Documents published in Scipedia

  • H. Afonso González, J. Ibarretxe, E. Acha, U. Olaziregi Cuevas, A. Esnaola, A. Serras, A. Iturrondobeitia.
    Materiales Compuestos (2023). Vol. 08 - COMUNICACIONES MATCOMP21 (2022) Y MATCOMP23 (2023), (Núm. 1 - Caracterización - Sostenibilidad y Reciclaje), 19

    With fuel economy and lightweight design becoming ever more significant due to the current materials, resources and environmental crisis, the manufacture of polymer composites [...]

  • U. Olaziregi, M. Baskaran, U. Morales, A. Esnaola, J. Aurrekoetxea
    Materiales Compuestos (Online first).

    The conception of structural components using thermoplastic composite materials faces a dilemma when selecting the material/manufacturing process pairing. Continuous fiber-reinforced [...]

  • Materiales Compuestos (2024). Vol. 08 - COMUNICACIONES MATCOMP21 (2022) Y MATCOMP23 (2023), (Núm. 3 - Caracterización - Daño, Fractura y Fatiga), 3

    Recent advances in developing new concepts for railway structures demand new lightweight structure concepts not only to reduce their energy consumption but also to reduce [...]
