisis has caused a complicated situation at a sanitary, economic and social levels, that requires of a fundamental work in communication area so that the society comprise and collaborate with the adopted measures. Through the review and synthesis of the scientific and [...]Abstract
The World Health Organization (2011) has emphasized communication as one of the biggest challenges and places risk communication among the essential competencies required to tackle a pandemic. In light of the Covid-19 crisis, the aim of this paper is to assess how information forms [...]Abstract
The purpose of this research is to study the main communication policies carried out by various public institutions, in accordance with national and European food safety control systems, in order to manage the growing number and severity of food crises. To this end, the outbreak of [...]Abstract
The discourses of the political leaders about the Covid-19 pandemic have become central to many television networks. Many citizens follow these press conferences, as they can be affected by the government’s measures against the virus. Due to its importance, analyzing how these individuals [...]Abstract
Risk theorists have frequently discussed the discursive construction of risk perception. In particular, the effect of media consumption on increasing the subjective perception of risk has been highlighted. Not much is known about how government communication affects citizens’ impressions [...]