Carsharing continues to grow worldwide as a powerful strategy to provide an alternative to solo driving. The viability of electric vehicles, or EVs, has been exam-ined in various carsharing business models. Moreover, new technologies have given rise to electromobility, or e-mobility, [...]Abstract
Climate change and global resource shortages have led to rethinking traditional individual mobility services based on combustion engines. As the consequence of technological improvements, the first electric vehicles are now being introduced and greater market penetration can be expected. [...]Abstract
The operation of public and semi-public charging infrastructure is often not profitable yet. However, the integration of charging infrastructure in microgrids enables the introduction of innovative business models, e.g. by local renewable energy generation and storage units. Another [...]Abstract
Cooperative systems which rely on vehicle-to-infrastructure communications are designed to tackle important road"br" transport issues, such as safety and pollution. Since the associated monetary commitment is substantial, a clear"br" understanding of the appropriate business models [...]Abstract
International audience; Sustainable technologies challenge prevailing business practices, especially in industries that depend heavily on the use of fossil fuels. Firms are therefore in need of business models that transform the specific characteristics of sustainable technologies [...]Abstract
The creation of media by journalists has seen a strong increase in Spain in recent years in tandem with the crisis experienced within the news sector. This phenomenon, known as entrepreneurial journalism, is a case of innovation within the field of information. The aim of this paper [...]Abstract
This text explores opportunities for research libraries in the current context of transition to a gold open access model. First, political and organizational considerations are discussed, drawing directly from proposals presented at the recent Berlin 12 Open Access Conference and [...]