
The first part of the Spanish translation and adaptation of the ISO 25964 Information and documentation standard is analyzed: Thesauri and interoperability With Other vocabularies - Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval will become the new UNE ISO 25964-1. Innovations and implications [...]


International projects for reforming and broadening the scope of the current technical guidelines and standards on thesauri are presented. The aims of these projects are to recast the existing standards and guidelines, to adapt them to the new digital environment, and to specify their [...]


The organization knowledge concept is defined as the domain where scientific research interacts with its application to systems development. Disciplines that embraces, as information science; and its products, such as classification systems, are cited. Some recent trends and current [...]


This paper aims to determine the scope of application of SKOS in the Semantic Web. Controlled vocabularies registered in the The Data Hub catalog of RDF datasets that use SKOS were studied. In addition to establishing a typology of vocabularies, authors analyzed the issues related [...]


The organization knowledge concept is defined as the domain where scientific research interacts with its application to systems development. Disciplines that embraces, as information science; and its products, such as classification systems, are cited. Some recent trends and current [...]


News documentation lacks suitable instruments of classification and indexing, the only exception being the Subject Reference System of the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC), which is not yet fully developed. The most relevant contributions to classifying and indexing [...]


In 1974, Unesco published the Nomenclature for Fields of Science and Technology. Since then, it has been used in Spain to classify the scientific activity. In order to better determine its characteristics, development and scope, we studied the literature and analysed its use by university [...]


Within the current panorama of science evaluation, the limitations of citation indexes to study the social sciences and humanities have been the subject of wide debate. To resolve this situation, different products have been created for use in national contexts, since they cover certain [...]